"Resource/HudLayout.res" { HudHelper { "fieldName" "HudHelper" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "130" "ypos" "405" "wide" "256" "tall" "64" } HudPunish { "fieldName" "HudPunish" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r182" "ypos" "395" "wide" "108" "tall" "56" "Font" "SpaceOne" "LabelBorder" "4" "LabelHeight" "12" "LabelWidth" "48" // colors "BoxBg" "Voting.BoxBg" "KeyActive" "Voting.KeyActive" "KeyInactive" "Voting.KeyInactive" } HudVoting { "fieldName" "HudVoting" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r182" "ypos" "366" "wide" "160" "tall" "56" "Font" "SpaceOne" "LabelBorder" "4" "LabelHeight" "12" "LabelWidth" "48" // colors "BoxBg" "Voting.BoxBg" "KeyActive" "Voting.KeyActive" "KeyInactive" "Voting.KeyInactive" } DysHudVoiceStatus { "fieldName" "DysHudVoiceStatus" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r148" "ypos" "192" "wide" "148" "tall" "168" "MeatY" "192" "CyberY" "0" "IconSize" "16" "ItemHeight" "24" "ItemBounce" "8" "ItemSpace" "4" "IconColor" "VoiceStatus.Icon" "MeatBgColor" "VoiceStatus.MeatBg" "CyberBgColor" "VoiceStatus.CyberBg" "NameColor" "VoiceStatus.Name" "LocationColor" "VoiceStatus.Location" "Font" "SpaceOne" } HudScoring { "fieldName" "HudScoring" "xpos" "0" "ypos" "0" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "NumberColor" "Scoring.NumberColor" } HudObjective { "fieldName" "HudObjective" "xpos" "r390" // wide + 140 "ypos" "1" "wide" "384" // LabelWidth + 16 * ( IconWidth + IconGap ) "tall" "256" // 16 * ( IconWidth + IconGap ) "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "Punks" "Objective.Punks" "Corps" "Objective.Corps" "Completed" "Objective.Completed" "Inactive" "Objective.Inactive" "Text" "Objective.Text" "Font" "SpaceOne" "IconWidth" "8" "LabelWidth" "128" "IconGap" "4" } HudLocation { "fieldName" "HudLocation" "xpos" "r156" "ypos" "160" "wide" "152" "tall" "24" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "Font" "SpaceOne" "IconSize" "16" "IconColor" "VoiceStatus.Icon" } HudVoiceCommMenu { "fieldName" "HudVoiceCommMenu" "xpos" "120" "ypos" "280" "wide" "200" "tall" "200" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "FgColor" "VoiceCommMenu.FgColor" "BgColor" "VoiceCommMenu.BgColor" "Font" "SpaceOne" "BarHeight" "18" } HudProgramMenu { "fieldName" "HudProgramMenu" "xpos" "r164" "ypos" "240" "wide" "160" "tall" "240" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "Font" "SpaceOne" "BarHeight" "18" "FgColor" "CurrentProgram.FgColor" "BgColor" "CurrentProgram.BgColor" "BarColor" "CurrentProgram.BarColor" "BrightBarColor" "CurrentProgram.BrightBarColor" "CombatBorderColor" "CurrentProgram.CombatBorder" "HackingBorderColor" "CurrentProgram.HackingBorder" "ICEBorderColor" "CurrentProgram.ICEBorder" "DefenseBorderColor" "CurrentProgram.DefenseBorder" } HudSelectionInput { "fieldName" "HudSelectionInput" } HudRespawn { "fieldName" "HudRespawn" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "464" "ypos" "192" "wide" "152"//"192" "tall" "224" "Font" "SpaceOne" "IconsPerRow" "2" "UseBgImage" "1" // 0 for flat background, 1 to use "materials/vgui/hud_respawn_background" // remember to set the texture size in scripts/mod_textures.txt! "NormalX" "488" // "504" "NormalY" "192" "HiddenX" "640" "HiddenY" "192" "TitleX" "0" "TitleY" "0" "TitleW" "152" "TitleH" "14" "SquadX" "8" "SquadY" "14" "SquadW" "145" "SquadH" "32" "TimerX" "64" "TimerY" "196" "TimerW" "42" "TimerH" "24" "BindX" "0" "BindY" "16" "BindW" "152" "BindH" "14" "PlayerX" "19" "PlayerY" "62" "PlayerW" "56" "PlayerH" "120" "ImplantsPerRow" "2" "ImplantX" "91" "ImplantY" "75" "ImplantIconWidth" "24" } HudCyberspace { "fieldName" "HudCyberspace" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r164" "ypos" "176" "wide" "160" "tall" "56" "Font" "Default" "UseIcons" "0" // 0 for no icons, 1 to use "materials/vgui/cyberhud_cpu" and "materials/vgui/cyberhud_memory" // remember to set the texture sizes in scripts/mod_textures.txt! "UseBgImage" "0" // 0 for flat background, 1 to use "materials/vgui/cyberhud_background" // remember to set the texture size in scripts/mod_textures.txt! "MaxSamples" "64" // max number of samples to store in history "AdditiveGraphs" "1" // 1 to use an additive material for the graphs "CpuGraphType" "0" // 0 for line graph, 1 for filled graph "CpuGraphLeft" "4" // x-position of the graph "CpuGraphTop" "4" // y-position of the graph "CpuGraphWidth" "136" "CpuGraphHeight" "48" "CpuIconLeft" "84" "CpuIconWidth" "14" "CpuIconMaxTop" "4" // y-coordinate of the top when cpu usage is 100% "CpuIconMinTop" "38" // y-coordinate of the top when cpu usage is 0% "CpuNumberLeft" "144" "CpuNumberMaxTop" "4" // y-coordinate of the top when cpu usage is 100% "CpuNumberMinTop" "44" // y-coordinate of the top when cpu usage is 0% "Background" "CyberGraph.Background" "CpuGraphMin" "CyberGraph.CpuGraphMin" "CpuGraphMax" "CyberGraph.CpuGraphMax" "CpuGraphGrid" "CyberGraph.CpuGraphGrid" "CpuNumberMax" "CyberGraph.CpuNumberMax" "CpuNumberMin" "CyberGraph.CpuNumberMin" "CpuIconMax" "CyberGraph.CpuIconMax" "CpuIconMin" "CyberGraph.CpuIconMin" } HudMeatspace { "fieldName" "HudMeatspace" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "35" "ypos" "400" "wide" "475" "tall" "80" "Font" "SpaceOneMedium" "UseIcons" "0" "UseBgImage" "0" "BackgroundType" "0" // 0: no background, 1: rounded edges, 2: angled edges without border, 3: angled edges with border "ClockY" "-400" "HealthY" "-167" "ArmorY" "37" "EnergyY" "60" "IconX" "6" "IconWidth" "12" "NumberX" "360" "BarX" "215" "BarWidth" "120" "BarHeight" "14" "BarTexture" "" "TimerText" "" // colors "EnergyBar" "MeatHud.EnergyBar" "EnergyCircuit" "MeatHud.EnergyBar" "ArmorBar" "" "ArmorCircuit" "MeatHud.ArmorBar" "HealthBar" "MeatHud.ArmorBar" "HealthCircuit" "" "Border" "" "MeatIcon" "" "MeatNumbers" "MeatHud.Numbers" "MeatBackground" "" "CyberIcon" "CyberHud.Icon" "CyberNumbers" "CyberHud.Numbers" "CyberBackground" "CyberHud.Background" } HudSWT { "fieldName" "HudSWT" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" "CircleScale" "1.0" "CenterX" "320" "CenterY" "240" } HudIFF { "fieldName" "HudIFF" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "864" "tall" "480" "Punks" "IFF.Punks" "Corps" "IFF.Corps" "Friend" "IFF.Friend" "Foe" "IFF.Foe" "Objective" "IFF.Objective" "Health" "IFF.Health" "Armor" "IFF.Armor" "Energy" "IFF.Energy" "Font" "SpaceOne" } HudRadar { "fieldName" "HudRadar" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r257" "ypos" "-25" "wide" "100" "tall" "160" "DebugBorder" "0" "RadarScale" "100" // out of 100% "Font" "SpaceOneTiny" "BorderColor" "" "GridColor" "Radar.BgColor" "OverviewColor" "Radar.Overview" "PlayerArrow" "Radar.PlayerArrow" "TextBubble" "Radar.TextBubble" "TacScan" "Radar.TacScan" "Teammate" "Radar.Teammate" "IffTarget" "Radar.IffTarget" "Vehicle" "Radar.Vehicle" "OurSpawn" "Radar.OurSpawn" "TheirSpawn" "Radar.TheirSpawn" "NeutralSpawn" "Radar.NeutralSpawn" "Terminal" "Radar.Terminal" "AmmoDispenser" "Radar.AmmoDispenser" "ObjectiveCorps" "Radar.Objective" "ObjectivePunks" "IFF.Punks" } HudImplantSelection { "fieldName" "HudImplantSelection" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "620" "tall" "480" "Font" "Default" "BorderSize" "8" "SpaceSize" "4" "IconWidth" "25" // "20" "TacScannerArm" "vgui/implants/icon_tac_arm" } TargetID { "fieldName" "TargetID" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } HudAmmo { "fieldName" "HudAmmo" "xpos" "r400" "ypos" "230" "wide" "760" "tall" "20" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "Font" "SpaceOneMedium" // "PaintBackgroundType" "1" "digit_xpos" "23" "digit_xpos_anim" "34" "bar_xpos" "420" "digit2_xpos" "385" "digit2_xpos_anim" "76" "icon_xpos" "464" "icon_ypos" "2" "icon_width" "1" "BackgroundColor" "" "BorderColor" "" "TextColor" "Ammo.Foreground" "Text2Color" "Ammo.Foreground" "IconColor" "Ammo.Foreground" } HudFlashlight { "fieldName" "HudFlashlight" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "16" "ypos" "370" "wide" "102" "tall" "20" "text_xpos" "8" "text_ypos" "6" "TextColor" "255 170 0 220" "PaintBackgroundType" "2" } HudDamageIndicator { "fieldName" "HudDamageIndicator" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "DmgColorLeft" "255 0 0 0" "DmgColorRight" "255 0 0 0" "dmg_xpos" "30" "dmg_ypos" "100" "dmg_wide" "36" "dmg_tall1" "240" "dmg_tall2" "200" } HudZoom { "fieldName" "HudZoom" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "Circle1Radius" "66" "Circle2Radius" "74" "DashGap" "16" "DashHeight" "4" "BorderThickness" "88" } HudWeaponSelection { "fieldName" "HudWeaponSelection" "xpos" "r640" "wide" "640" "ypos" "16" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "SmallBoxSize" "60" "LargeBoxWide" "108" "LargeBoxTall" "80" "BoxGap" "8" "SelectionNumberXPos" "4" "SelectionNumberYPos" "4" "SelectionGrowTime" "0.4" "IconXPos" "8" "IconYPos" "0" "TextYPos" "68" "TextColor" "SelectionTextFg" "MaxSlots" "4" "PlaySelectSounds" "0" } HudCrosshair { "fieldName" "HudCrosshair" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } HudDeathNotice { "fieldName" "HudDeathNotice" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "0" "ypos" "60" "wide" "240" "tall" "160" "MaxDeathNotices" "4" "LineHeight" "22" "RightJustify" "0" // If 1, draw notices from the right "TextFont" "SpaceOne" } CVProfPanel { "fieldName" "CVProfPanel" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } ScorePanel { "fieldName" "ScorePanel" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } HudMOTD { "fieldName" "HudMOTD" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } // These are just here to silence the console errors - Teddy HudTrain { "fieldName" "HudTrain" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } HudMenu { "fieldName" "HudMenu" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" "zpos" "1" "TextFont""Default" "ItemFont""Default" "ItemFontPulsing""Default" } HudRadio { "fieldName""HudRadio" "TextFont""Default" "visible""1" "xpos""10" "ypos""c" "wide""Default" "tall""Default" "text_ygap""2" "TextColor""255 255 255 192" "PaintBackgroundType""0" } HudWeapon { "fieldName" "HudWeapon" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } HudVehicle { "fieldName" "HudVehicle" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } HudHintDisplay { "fieldName" "HudHintDisplay" "visible" "0" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r120" "ypos" "r340" "wide" "100" "tall" "200" "text_xpos" "8" "text_ypos" "8" "text_xgap" "8" "text_ygap" "8" "TextColor" "255 170 0 220" "PaintBackgroundType" "2" } HudCloseCaption { "fieldName" "HudCloseCaption" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "c-250" "ypos" "276" "wide" "500" "tall" "136" "BgAlpha" "128" "GrowTime" "0.25" "ItemHiddenTime" "0.2" // Nearly same as grow time so that the item doesn't start to show until growth is finished "ItemFadeInTime" "0.15" // Once ItemHiddenTime is finished, takes this much longer to fade in "ItemFadeOutTime" "0.3" } // FIN Console fixes HudMessage { "fieldName" "HudMessage" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "0" "ypos" "100" "wide" "640" "tall" "380" } HudChat { "fieldName" "HudChat" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "10" "ypos" "290" "wide" "400" "tall" "100" } HudHistoryResource { "fieldName" "HudHistoryResource" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r640" "wide" "640" "tall" "330" "history_gap" "55" } HudAnimationInfo { "fieldName" "HudAnimationInfo" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } CBudgetPanel { "fieldName" "CBudgetPanel" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } CTextureBudgetPanel { "fieldName" "CTextureBudgetPanel" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } HudPredictionDump { "fieldName" "HudPredictionDump" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "wide" "640" "tall" "480" } HudVoiceSelfStatus { "fieldName" "HudVoiceSelfStatus" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r43" "ypos" "355" "wide" "24" "tall" "24" } HudVoiceStatus { "fieldName" "HudVoiceStatus" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "xpos" "r200" "ypos" "0" "wide" "100" "tall" "400" "item_tall" "24" "item_wide" "100" "item_spacing" "2" "icon_ypos" "0" "icon_xpos" "0" "icon_tall" "24" "icon_wide" "24" "text_xpos" "26" } HudSpawntimer { "fieldName" "HudSpawntimer" "visible" "0" "enabled" "0" "xpos" "c-50" "ypos" "300" "wide" "5000" "tall" "5000" } HudCommentary { "fieldName" "HudCommentary" "visible" "0" } }