$email)); } /** * @link http://apidocs.mailchimp.com/sts/1.0/deleteverifiedemailaddress.func.php * * @param string $email * @return array|WP_Error */ static function DeleteVerifiedEmailAddress($email) { return self::request('DeleteVerifiedEmailAddress', array('email' => $email)); } /** * @link http://apidocs.mailchimp.com/sts/1.0/listverifiedemailaddresses.func.php * * @return array|WP_Error */ static function ListVerifiedEmailAddresses() { return self::request('ListVerifiedEmailAddresses'); } /** * @link http://apidocs.mailchimp.com/sts/1.0/getsendquota.func.php * * @return array|WP_Error */ static function GetSendQuota() { return self::request('GetSendQuota'); } /** * @link http://apidocs.mailchimp.com/sts/1.0/getsendstatistics.func.php * * @return array|WP_Error */ static function GetSendStatistics() { return self::request('GetSendStatistics'); } /** * @link http://apidocs.mailchimp.com/sts/1.0/ * * @param string $method API method name * @param array $args query arguments * @param string $http GET or POST request type * @param string $output API response format (json,php,xml,yaml). json and xml are decoded into arrays automatically. * @return array|string|WP_Error */ static function request($method, $args = array(), $http = 'GET', $output = 'json') { if( !isset($args['apikey']) ) $args['apikey'] = MailChimp_STS::get_api_key(); $datacenter = MailChimp_STS::get_datacenter($args['apikey']); $api_version = MAILCHIMP_STS_API_VERSION; $dot_output = ('json' == $output) ? '' : ".{$output}"; $url = "http://{$datacenter}.sts.mailchimp.com/{$api_version}/{$method}{$dot_output}"; switch ($http) { case 'GET': $url .= '?' . http_build_query($args); $response = wp_remote_get($url); break; case 'POST': $response = wp_remote_post($url, array('body' => $args)); break; default: return new WP_Error('', __('Unknown request type', 'mailchimp-sts')); break; } $response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response); $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response); switch ($output) { case 'json': $body = json_decode($body, true); break; case 'php': $body = unserialize($body); break; } if( 200 == $response_code ) { return $body; } else { $message = isset( $body['message'] ) ? $body['message'] : '' ; return new WP_Error($response_code, $message, $body ); } } /** * @return mixed */ static function get_option( $name, $default = false ) { $options = get_option('mailchimp-sts'); if( isset( $options[$name] ) ) return $options[$name]; return $default; } /** * @return boolean */ static function set_option( $name, $value ) { $options = get_option('mailchimp-sts'); $options[$name] = $value; return update_option('mailchimp-sts', $options); } /** * @return string|boolean */ static function get_api_key() { return self::get_option('api_key'); } /** * @param string $key * @return string|boolean */ static function get_datacenter($key = false) { if( !$key ) $key = self::get_api_key(); if( $key ) { $pos = strpos($key, '-'); if( false === $pos ) return false; return substr( $key, $pos+1 ); } return false; } static function get_from_email_with_sender_name() { return self::get_sender_name() . ' <' . self::get_option('from_email') . '>'; } /** * @return string|boolean */ static function get_from_email() { return self::get_option('from_email') ; } /** * @return string|boolean */ static function get_sender_name() { return self::get_option('sender_name'); } /** * @param string $subject * @return array */ static function get_tags($subject) { $tags = array(); $trace = debug_backtrace(); $level = 4; $function = $trace[$level]['function']; if( 'include' == $function || 'require' == $function ) { $file = basename($trace[$level]['args'][0]); $tags[] = "wp-{$file}"; } else { if( isset( $trace[$level]['class'] ) ) $function = $trace[$level]['class'].$trace[$level]['type'].$function; $tags[] = "wp-{$function}"; } return apply_filters('mailchimp_sts_tags', $tags); } /** * @return boolean */ static function is_plugin_page() { return ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $_GET['page'] == 'mailchimp-sts' ); } /** * Sets up options page and sections. */ static function admin_init() { add_filter('plugin_action_links',array(__CLASS__,'plugin_action_links'), 10,5); add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array(__CLASS__,'admin_enqueue_scripts')); register_setting('mailchimp-sts', 'mailchimp-sts', array(__CLASS__,'form_validate')); // API Settings add_settings_section('mailchimp-sts-api', __('API Settings', 'mailchimp-sts'), '__return_false', 'mailchimp-sts'); add_settings_field('api-version', __('API version', 'mailchimp-sts'), array(__CLASS__, 'api_version'), 'mailchimp-sts', 'mailchimp-sts-api'); if( self::get_datacenter() ) add_settings_field('api-datacenter', __('API data center', 'mailchimp-sts'), array(__CLASS__, 'api_datacenter'), 'mailchimp-sts', 'mailchimp-sts-api'); add_settings_field('api-key', __('API key', 'mailchimp-sts'), array(__CLASS__, 'api_key'), 'mailchimp-sts', 'mailchimp-sts-api'); if( self::get_api_key() ) { // Tracking Settings add_settings_section('mailchimp-sts-tracking', __('Tracking Settings', 'mailchimp-sts'), '__return_false', 'mailchimp-sts'); add_settings_field('track-opens', __('Email opens', 'mailchimp-sts'), array(__CLASS__, 'track_opens'), 'mailchimp-sts', 'mailchimp-sts-tracking'); add_settings_field('track-clicks', __('Email clicks', 'mailchimp-sts'), array(__CLASS__, 'track_clicks'), 'mailchimp-sts', 'mailchimp-sts-tracking'); // Verified Addresses add_settings_section('mailchimp-sts-addresses', __('Verified Addresses', 'mailchimp-sts'), '__return_false', 'mailchimp-sts'); add_settings_field('from-email', __('Email addresses', 'mailchimp-sts'), array(__CLASS__, 'from_email'), 'mailchimp-sts', 'mailchimp-sts-addresses'); add_settings_field('verify-email', __('Add address', 'mailchimp-sts'), array(__CLASS__, 'verify_email'), 'mailchimp-sts', 'mailchimp-sts-addresses'); add_settings_field('sender-name', __('Sender name', 'mailchimp-sts'), array(__CLASS__, 'sender_name'), 'mailchimp-sts', 'mailchimp-sts-addresses'); // Email Test register_setting('mailchimp-sts-test', 'mailchimp-sts-test', array(__CLASS__, 'test_email')); add_settings_section('mailchimp-email-test', __('Email Test', 'mailchimp-sts'), '__return_false', 'mailchimp-sts-test'); add_settings_field('email-to', __('Send to', 'mailchimp-sts'), array(__CLASS__, 'email_to'), 'mailchimp-sts-test', 'mailchimp-email-test'); add_settings_field('email-subject', __('Subject', 'mailchimp-sts'), array(__CLASS__, 'email_subject'), 'mailchimp-sts-test', 'mailchimp-email-test'); add_settings_field('email-message', __('Message', 'mailchimp-sts'), array(__CLASS__, 'email_message'), 'mailchimp-sts-test', 'mailchimp-email-test'); } } /** * Creates option page's entry in Settings section of menu. */ static function admin_menu() { self::$settings = add_options_page( __('MailChimp STS Settings', 'mailchimp-sts'), __('MailChimp STS', 'mailchimp-sts'), 'manage_options', 'mailchimp-sts', array(__CLASS__,'options_page')); self::$report = add_dashboard_page( __('MailChimp STS Reports', 'mailchimp-sts'),__('STS Report', 'mailchimp-sts'),'manage_options','mailchimp-sts-report', array(__CLASS__,'report_page')); add_action('admin_footer-'.self::$report, array(__CLASS__,'report_script')); } static function admin_enqueue_scripts($hook_suffix) { if( $hook_suffix != self::$report ) return; $suffix = defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '-min'; wp_register_script('mailchimp-raphael', plugins_url("js/raphael{$suffix}.js", __FILE__), array(), null, true); wp_register_script('mailchimp-graphael', plugins_url("js/g.raphael{$suffix}.js", __FILE__), array('mailchimp-raphael'), null, true); wp_register_script('mailchimp-graphael-line', plugins_url("js/g.line{$suffix}.js", __FILE__), array('mailchimp-graphael'), null, true); wp_enqueue_script('mailchimp-graphael-line'); } /** * Generates source of contextual help panel. */ static function contextual_help($contextual_help, $screen_id, $screen) { if ($screen_id == self::$settings) { return '

' . __('To use the plugin you will need:', 'mailchimp-sts') . '

' . '
    ' . '
  1. '. __('MailChimp account and API key.', 'mailchimp-sts') . '
  2. ' . '
  3. ' . __('Amazon SES account with production access, integrated with MailChimp.', 'mailchimp-sts') . '
  4. ' . '
  5. ' . __('Verified email address to use as sender for email.', 'mailchimp-sts') . '
  6. ' . '
' . '

' . __('For detailed setup instructions please see ', 'mailchimp-sts') . 'readme.html.

' . '

' . __('Also note that emails using custom headers (such as cc or bcc) and/or attachments are not supported by STS and will be sent directly.', 'mailchimp-sts') . '

' . '

' . __('Support:', 'mailchimp-sts').'

' . '' ; } return $contextual_help; } /** * Adds link to settings page in list of plugins */ static function plugin_action_links($actions, $plugin_file) { static $plugin; if (!isset($plugin)) $plugin = plugin_basename(__FILE__); if ($plugin == $plugin_file) { $settings = array('settings' => '' . __('Settings', 'mailchimp-sts') . ''); $report = array('report' => '' . __('Report', 'mailchimp-sts') . ''); $actions = array_merge($settings, $actions, $report); } return $actions; } /** * Generates source of options page. */ static function options_page() { if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) wp_die( __('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.') ); ?>

' . __('There was a problem retrieving statistics.', 'mailchimp-sts') . '

'; echo '
'; return; } } //var_dump($stats); if( empty($stats) ) $stats = array(); $days = array(); foreach( $stats as $node ) { $timestamp = $node['Timestamp']; $timestamp = strtotime($timestamp); $day = date('M j', $timestamp); if( !isset($days[$day]) ) $days[$day] = (int)$node['DeliveryAttempts']; else $days[$day] += (int)$node['DeliveryAttempts']; } $data = array(); $current = strtotime('-13 days'); $end = time(); while( $current <= $end ) { $key = date('M j', $current); $data[$key] = isset($days[$key]) ? $days[$key]: 0; $current = strtotime('+1 day', $current); } self::$stats = $data; // var_dump($data); ?>

$label ) $labels[$key] = "\"{$label}\""; $labels = implode( ',', $labels ); ?> get_error_message()); else add_settings_error('verify-email', '', sprintf('Email verification request sent to %s', $input['verify_email']), 'updated'); unset($input['verify_email']); } return array_map('wp_strip_all_tags', $input); } /** * Processes submitted email test form. */ static function test_email($input) { if (isset($input['email_to']) && !empty($input['email_to'])) { $to = $input['email_to']; $subject = isset($input['email_subject']) ? $input['email_subject'] : ''; $message = isset($input['email_message']) ? $input['email_message'] : ''; $test = self::wp_mail($to, $subject, $message); if (is_wp_error($test)) { add_settings_error('email-to', 'email-to', __('Test email send failed. ', 'mailchimp-sts') . $test->get_error_message()); return array_map('wp_strip_all_tags', $input); } elseif ('sent' != $test['status']) { add_settings_error('email-to', 'email-to', __('Test email send failed. ', 'mailchimp-sts') . $test['msg']); return array_map('wp_strip_all_tags', $input); } else add_settings_error('email-to', 'email-to', __('Test email sent.', 'mailchimp-sts'), 'updated'); } return array(); } /** * Determines if key is valid, is account sandboxed and generates appropriate notices. */ static function settings_check($key = false) { if( !$key ) if( !self::is_plugin_page() ) return; else $key = self::get_api_key(); if( !$key ) return; if( !self::get_datacenter($key) ) { add_settings_error('api-key', 'api-key-error', __('Cannot determine data center. Please check API key.', 'mailchimp-sts') ); return; } $quota = self::request('GetSendQuota', array('apikey' => $key)); if( is_wp_error($quota) ) add_settings_error('api-key', 'api-key-error', __('API error. ', 'mailchimp-sts').$quota->get_error_message() ); else if( isset( $quota['Max24HourSend'] ) && 200 >= (int)$quota['Max24HourSend'] ) add_settings_error('api-key', 'api-key-sandbox', __('Your Amazon SES account seems to be in sandbox mode. Request production access to be able to send emails to unverified addresses.', 'mailchimp-sts'), 'updated'); } // Following methods generate parts of settings and test forms. static function api_version() { echo MAILCHIMP_STS_API_VERSION; } static function api_datacenter() { echo self::get_datacenter(); } static function api_key() { $key = self::get_api_key(); ?>
your API dashboard.'); ?> />
$address ) if( false !== strpos($address, 'bounces.transact.mcsv.net') ) unset( $addresses[$key] ); } if( is_wp_error($addresses) || empty($addresses) ) { _e('No verified email found.'); if( $from_email ) self::set_option('from_email', false); return; } if( !$from_email || !in_array($from_email, $addresses) ) { $from_email = reset($addresses); self::set_option('from_email', $from_email); } ?>

"; } static function verify_email() { ?>