############################################################### ;--##################Lotto script v3.0######################--; ############################################################### ;---- alias -l lottorun return $readini(lot.ini,$1,prize) alias -l loffn return $iif($($+(%,loffn,$1),5),1,0) alias -l theme return $read(lottotheme.txt, s, $chan) alias -l lottostarter return $readini(lot.ini,$1,starter) ;---- on *:TEXT:*:#:{ if ($1 == !charter) { if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ All flights have been delayed. elseif ($readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ A flight is already ready to take of from $+($chan,.) elseif ($2 == $null) msg # $theme $+ Please specify a prize : !charter [prize here]. else { if ($remove($2-,$chr(32),$chr(46),$chr(44),m,k,b,il) isnum) tokenize 32 $1 $calc($regsubex($ticks,$remove($2-,$chr(44),$chr(32),il),/(^|[+-/*^%]+|[+-/^*%]+\50|\50+|\50)(([0-9]|\56)+)(k|m|b)/Sig,\1 $+ ( $+ \2 $+ $iif(\4 == b,*1000000000,$iif(\4 == m,*1000000,*1000)) $+ ))) writeini lot.ini $chan starter $nick writeini lot.ini $chan prize $2- writeini lot.ini $chan duration $ctime msg # $theme $+ $readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter) has entered the pilots seat on $+($chan,$chr(44)) with a/an: $lottoprize($chan) on board. Type !ticket to get a ticket to the flight. } } elseif ($1 == !ticket) { if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ All flights have been delayed. elseif ($readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter) == $nick) msg # $theme $+ Sorry the pilot cannot enter. elseif (!$read(ids.txt, s, $nick)) msg # $theme $+ $+($nick,$chr(44)) please add your ID: !addid . elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ There are no pilots to take of any flight on $chan elseif ($read($+(lot,$chan,.txt),w,$nick)) { msg # $theme $+ $+($nick,$chr(44)) Stop fucking typing !ticket. You already have ticket number $lottoticket($chan,$nick) $+ ! } else { write $+(lot,$chan,.txt) $nick msg # $theme $+ $+($nick,$chr(44)) you have bought a ticket to the flight to win a/an: $+($lottoprize($chan),$chr(44)) you have ticket number $lines($+(lot,$chan,.txt)) $+ ! } } elseif ($1 == !crash) { if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ All flights have been delayed. elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ There are no pilots to take of any flights on $chan $+ . elseif (!$nick($chan,$nick,@&~)) msg # $theme $+ Sorry $+($nick,$chr(44)) only channel ops or the pilot can use this command. else { remini lot.ini $chan write -c $+(lot,$chan,.txt) msg # $theme $+ The current flight has been crashed by $nick $+ . } } elseif ($1 == !fly) { if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ All flights have been delayed. elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme There are no pilots to take of any flights on $chan $+ . elseif ($nick != $readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter)) && (!$nick($chan,$nick,~&)) msg # $theme $+ $nick $+ , your not the fucking pilot. elseif ($lines($+(lot,$chan,.txt)) < 1) msg # $theme $+ There must be at least 1 passenger in the flight to take off. else { writeini lot.ini $chan winner $read($+(lot,$chan,.txt)) writeini lot.ini $chan winnerticket $readn mode # +m msg # $theme $+ The flight has took off...... msg # $theme $+ $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner) is flying away with a/an $lottoprize($chan) from $lottostarter($chan) with ticket number $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winnerticket) $+ ! msg # $theme $+ $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner) $+ 's ID is: $+([,$read(ids.txt , s, $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner)),]) $+ . if ($readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize) isnum) { msg # $theme $+ Send $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner) cash: $+(http://www.torn.com/sendcash.php?XID=,$read(ids.txt , s, $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner))) } if (*trade* iswm $readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) { msg # $theme $+ Trade with $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner) $+ : $+(http://www.torn.com/trade.php?step=start&userID=,$read($idfl, s, $readini(lot.ini,$chan,winner))) } .timer 1 2 mode # -m remini lot.ini $chan write -c $+(lot,$chan,.txt) } } elseif ($1 == !fprize) { if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ All flights have been delayed. elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ There are no pilots to take of any flights on $chan $+ . else { msg # $theme $+ The prize on board is a/an: $lottoprize($chan) $+ , from $readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter) msg # $theme $+ There $iif($lines($+(lot,$chan,.txt)) == 1,is $v1 passengers,are $v1 entries) in the flight. msg # $theme $+ The flight doors have been open for: $duration($calc($ctime - $readini(lot.ini,$chan,duration)))) } } if ($1 == !ftheme) elseif (!$readini($chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ There are no pilots to take of any flights on $chan $+ . if (!$regex($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,/(!|@|&|~)/)) msg # $theme $+ Only channel staff may change this channels flight theme. else { if ($2 isnum 0-15) || ($gettok($2,1,44) isnum 0-15) && ($gettok($2,2,44) isnum 0-15) && ($regex($2,/^[0-9]{1,2}\54[0-9]{1,2}$/i)))) write -ds $+ $chan lottotheme.txt | write lottotheme.txt $chan  $+ $2- msg # $theme $+ Flight theme for $chan has been updated! } } elseif ($1 == !editprize) { if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ All flights have been delayed. elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ There are no pilots to take of any flights on $chan $+ . elseif (!$nick($chan,$nick,@&~)) msgg # $theme $+ Sorry $nick $+ , only ops may use this command. else { if ($remove($2-,$chr(32),$chr(46),$chr(44),m,k,b,il) isnum) tokenize 32 $1 $calc($regsubex($ticks,$remove($2-,$chr(44),$chr(32),il),/(^|[+-/*^%]+|[+-/^*%]+\50|\50+|\50)(([0-9]|\56)+)(k|m|b)/Sig,\1 $+ ( $+ \2 $+ $iif(\4 == b,*1000000000,$iif(\4 == m,*1000000,*1000)) $+ ))) writeini -n lot.ini $chan prize $2- msg # $theme $+ Prize on board has been changed to: $lottoprize($chan) $+ . } } if ($1 == !fcmds) { .msg $nick Lotto commands: .msg $nick !charter , !ticket, !fly. !iflight, !prize, !crash if ($nick($chan,$nick,@&~)) .msg $nick !ftheme , !fly } elseif ($1 == !peak) msg # $theme $+ Peak for # is: $readini(peak.ini,$chan,peak) set on $readini(peak.ini,$chan,date) $+ . elseif ($1 == !total) msg # $theme $+ Total amount of cash given out in $chan is $ $+ $bytes($($+(%,total,$chan),3),b) $+ . elseif (You sent * to * iswm $1-) && ($remove($3,$chr(36),$chr(44)) isnum) { inc $+(%,total,$chan) $remove($3,$chr(36),$chr(44)) msg # $theme $+ Total amount of cash given out in $chan is $ $+ $bytes($($+(%,total,$chan),3),b) } elseif ($1 == !remove) { if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ The lotto script is currently disabled. elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ The lotto is currently inactive in $chan $+ . elseif (!$nick($chan,$nick,@&)) msg # $theme $+ Sorry $nick $+ , only ops may remove someone from the current lotto. else { noop $read($+(lot,$chan,.txt),w,$2) write -dl $+ $readn $+(lot,$chan,.txt) msg # $theme $+ $2 has been removed from the current lotto. } } elseif ($1 == !prize) { if ($loffn($chan)) msg # $theme $+ The lotto script is currently disabled. elseif (!$readini(lot.ini,$chan,prize)) msg # $theme $+ The lotto is currently inactive in $chan $+ . else { msg # $theme $+ The prize for the current lotto is a/an: $lottoprize($chan) $+ , donated by $readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter) } } elseif ($1-2 == !fli on) { if (!$regex($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,/(!|~|&|@)/)) { msg # $theme $+ Sorry $nick $+ , only channel staff or lotto admins may use this command. } else { unset $+(%,loffn,$chan) msg # $theme $+ Lottery systems Enabled. } } elseif ($1-2 == !fli off) { if (!$regex($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,/(!|~|&|@)/)) { msg # $theme $+ Sorry $nick $+ , only channel staff or lotto admins may use this command. } else { set $+(%,loffn,$chan) on msg # $theme $+ Lottery systems Disabled. remini lot.ini $chan write -c $+(lotto,$chan,.txt) } } on *:QUIT:{ if ($read($+(lot,$chan,.txt),w,$nick)) { write -dl $+ $readn $+(lot,$chan,.txt) msg # $nick has been removed from $& the current lotto on Quit. } if ($lottorun($chan)) { if ($nick == $lottostarter($chan)) { msg # $theme $+ The lotto has been cancelled, $& because $readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter) $& left the channel. remini lot.ini $chan write -c $+(lot,$chan,.txt) } } } on *:PART:#:{ if ($read($+(lot,$chan,.txt),w,$nick)) { write -dl $+ $readn $+(lot,$chan,.txt) msg $chan $theme $+ $nick has been removed from the $& current lotto because they left the channel. } if ($lottorun($chan)) { if ($nick == $lottostarter($chan)) { msg $chan $theme $+ The lotto has been cancelled $& because $readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter) $& left the channel. remini lot.ini $chan write -c $+(lot,$chan,.txt) } } } on *:KICK:#:{ if ($read($+(lot,$chan,.txt),w,$knick)) { write -dl $+ $readn $+(lot,$chan,.txt) msg $chan $theme $+ $knick has been removed from $& from the current lotto on kick. } if ($lottorun($chan)) { if ($knick == $lottostarter($chan)) { msg $chan $theme $+ The lotto has been cancelled $& because $readini(lot.ini,$chan,starter) $& was kicked from the channel. remini lot.ini $chan write -c $+(lot,$chan,.txt) } } } on *:NICK:{ var %x 1 while (%x <= $chan(0)) { if ($read($+(lotto,$chan(%x),.txt),w,$nick)) write -l $+ $readn $+(lot,$chan(%x),.txt) $newnick if ($lottostarter($chan(%x)) == $nick) writeini -n lot.ini $chan(%x) starter $newnick inc %x } } alias -l lottoprize { var %x $readini(lot.ini,$1,prize) if (%x isnum) && (!$2) return $chr(36) $+ $comma(%x) else return %x } alias -l lottoticket { if ($read($+(lot,$1,.txt),w,$2)) { return $iif($3,$lines($+(lot,$,.txt)),$readn) } } alias -l comma { var %a, %b = $regsub($ticks,$1,/\G([+-]?\d+?)(?=(?:\d{3})++(?=\.\d++$|$))/g,\1 $+ $chr(44),%a) return %a } on *:JOIN:#:{ if (!$read(ids.txt,s,$nick)) { .notice $nick There is no ID added for your nick, please add it with: !addid . } if ($readini(peak.ini, $chan, peak) < $nick($chan,0)) || (!$readini(peak.ini, $chan, peak)) { writeini peak.ini $chan peak $nick($chan,0) writeini peak.ini $chan date $date msg # $theme $+ New Peak for # set on $readini(peak.ini,$chan,date) is $readini(peak.ini,$chan,peak) } }