Zanzetkuken The Great The Ancoran Confederacy tryrar Orangeworld Rolepgeek Istania notquitethere Greenland Kashyyk Na Draoithe Deadsville Deadheads Pikemen (112) Clean Mop Calodorn Trade Outpost Tidy Bucket Ancora Ancoran Garrison 5th Battlemage 6th Battlemage Elmscove Greenland army 210 Priests (167) The Wild Roses Dragoons (203) Dragoons (223) Dragoons (232) Air Mages (211) Grunwald Greenland army 323 Air Mages (261) Firagan Firagen Garrison 7th Battlemage 2nd Battlemage Sweep Broom Verdantia Homeguard Pikemen (177) Pikemen (182) Wizards (192) Windhaven Greenland army 232 Priests (184) Priests (225) Valcoran Valcoran Liberation Front Wizards (140) Greenland army 285 Air Mages (231) Greenland army 311 Dragoons (252) Greenland army 299 Air Mages (243) Greenland army 310 Air Mages (251) Sylvania Sylvania Stalwarts Magicians (176) Halberdiers (96) The Pikers Wizards (213) Aang Air Mages (183) Longreach Second Guard 2nd Spartans 10th Swiss Nuisance Horsemen (107) Marston Garrison 1st Spartan Greenlandistas Halberdiers (131) Halberdiers (126) Horse Archers (133) Healers (103) Lancers (101) Martston Holiday Resort First Guard 1st Swiss 7th Swiss 9th Swiss Forstis Royal Guard Praetorian Cohort Sky Hunters Na Draoithe army 325 Musketmen (263) Portland Portland Garrison 5th Swiss 2nd Swiss HMS Affinity Jerask Istania army 309 Death Canoe Istania army 322 Longboat (260) Lake Garrison Bow Barge Boyd City Citadel Task Force Swordsmen (94) Pikemen (102) Pikemen (108) Spearmen (60) Healers (109) Halberdiers (119) Spearmen (114) Catapult (168) Crossbowmen (193) Crossbowmen (221) Wizards (224) Air Mages (202) Greenland army 324 Warpriests (262) Exilum Riverton Utyug Ferma Istanian National Guard First Axe Reavers Second Berserkers Third Ravagers Fourth Lumberjacks Fifth Question Axers Aeros Knights Night Riders Cloud Striders Orangeworld army 281 Spearmen (227) Yet Another City Tyvenault 1st Mages Earth Mages (180) Wizards (150) Earth Mages (190) Earth Mages (174) Earth Mages (199) Orangeworld army 292 Golems (236) Orangeworld army 259 Earth Mages (208) Orangeworld army 269 Earth Mages (217) Bachein Siege Crews First-Stone Battery Istania army 320 Dragoons (258) Istania army 284 Devout of the Crone Orangecity Citrmonia Istanian Defense Force Devout of The Mother First Circle Mages Second Circle Mages Fourth Circle Mages Third Circle Mages Farrum Sterean Destro Orangeworld army 305 Dragoons (246) Telorin Orangeworld army 316 Dragoons (254) Orangeworld army 293 Dragoons (237) Kerav New Istanian People's Army Swordsmen (239) Swordsmen (248) Istania army 319 Swordsmen (257) Istania army 306 Paladins (247) Istanian Crusader Corps. Istani Templars Oath-Knights Divine Warriors Crusaders Ista Istania army 321 Paladins (259) Expansion! Orangeworld army 304 Golems (245) Orangeworld army 317 Wizards (255) Newopolis Meinas 1st Cavalry Delta Cavalry Gamma Cavalry Alpha Cavalry Epsilon Cavalry Knights (116) Horsemen (91) Horsemen (175)