Finally (or should I say already!) Here some info on the AWESOME Tera Online Farming/Leveling Bot! Zuras Tera Bot open Beta! This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 897x528. For More information and to register for your FREE Tera OPEN BETA Please visit: Additional Info: Beta Starts 5/20/2012 (eu time zone) Register using the link below to access your private key (needed to run the bot) Bot Combat is excellent! (Does better DPS then I do!) 100% Backed by (This bot is NO joke!) Tested by myself JayTheDev FROM THE MAKERS OF MMOLAZY! OPEN BETA STARTS SATURDAY MAY 20th!! GET YOUR BETA KEY IN YOUR "my details" section!!! Register your free Beta account! You Tube More and more Info!: ->Open beta will include the following features... - Use mesh navigation style. - Work 100% in the background and support multi botting. - Don't need any action bar setup. - Grind and gather herb, mine, energy. - Resting and use bandage. - Resurrect and return to grind spot. - Combat work with all classes, just add skill that you want to be used. - 0 configurations custom classes in developpement. - Custom classes / plugins system using any .NET language. - Custom classes using .cs file compiled at runtime. - Can grind using multiple location (1 -> 4 then 4 -> 8, etc automatically). - Radar that show paths and gatherable objects (suggestions welcome to improve radar). Dont miss your chance to test out the beta!!! Thank you so much for your time and enjoy the free beta! TO DOWNLOAD THE OPEN BETA CLICK HERE [RELEASE] OPEN BETA TERA Bot - Fully Customizable Leveling/Farming Bot! - AceticSoft Forums -jay if link is broken use this one..Mirror 1