1. Go to this website: http://www.tweetdelete.net/index.php 2. Check "I have read and agree to the TweetDelete terms" 3. Click "Sign in with Twitter" 4. Click "Authorize app" 5. Change "three months old" to "one week" 6. Check "Delete all my existing tweets before activating this schedule" 7. Uncheck "Post to my feed to let my friends know I activated TweetDelete" 8. Uncheck "Follow @Tweet_Delete for future updates" 9. Click "Activate TweetDelete" and leave the tab open 10. Go to your profile and keep refreshing until your tweet count is 0 - - Sometimes this will glitch your tweet count, leaving it as a number even though there are no tweets 12. Any tweets that are not deleted, manually delete them 13. Go back to your TweetDelete tab and click "Turn off Tweet Delete (or pick new settings)" 14. In the top right corner of the page, click "Sign out" 15. Go to your settings and click "Apps" (https://twitter.com/settings/applications) 16. Cick "Revoke access" next to "tweetdelete.net by Memset Ltd."