John Kilcline found this on "Kickstarter" WHY could you not tell us on here too? QUOTE Creator Haptix Touch about 17 hours ago @Everyone Thanks for checking in! We're really sorry about the late response, it has been all hands on deck as we're in the final stages of fixing the driver, some of us coding, working with the supplier to develop custom firmware for the chip to stress test, etc. We've been literally working through the nights to push out the fixed camera driver, and we do think we're extremely close (just a few more loose ends to tie up in the next 1-2 days). While it's certainly no excuse, we also wanted to give an explanation on the pushing back of delivery dates and delays. To be honest, we definitely underestimated the amount of work involved in creating a hardware driver from scratch. We thought that it would be as simple as getting a piece of code to do what it is meant to do, but it turns out that's almost the easy part. Debugging it to run reliably and stably over time has been our biggest obstacle, and while we often expected that we could solve an issue or two within a day (hence the "next few days" comments), changing one thing often changes the resource handling for the rest of the code as well. For instance, what we're currently solving is a BSOD/kernel panic issue that crops up when the device is unplugged or the computer goes to sleep, which wasn't present until we solved the firmware unlocking problem. (But we sincerely think that this is the last problem to solve.) All in all, this has been a great learning experience for us, and we'll definitely do better the next time we have to create a driver from scratch (hopefully never again ). ENDQUOTE Like · 3 · 4 hours ago