private String resultToShare = ""; private String lastTrailers = ""; private String lastSongs = ""; private Boolean isImagesFinished = false; private Boolean isTrailersFinished = false; private Boolean isSongsFinished = false; private Boolean hasStarted_Images = false; private Boolean hasStarted_Trailers = false; private Boolean hasStarted_Songs = false; private int corrected_Images = 0; private int corrected_Trailers = 0; private int corrected_Songs = 0; private int totalTimeElapsed_Images = 0; private int totalTimeElapsed_Trailers = 0; private int totalTimeElapsed_Songs = 0; private int seconds_Images = 0; private int seconds_Trailers = 0; private int seconds_Songs = 0; private int totalQuestions_Images = 0; private int totalQuestions_Trailers = 0; private int totalQuestions_Songs = 0; private List questions_Images = new List(); private Question currentQuestion_Images = new Question(); private List questions_Trailers = new List(); private Question currentQuestion_Trailers = new Question(); private List questions_Songs = new List(); private Question currentQuestion_Songs = new Question(); private System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer timer_Images; private System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer timer_Trailers; private System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer timer_Songs; private SoundEffect correctSound, wrongSound; MessagePrompt gameFinished; public PivotPage() { InitializeComponent(); FrameworkDispatcher.Update(); this.LoadSound("correct.wav", out correctSound); this.LoadSound("wrong.wav", out wrongSound); this.initialize_Images(); this.initialize_Trailers(); this.initialize_Songs(); this.startImages(); } void messagePromptImages_Completed(object sender, PopUpEventArgs e) { seconds_Images = 0; if (questions_Images.Count > 0) { questions_Images.RemoveAt(0); if (questions_Images.Count > 0) { this.nextQuestion_Images(); timer_Images.Start(); } else { this.stopImages(); } } else { this.stopImages(); } } void messagePromptSongs_Completed(object sender, PopUpEventArgs e) { if (questions_Songs.Count > 0) { seconds_Songs = 0; questions_Songs.RemoveAt(0); if (questions_Songs.Count > 0) { this.nextQuestion_Songs(); timer_Songs.Start(); } else { this.stopSongs(); } } else { this.stopSongs(); } } void messagePromptTrailers_Completed(object sender, PopUpEventArgs e) { seconds_Trailers = 0; if (questions_Trailers.Count > 0) { questions_Trailers.RemoveAt(0); if (questions_Trailers.Count > 0) { this.nextQuestion_Trailers(); timer_Trailers.Start(); } else { this.stopTrailers(); } } else { this.stopTrailers(); } } void showGameFinished_Completed(object sender, PopUpEventArgs e) { gameFinished.Hide(); this.restart(); } private void btnShare_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ShareStatusTask shareStatusTask = new ShareStatusTask(); shareStatusTask.Status = "Windows Phone Facebook Integration Development Test."; shareStatusTask.Show(); } private void btnRetry_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { gameFinished.Hide(); this.restart(); } private void showGameFinished() { int totalScore = (corrected_Images + corrected_Songs + corrected_Trailers); int totalQuestions = totalQuestions_Images + totalQuestions_Songs + totalQuestions_Trailers; int totalSecondsElapsed = (totalTimeElapsed_Images + totalTimeElapsed_Trailers + totalTimeElapsed_Songs); gameFinished = new MessagePrompt(); gameFinished.Title = "Game Finished"; gameFinished.Message = "Game Finished with a total score of: " + totalScore + "/" + totalQuestions + " and a total of " + totalSecondsElapsed + " seconds of elapsed time.\n\nClick Share Results if you want to share your results to your friends and click the Retry if you want to play again."; resultToShare = "I finished the playing BundledFun with a total score of: " + totalScore + "/" + totalQuestions + " and a total of " + totalSecondsElapsed + " seconds of elapsed time."; Button btnShare = new Button() { Content = "Share Results" }; btnShare.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(btnShare_Click); Button btnRetry = new Button() { Content = "Retry" }; btnRetry.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(btnRetry_Click); gameFinished.ActionPopUpButtons.Add(btnShare); gameFinished.ActionPopUpButtons.Add(btnRetry); gameFinished.Show(); } private void restart() { lastTrailers = ""; lastSongs = ""; isImagesFinished = false; isTrailersFinished = false; isSongsFinished = false; hasStarted_Images = false; hasStarted_Trailers = false; hasStarted_Songs = false; corrected_Images = 0; corrected_Trailers = 0; corrected_Songs = 0; totalTimeElapsed_Images = 0; totalTimeElapsed_Trailers = 0; totalTimeElapsed_Songs = 0; seconds_Images = 0; seconds_Trailers = 0; seconds_Songs = 0; totalQuestions_Images = 0; totalQuestions_Trailers = 0; totalQuestions_Songs = 0; txtCorrectImages.Text = ""; txtCorrectSongs.Text = ""; txtCorrectTrailers.Text = ""; txtQuestionImages.Text = ""; txtQuestionSongs.Text = ""; txtQuestionTrailers.Text = ""; txtTimerImages.Text = ""; txtTimerSongs.Text = ""; txtTimerTrailers.Text = ""; btnAImages.IsEnabled = true; btnBImages.IsEnabled = true; btnCImages.IsEnabled = true; btnATrailers.IsEnabled = true; btnBTrailers.IsEnabled = true; btnCTrailers.IsEnabled = true; btnASongs.IsEnabled = true; btnBSongs.IsEnabled = true; btnCSongs.IsEnabled = true; media.Stop(); timer_Images.Stop(); timer_Trailers.Stop(); timer_Songs.Stop(); questions_Images = new List(); currentQuestion_Images = new Question(); questions_Trailers = new List(); currentQuestion_Trailers = new Question(); questions_Songs = new List(); currentQuestion_Songs = new Question(); this.initialize_Images(); this.initialize_Trailers(); this.initialize_Songs(); pivot.SelectedIndex = 0; this.startImages(); } private List ShuffleList(List inputList) { List randomList = new List(); Random r = new Random(); int randomIndex = 0; while (inputList.Count > 0) { randomIndex = r.Next(0, inputList.Count); //Choose a random object in the list randomList.Add(inputList[randomIndex]); //add it to the new, random list inputList.RemoveAt(randomIndex); //remove to avoid duplicates } return randomList; //return the new random list } private void media_MediaEnded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { media.Position = TimeSpan.Zero; media.Play(); } private void LoadSound(String SoundFilePath, out SoundEffect Sound) { Sound = null; try { StreamResourceInfo SoundFileInfo = App.GetResourceStream(new Uri(SoundFilePath, UriKind.Relative)); Sound = SoundEffect.FromStream(SoundFileInfo.Stream); } catch (NullReferenceException) { MessageBox.Show("Couldn't load sound " + SoundFilePath); } } private Boolean isEverythingFinished() { if (isImagesFinished && isTrailersFinished && isSongsFinished) { return true; } else { return false; } } private void pivot_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (pivot.SelectedIndex == 0) // Images { if (!hasStarted_Images) { this.startImages(); } else if(!isImagesFinished) { this.resumeImages(); this.pauseTrailers(); this.pauseSongs(); } } else if (pivot.SelectedIndex == 1)// Trailers { if (!hasStarted_Trailers) { this.startTrailers(); } else if (!isTrailersFinished) { this.pauseImages(); this.resumeTrailers(); this.pauseSongs(); } } else if (pivot.SelectedIndex == 2)// Songs { if (!hasStarted_Songs) { this.startSongs(); } else if (!isSongsFinished) { this.pauseImages(); this.pauseTrailers(); this.resumeSongs(); } } } private void pauseImages() { timer_Images.Stop(); } private void resumeImages() { timer_Images.Start(); } private void btnAImages_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.compareImages(btnAImages.Content.ToString()); } private void btnBImages_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.compareImages(btnBImages.Content.ToString()); } private void btnCImages_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.compareImages(btnCImages.Content.ToString()); } private void nextQuestion_Images() { questions_Images = ShuffleList(questions_Images); currentQuestion_Images = questions_Images.ElementAt(0); txtQuestionImages.Text = currentQuestion_Images.text; txtTimerImages.Text = "Time Left: " + currentQuestion_Images.timer; Images.Source = currentQuestion_Images.image; btnAImages.Content = currentQuestion_Images.a; btnBImages.Content = currentQuestion_Images.b; btnCImages.Content = currentQuestion_Images.c; } private void compareImages(String answer) { timer_Images.Stop(); if (answer.Equals(currentQuestion_Images.answer)) { this.correctSound.Play(); corrected_Images++; totalTimeElapsed_Images += (30 - Convert.ToInt16(txtTimerImages.Text.Substring(10))); txtCorrectImages.Text = "Correct: " + corrected_Images + "/" + totalQuestions_Images; var messagePrompt = new MessagePrompt(); messagePrompt.Title = "Correct Answer"; messagePrompt.OnCompleted(new PopUpEventArgs { Result = messagePrompt.Value, PopUpResult = PopUpResult.Ok }); messagePrompt.Completed += messagePromptImages_Completed; messagePrompt.Show(); } else { this.wrongSound.Play(); var messagePrompt = new MessagePrompt(); messagePrompt.Title = "Wrong Answer"; messagePrompt.Message = "The correct answer is: " + currentQuestion_Images.answer; messagePrompt.OnCompleted(new PopUpEventArgs { Result = messagePrompt.Value, PopUpResult = PopUpResult.Ok }); messagePrompt.Completed += messagePromptImages_Completed; messagePrompt.Show(); } } void timer_Tick_Images(object sender, EventArgs e) { seconds_Images++; int timeLeft = currentQuestion_Images.timer - seconds_Images; if (timeLeft > 0) { txtTimerImages.Text = "Time Left: " + timeLeft; } else { seconds_Images = 0; if(questions_Images.Count > 0) { questions_Images.RemoveAt(0); if (questions_Images.Count > 0) { this.nextQuestion_Images(); } else { this.stopImages(); } } else{ this.stopImages(); } } } private void stopImages() { seconds_Images = 0; timer_Images.Stop(); isImagesFinished = true; btnAImages.IsEnabled = false; btnBImages.IsEnabled = false; btnCImages.IsEnabled = false; pivot.SelectedIndex = 1; if (this.isEverythingFinished()) { this.showGameFinished(); } } private void startImages() { txtTimerImages.Text = "Time Left: " + currentQuestion_Images.timer; timer_Images.Start(); this.nextQuestion_Images(); hasStarted_Images = true; } private void initialize_Images() { Question question = null; question = null; question = new Question(); question.image = new BitmapImage(new Uri("Images/adobe.png", UriKind.Relative)); question.text = "Is an American multinational computer software company founded in 1982 and headquartered in San Jose, California, United States."; question.a = "Gimp"; question.b = "Adobe Systems"; question.c = "Microsoft"; question.answer = "Adobe Systems"; question.timer = 30; questions_Images.Add(question); // you can add more - template below //question = null; //question = new Question(); //question.image = new BitmapImage(new Uri("Images/xxx.png", UriKind.Relative)); //question.text = "xxx"; //question.a = "xxx"; //question.b = "xxx"; //question.c = "xxx"; //question.answer = "xxx"; //question.timer = 30; //questions_Images.Add(question); totalQuestions_Images = questions_Images.Count; txtCorrectImages.Text = "Correct: " + corrected_Images + "/" + totalQuestions_Images; timer_Images = new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer(); timer_Images.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 1000); // 500 Milliseconds timer_Images.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick_Images); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void pauseTrailers() { timer_Trailers.Stop(); media.Pause(); lastTrailers = currentQuestion_Trailers.trailer; } private void resumeTrailers() { timer_Trailers.Start(); media.Source = new Uri("Trailers/" + lastTrailers, UriKind.Relative); media.Play(); } private void btnATrailers_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.compareTrailers(btnATrailers.Content.ToString()); } private void btnBTrailers_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.compareTrailers(btnBTrailers.Content.ToString()); } private void btnCTrailers_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.compareTrailers(btnCTrailers.Content.ToString()); } private void nextQuestion_Trailers() { questions_Trailers = ShuffleList(questions_Trailers); currentQuestion_Trailers = questions_Trailers.ElementAt(0); txtQuestionTrailers.Text = currentQuestion_Trailers.text; txtTimerTrailers.Text = "Time Left: " + currentQuestion_Trailers.timer; media.Source = new Uri("Trailers/" + currentQuestion_Trailers.trailer, UriKind.Relative); media.Play(); btnATrailers.Content = currentQuestion_Trailers.a; btnBTrailers.Content = currentQuestion_Trailers.b; btnCTrailers.Content = currentQuestion_Trailers.c; } private void compareTrailers(String answer) { timer_Trailers.Stop(); if (answer.Equals(currentQuestion_Trailers.answer)) { this.correctSound.Play(); corrected_Trailers++; totalTimeElapsed_Trailers += (60 - Convert.ToInt16(txtTimerTrailers.Text.Substring(10))); txtCorrectTrailers.Text = "Correct: " + corrected_Trailers + "/" + totalQuestions_Trailers; var messagePrompt = new MessagePrompt(); messagePrompt.Title = "Correct Answer"; messagePrompt.OnCompleted(new PopUpEventArgs { Result = messagePrompt.Value, PopUpResult = PopUpResult.Ok }); messagePrompt.Completed += messagePromptTrailers_Completed; messagePrompt.Show(); } else { this.wrongSound.Play(); var messagePrompt = new MessagePrompt(); messagePrompt.Title = "Wrong Answer"; messagePrompt.Message = "The correct answer is: " + currentQuestion_Trailers.answer; messagePrompt.OnCompleted(new PopUpEventArgs { Result = messagePrompt.Value, PopUpResult = PopUpResult.Ok }); messagePrompt.Completed += messagePromptTrailers_Completed; messagePrompt.Show(); } } void timer_Tick_Trailers(object sender, EventArgs e) { seconds_Trailers++; int timeLeft = currentQuestion_Trailers.timer - seconds_Trailers; if (timeLeft > 0) { txtTimerTrailers.Text = "Time Left: " + timeLeft; } else { seconds_Trailers = 0; if(questions_Trailers.Count > 0) { questions_Trailers.RemoveAt(0); if(questions_Trailers.Count > 0) { this.nextQuestion_Trailers(); } else { this.stopTrailers(); } } else { this.stopTrailers(); } } } private void stopTrailers() { seconds_Trailers = 0; timer_Trailers.Stop(); media.Stop(); isTrailersFinished = true; pivot.SelectedIndex = 2; btnATrailers.IsEnabled = false; btnBTrailers.IsEnabled = false; btnCTrailers.IsEnabled = false; if (this.isEverythingFinished()) { this.showGameFinished(); } } private void startTrailers() { txtTimerTrailers.Text = "Time Left: " + currentQuestion_Trailers.timer; timer_Trailers.Start(); this.nextQuestion_Trailers(); hasStarted_Trailers = true; } private void initialize_Trailers() { Question question = null; question = new Question(); question.trailer = "3idiots.wmv"; question.text = "Is a 2009 Indian comedy film directed by Rajkumar Hirani"; question.a = "4 Idiots"; question.b = "3 Idiots"; question.c = "2 Idiots"; question.answer = "3 Idiots"; question.timer = 60; questions_Trailers.Add(question); // you can add more - template below //question = null; //question = new Question(); //question.trailer = "xxx"; //question.text = "xxx"; //question.a = "xxx"; //question.b = "xxx"; //question.c = "xxx"; //question.answer = "xxx"; //question.timer = 30; //questions_Trailers.Add(question); totalQuestions_Trailers = questions_Trailers.Count; txtCorrectTrailers.Text = "Correct: " + corrected_Trailers + "/" + totalQuestions_Trailers; timer_Trailers = new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer(); timer_Trailers.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 1000); // 500 Milliseconds timer_Trailers.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick_Trailers); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void pauseSongs() { lastSongs =; timer_Songs.Stop(); media.Pause(); } private void resumeSongs() { timer_Songs.Start(); media.Source = new Uri("Songs3/" + lastSongs, UriKind.Relative); media.Play(); } private void btnASongs_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.compareSongs(btnASongs.Content.ToString()); } private void btnBSongs_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.compareSongs(btnBSongs.Content.ToString()); } private void btnCSongs_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.compareSongs(btnCSongs.Content.ToString()); } private void nextQuestion_Songs() { questions_Songs = ShuffleList(questions_Songs); currentQuestion_Songs = questions_Songs.ElementAt(0); txtQuestionSongs.Text = currentQuestion_Songs.text; txtTimerSongs.Text = "Time Left: " + currentQuestion_Songs.timer; media.Source = new Uri("Songs3/" +, UriKind.Relative); media.Play(); btnASongs.Content = currentQuestion_Songs.a; btnBSongs.Content = currentQuestion_Songs.b; btnCSongs.Content = currentQuestion_Songs.c; } private void compareSongs(String answer) { timer_Songs.Stop(); if (answer.Equals(currentQuestion_Songs.answer)) { this.correctSound.Play(); corrected_Songs++; totalTimeElapsed_Songs += (60 - Convert.ToInt16(txtTimerTrailers.Text.Substring(10))); txtCorrectSongs.Text = "Correct: " + corrected_Songs + "/" + totalQuestions_Songs; var messagePrompt = new MessagePrompt(); messagePrompt.Title = "Correct Answer"; messagePrompt.OnCompleted(new PopUpEventArgs { Result = messagePrompt.Value, PopUpResult = PopUpResult.Ok }); messagePrompt.Completed += messagePromptSongs_Completed; messagePrompt.Show(); } else { this.wrongSound.Play(); var messagePrompt = new MessagePrompt(); messagePrompt.Title = "Wrong Answer"; messagePrompt.Message = "The correct answer is: " + currentQuestion_Songs.answer; messagePrompt.OnCompleted(new PopUpEventArgs { Result = messagePrompt.Value, PopUpResult = PopUpResult.Ok }); messagePrompt.Completed += messagePromptSongs_Completed; messagePrompt.Show(); } } void timer_Tick_Songs(object sender, EventArgs e) { seconds_Songs++; int timeLeft = currentQuestion_Songs.timer - seconds_Songs; if (timeLeft > 0) { txtTimerSongs.Text = "Time Left: " + timeLeft; } else { if (questions_Songs.Count > 0) { seconds_Songs = 0; questions_Songs.RemoveAt(0); if (questions_Songs.Count > 0) { this.nextQuestion_Songs(); } else { this.stopSongs(); } } else { this.stopSongs(); } } } private void stopSongs() { seconds_Songs = 0; timer_Songs.Stop(); media.Stop(); isSongsFinished = true; pivot.SelectedIndex = 0; btnASongs.IsEnabled = false; btnBSongs.IsEnabled = false; btnCSongs.IsEnabled = false; if (this.isEverythingFinished()) { this.showGameFinished(); } } private void startSongs() { txtTimerSongs.Text = "Time Left: " + currentQuestion_Songs.timer; timer_Songs.Start(); this.nextQuestion_Songs(); hasStarted_Songs = true; } private void initialize_Songs() { Question question = null; question = new Question(); = "always.mp3"; question.text = "Is a power ballad by Bon Jovi. It was released as a single from their 1994 album, Cross Road and went on to become their best selling single, with 3 million copies sold in the U.S. and more than 10 million worldwide."; question.a = "Always"; question.b = "Never Say Goodbye"; question.c = "Edge of a Broken Heart"; question.answer = "Always"; question.timer = 60; questions_Songs.Add(question); // you can add more - template below //question = null; //question = new Question(); // = "xxx"; //question.text = "xxx"; //question.a = "xxx"; //question.b = "xxx"; //question.c = "xxx"; //question.answer = "xxx"; //question.timer = 60; //questions_Songs.Add(question); totalQuestions_Songs = questions_Songs.Count; txtCorrectSongs.Text = "Correct: " + corrected_Songs + "/" + totalQuestions_Songs; timer_Songs = new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer(); timer_Songs.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 1000); // 500 Milliseconds timer_Songs.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick_Songs); } private void btnRestart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.restart(); }