(* http://blog.wolfram.com/2011/12/01/the-2011-mathematica-one-liner-competition/ *) (* Stephan Leibbrandt's Mandelbrot one-liner *) (* Escape times for Mandelbrot set *) data = Compile[{}, Block[{i, x, p}, Table[i = 0; x = 0. I; p = r + I c; While[Abs@x <= Sqrt[2] && i < 9^3, x = x^2 + p; ++i]; i, {c, -1, 1, .01}, {r, -2, 1, .01}]]][]; (* Examine behaviour of scaling function tanh *) Manipulate[Plot[Tanh[Power[x/c, (i)^-1]], {x, .1, 9^3}, PlotRange -> {0, 1}], {c, 1, 729}, {i, 1, 10}] (* Note that image interprets a 2d array of numbers as a grayscale data. *) (* Numbers outside of [0,1] are truncated. As a simple example, play with *) Image[Table[i*j/100, {i, 10}, {j, 10}]] (* Produce a range of Mandelbrot images *) Table[{i, c, Image[Tanh[Power[data/9.0^c, (i)^-1]], ImageSize -> Small]}, {i, 2, 10}, {c, 1, 3}]