-- Default.lua -- Written by Snail Configuration.Themes.Default = { ActionBars = { Player = { Anchor = "BOTTOM", Buttons = 12, Height = 24, Width = 48, X = 0, Y = 5, TextureCoordinate = { Bottom = 0.7, Left = 0.1, Right = 0.9, Top = 0.3 } }, Player2 = { Anchor = "BOTTOM", Buttons = 12, Height = 24, Width = 48, X = 0, Y = 34, TextureCoordinate = { Bottom = 0.7, Left = 0.1, Right = 0.9, Top = 0.3 } }, Player3 = { Anchor = "BOTTOM", Buttons = 12, Height = 24, Width = 48, X = 0, Y = 29, TextureCoordinate = { Bottom = 0.7, Left = 0.1, Right = 0.9, Top = 0.3 } }, }, Bag = { Anchor = "BOTTOMRIGHT", Columns = 8, Height = 24, Width = 48, X = -3, Y = 107, TextureCoordinate = { Bottom = 0.7, Left = 0.1, Right = 0.9, Top = 0.3 } }, Buffs = { Anchor = "TOPRIGHT", Height = 32, Width = 32, X = -3, Y = -155, TextureCoordinate = { Bottom = 0.9, Left = 0.1, Right = 0.9, Top = 0.1 } }, Chat = { Anchor = "BOTTOMLEFT", Height = 100, Width = 300, X = 10, Y = 10 }, ExperienceBar = { Anchor = "TOP", Height = 8, Width = 204, X = 0, Y = -28 }, ExtraButton = { Anchor = "TOP", Height = 24, HoverToShow = false, Width = 204, X = 0, Y = -6 }, Initialize = function(Self) Configuration.Themes.Default["DEATHKNIGHT"] = DefaultWithClassBar Configuration.Themes.Default["DEATHKNIGHT"]["UNHOLY"] = DefaultWithClassBarWithPet Configuration.Themes.Default["DRUID"] = Configuration.Themes.Default Configuration.Themes.Default["DRUID"]["BALANCE"] = DefaultWithClassBar Configuration.Themes.Default["DRUID"]["FERAL"] = DefaultWithClassBar Configuration.Themes.Default["DRUID"]["RESTORATION"] = DefaultHealer Configuration.Themes.Default["HUNTER"] = DefaultWithPet Configuration.Themes.Default["MAGE"] = Configuration.Themes.Default Configuration.Themes.Default["MAGE"]["FROST"] = DefaultWithPet Configuration.Themes.Default["MONK"] = DefaultWithClassBar Configuration.Themes.Default["MONK"]["MISTWEAVER"] = DefaultHealerWithClassBar Configuration.Themes.Default["PALADIN"] = DefaultWithClassBar Configuration.Themes.Default["PALADIN"]["HOLY"] = DefaultHealerWithClassBar Configuration.Themes.Default["PRIEST"] = DefaultHealer Configuration.Themes.Default["PRIEST"]["SHADOW"] = DefaultWithClassBar Configuration.Themes.Default["ROGUE"] = DefaultWithClassBar Configuration.Themes.Default["SHAMAN"] = Configuration.Themes.Default Configuration.Themes.Default["SHAMAN"]["RESTORATION"] = DefaultHealer Configuration.Themes.Default["WARLOCK"] = DefaultWithClassBarWithPet Configuration.Themes.Default["WARRIOR"] = DefaultWithClassBar local Class = select(2, UnitClass("Player")) local Specialization = GetSpecialization() if Specialization then Specialization = select(2, GetSpecializationInfo(Specialization)) Specialization = Specialization:gsub("(.)", string.upper) end local Timers = {} if GetConfiguration().Timers[Class] then if GetConfiguration().Timers[Class][Specialization] then for I = 1, #GetConfiguration().Timers[Class][Specialization] do Timers[#Timers + 1] = GetConfiguration().Timers[Class][Specialization][I] end end for I = 1, #GetConfiguration().Timers[Class] do Timers[#Timers + 1] = GetConfiguration().Timers[Class][I] end end local Go if (Class == "DEATHKNIGHT") and (Specialization == "UNHOLY") then Go = true elseif Class == "WARLOCK" then local _, _, _, _, Selected = GetTalentInfo(15) if Selected == true then Configuration.Themes.Default["WARLOCK"] = DefaultWithClassBar else Go = true end elseif (Class == "WARRIOR") or ((Class == "DRUID") and (Specialization == "GUARDIAN")) then DefaultWithClassBar.Player.PowerBar.Border = true DefaultWithClassBar.Player.PowerBar.Height = 24 DefaultWithClassBar.Player.PowerBar.Width = 256 DefaultWithClassBar.Player.PowerBar.Y = 25 end if Go and (#Timers > 0) then for I = 1, #Timers do Timers[I].Y = Timers[I].Y + 28 end end end, Meter = { Anchor = "BOTTOMRIGHT", Height = 100, Width = 300, X = -5, Y = 5, [0] = { Anchor = "TOP", Height = 24, Width = 300, X = 0, Y = 0 }, [1] = { Anchor = "TOP", Height = 22, Width = 300, X = 0, Y = -21 }, [2] = { Anchor = "CENTER", Height = 22, Width = 300, X = 0, Y = -1 }, [3] = { Anchor = "BOTTOM", Height = 22, Width = 300, X = 0, Y = 19 }, [4] = { Anchor = "BOTTOM", Height = 22, Width = 300, X = 0, Y = 0 } }, Minimap = { Anchor = "TOPRIGHT", Height = 150, Width = 150, X = -5, Y = -5, Calender = { Anchor ="TOPRIGHT", X = 0, Y = 0 }, Clock = { Anchor ="BOTTOM", X = 2, Y = 3 }, Mail = { Anchor ="BOTTOMRIGHT", X = -2, Y = 1 }, Tracking = { Anchor ="TOPLEFT", X = -1, Y = 0 }, QueueStatus = { Anchor ="BOTTOMLEFT", X = 0, Y = 0 }, }, Player = { Anchor = "BOTTOM", Height = 24, Width = 256, X = -182, Y = 120, CastingBar = { Anchor = "TOPLEFT", Height = 24, Orientation = "HORIZONTAL", Width = 204, X = 55, Y = 25, Spell = { Duration = { Anchor = "RIGHT", X = -4, Y = 0 }, Name = { Anchor = "LEFT", X = 6, Y = 0 }, Texture = { Anchor = "LEFT", Height = 24, Width = 48, X = -52, Y = 0, TextureCoordinate = { Bottom = 0.7, Left = 0.1, Right = 0.9, Top = 0.3 } } } }, HealthBar = { Anchor = "TOP", Height = 15, Orientation = "HORIZONTAL", Width = 252, X = 0, Y = -3, Health = { Anchor ="CENTER", X = 1, Y = 0 } }, PowerBar = { Anchor = "BOTTOM", Height = 4, Orientation = "HORIZONTAL", Width = 252, X = 0, Y = 3 } }, Raid = { Anchor = "TOPLEFT", ColumnAnchor = "LEFT", Columns = 8, ColumnSpacing = 4, ColumnX = 4, ColumnY = -4, GroupBY = "GROUP", GroupOrder = "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8", HealthThreshold = 100, Height = 30, Rows = 5, ShowParty = true, ShowPlayer = true, ShowRaid = true, ShowSolo = true, Width = 100, X = 3, Y = -3, HealthBar = { Anchor = "CENTER", Height = 28, Orientation = "HORIZONTAL", Width = 100, X = 0, Y = 0, Health = { Anchor ="CENTER", SmallText = true, X = 1, Y = 0 } } }, Target = { Anchor = "BOTTOM", Height = 24, Width = 256, X = 182, Y = 120, CastingBar = { Anchor = "TOPLEFT", Height = 24, Orientation = "HORIZONTAL", Width = 204, X = 55, Y = -125, Spell = { Duration = { Anchor = "RIGHT", X = -4, Y = 0 }, Name = { Anchor = "LEFT", X = 6, Y = 0 }, Texture = { Anchor = "LEFT", Height = 24, Width = 48, X = -52, Y = 0, TextureCoordinate = { Bottom = 0.7, Left = 0.1, Right = 0.9, Top = 0.3 } } } }, HealthBar = { Anchor = "TOP", Height = 15, Orientation = "HORIZONTAL", Width = 252, X = 0, Y = -3, Health = { Anchor ="CENTER", X = 1, Y = 0 } }, PowerBar = { Anchor = "BOTTOM", Height = 4, Orientation = "HORIZONTAL", Width = 252, X = 0, Y = 3 } } }