# Originally made on - March 2, 2015 # Thanks for using my skript - IceWolf # Edit If you know what to do. # Enjoy! options: Warps: 30 # How ever many different warps you want for your arena. 30 is an average number. e.g: a1, a2, a3 Pre: &3[&6UHC&3] # Prefix for all messages. Command: /arena # The main Arena command. Alias: /a # The alternative command. World: Arena # The name of the world your Arena is in. # Main Command command {@Command}: aliases: {@Alias} trigger: if {PvPArena} is true: clear the player's inventory set the player's gamemode to survival equip player with a iron helmet of unbreaking 10 and projectile protection 1 named "&3Eskimo Hat" equip player with a iron chestplate of unbreaking 10 and protection 1 named "&3Tanman's Leather Jacket" equip player with a iron leggings of unbreaking 10 and protection 1 named "&3Jeans" equip player with a iron boots of unbreaking 10 and projectile protection 1 named "&3Boots with the fur" give player a iron sword of unbreaking 10 named "&bSword" give player a bow of infinity 1 and unbreaking 5 named "&bBow" give player 1 golden apple named "&bGolden Apple" give player 1 arrow named "&3Ammo" give player 1 water bucket named "&6Only Chance" message command sender "You have &bjoined &fthe PvP arena! Do &b/arenaleave to leave!" execute console command "/warp a%a random integer between 1 and {@Warps}% %player%" # Toggles Arena command /pvparena []: usage: /pvparena permission: skript.pvparena trigger: if arg is "on" or "true" or "enable": set {PvPArena} to true message "{@Pre} &fPVP Arena &aEnabled &fby &b%command sender%&f!" if arg is "off" or "false" or "disable": set {PvPArena} to false message "{@Pre} &fPVP Arena &cDisabled &fby &b%command sender%&f!" command /progression []: permission: skript.pvparena trigger: if arg is "on" or "true" or "enable": set {Progression} to true broadcast "{@Pre} &rProgression &aEnabled &6by&r: &3[&6%command sender%&3]&3!" if arg is "off" or "false" or "disable": set {Progression} to false broadcast "{@Pre} &rProgression &aDisabled &6by&r: &3[&6%command sender%&3]&3!" # Leaves The Arena command /arenaleave: aliases: /aleave trigger: player is in world "{@World}" send "{@Pre}&8 Leaving the PvP Arena!" wait 1 ticks heal the player make console execute command "/spawn %player%" make console execute command "/ci %player%" make console execute command "/scoreboard players reset %player%" stop # In-Game help on the Arena (For OPs) command /arenahelp: aliases: /ahelp permission: skript.pvparena trigger: send "{@Pre}&8 Do &b/pvparena <&aenable&r/&cdisable&r> to toggle the &bArena" send "{@Pre}&8 Do &b/progression <&aenable&r/&cdisable&r> to toggle &bProgression" # Progression on death: if {PvPArena} is true: {Progression} is true attacker is a player victim is a player if damage was caused by projectile: loop items in attacker's inventory: if loop-item is a bow of power 0: enchant loop-item with power 1 send "{@Pre}&8 Your Bow has been upgraded to &bPower 1" to the attacker else if loop-item is a bow of power 1: enchant loop-item with power 2 send "{@Pre}&8 Your Bow has been upgraded to &bPower 2" to the attacker else if loop-item is a bow of power 2: enchant loop-item with power 3 send "{@Pre}&8 Your Bow has been upgraded to &bPower 3" to the attacker else if loop-item is a bow of power 3: enchant loop-item with power 4 send "{@Pre}&8 Your Bow has been upgraded to &bPower 4" to the attacker else if loop-item is a bow of power 4: enchant loop-item with power 5 send "{@Pre}&8 Your Bow has been upgraded to &bPower 5" to the attacker else if loop-item is a bow of power 5: send "{@Pre}&8 Your Bow is at it's maximum level!" to the attacker else if damage was caused by attack: loop items in attacker's inventory: if loop-item is a sword of sharpness 0: enchant loop-item with sharpness 1 send "{@Pre}&8 Your Sword has been upgraded to &bSharpness 1" to the attacker else if loop-item is a sword of sharpness 1: enchant loop-item with sharpness 2 send "{@Pre}&8 Your Sword has been upgraded to &bSharpness 2" to the attacker else if loop-item is a sword of sharpness 2: enchant loop-item with sharpness 3 send "{@Pre}&8 Your Sword has been upgraded to &bSharpness 3" to the attacker else if loop-item is a sword of sharpness 3: enchant loop-item with sharpness 4 send "{@Pre}&8 Your Sword has been upgraded to &bSharpness 4" to the attacker else if loop-item is a sword of sharpness 4: enchant loop-item with sharpness 5 send "{@Pre}&8 Your Sword has been upgraded to &bSharpness 5" to the attacker else if loop-item is a sword of sharpness 5: send "{@Pre}&8 Your Sword is at it's maximum level!" to the attacker # Tells you the health when you shoot a man. on damage of player: {PvPArena} is true wait 1 tick attacker is a player: projectile exists wait 1 tick victim is not dead: message "{@Pre}&r &4%victim% &ris now at &6%health of victim*10% &fpercent." to the attacker # Arrow Deletion, to make your arenaa pretty on projectile hit: event-projectile is in world "{@World}": wait 5 seconds delete the arrow # Disables Fall Damage on damage: damage was caused by fall victim is a player victim is in the world "{@World}" cancel the event #On Death on death: make console execute command "/ci %player%" make console execute command "/spawn %player%" # Death Messages on death: if {PvPArena} is true: attacker is a player victim is a player send "{@Pre}&r You killed &b%victim%&r!" to the attacker send "{@Pre}&r You were killed by: &b%attacker%&r!" to the victim give attacker 1 golden apple named "&bGolden Apple" # Disables Hunger Loss on hunger meter change: if {PvPArena} is true: set player's hunger meter to 10 # Stops default Death Messages on death: if {PvPArena} is true: set the death message to "" # Regeneration & Speed on kills on death of player: {PvPArena} is true: clear drops apply regeneration 4 to the attacker for 2 seconds apply speed 2 to the attacker for 2 seconds # Tells the player that they cannot enter the Arena, due to it being disabled on command "{@Command}": if {PvPArena} is false: send "{@Pre}&8 The Arena is currently &bDisabled&8!" on command "{@Alias}": if {PvPArena} is false: send "{@Pre}&8 The Arena is currently &bDisabled&8!" # Resets the kills of that player when he dies on death: if {PvPArena} is true: execute console command "/scoreboard players reset %player%" # Notifies the player that they are already in the Arena on command "{@Command}": player is in world "{@World}": cancel the event send "{@Pre}&r You are already in the Arena! Do &b/arenaleave &rto exit!"