# A quick and dirty Makefile to download/build and install # # Usage: # make # sudo make install # lib name, version LIBNAME=libnfs VERSION=1.5.0 SOURCE=$(LIBNAME)-$(VERSION) # download location and format BASE_URL=http://ftp.uni-muenster.de/pub/mirrors/ftp.df.lth.se/xbmc/build-deps/sources/ ARCHIVE=$(SOURCE).tar.gz TARBALLS_LOCATION=. RETRIEVE_TOOL=/usr/bin/curl RETRIEVE_TOOL_FLAGS=-Ls --create-dirs --output $(TARBALLS_LOCATION)/$(ARCHIVE) ARCHIVE_TOOL=tar ARCHIVE_TOOL_FLAGS=xf PREFIX ?= /usr LIBNFS_CONFIGOPTS ?= --prefix=$(PREFIX) # configuration settings CONFIGURE=./configure CFLAGS=-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 $(LIBNFS_CONFIGOPTS) SO_NAME=$(SOURCE)/lib/libnfs.so CLEAN_FILES=$(ARCHIVE) $(SOURCE) all: $(SO_NAME) $(TARBALLS_LOCATION)/$(ARCHIVE): $(RETRIEVE_TOOL) $(RETRIEVE_TOOL_FLAGS) $(BASE_URL)/$(ARCHIVE) $(SOURCE): $(TARBALLS_LOCATION)/$(ARCHIVE) rm -rf $(SOURCE) $(ARCHIVE_TOOL) $(ARCHIVE_TOOL_FLAGS) $(TARBALLS_LOCATION)/$(ARCHIVE) echo $(SOURCE) > .gitignore cd $(SOURCE);./bootstrap;$(CONFIGURE) $(SO_NAME): $(SOURCE) make -C $(SOURCE) install: make -C $(SOURCE) install clean: make -C $(SOURCE) clean rm -f .installed rm -f -r include rm -f -r lib rm -f *.tar.gz rm -r -f nfsc distclean:: rm -rf $(SOURCE) .installed