when Math only did your box and didn't give you the method necessarily :) he gave me enough of the method no he didn't so we have a problem here dude - you have something right now that you're keeping to yourself same as Math you have NO clue how he does it doesn't bode well for a public group Squarepus, trust me, it'll never be released for reasons I can't disclose you get math to message me and say i can release his part then fine cause my shit is contingent on that and RichDevX you are correct the FiveJewBankers own the method so in other words Gitbrew now totally relies on Math * RichDevX has quit (Connection closed) also releasing anything on cex->dex is a great way for sony to pull out any and all support * RDX (RDX@gitbrew.org) has joined #otheros 'to pull out any and all support' what you mean? in that you no longer get to hijack the process and get to convert boxes? i mean that geoff levand's done a lot to make our kernel hacks part of the mainstream linux kernel release and also get us legitimate status with several linux distros dude that is not what any of this shit is about and you know it that is not why you are withholding CEX-.DEX come on don't play this BS game basic rules for dealing with sony: don't rls dex shit or you get fucked wait, what's sony supporting? last I knew it only did much less than when I gought it. *bought* * daxgr (androirc@gitbrew.org) has joined #otheros * geobot gives channel operator status to daxgr hi hey daxgr hey Snowy what's up? * alias (29e0aab7@gitbrew.org) has joined #otheros What's sony supporting again? hmm what? Snowy, latest debdroid work for tf? yup :) up'd to site? yup the link works k, i'll try it out soon can it be used on external sdcard? or internal only? unsure i used internal does it need formatting to ext2? the internals have to be either ext2 or 3 ext4 ftw! so i gotta format or resize with gparted gparted ftw! not on my tf * Cylent1 (Cylent1@gitbrew.org) has joined #otheros * AndroUser2 (androirc@gitbrew.org) has joined #otheros * daxgr has quit (Connection closed) lol nikitis it worked out of box for me Snowy, i tried it on my htc phone, and the sdcard didn't take too well to reformatting i resized it then formatted the 4gb to ext2, but then android didn't work with it * AndroUser2 has quit (Connection closed) best mod ever: http://twitpic.com/5lbr9m * AndroUser2 (androirc@gitbrew.org) has joined #otheros * AndroUser2 has quit (BRBFBI: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )) * RDX is now known as RichDevX * daxgr (androirc@gitbrew.org) has joined #otheros * geobot gives channel operator status to daxgr ah well damn :/ crappy 3g 2 GSM switching does it matter to add the ext2 to the beginning of the card or the end? hmm gotta go will work later c u guys * daxgr has quit (BRBFBI: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )) nikitis, start/end doesnt matter in speed on memory, only on circulair storage matter like harddrive, optical disks and floppy disks not speed i'm concerned about its ability for android to access it on my phone i usedthe end of the drive * fdlslfsdl (fsdfdsfaasfa@gitbrew.org) has joined #otheros but wouldn't mount at all fat or ext2 * kothac (AndChat@gitbrew.org) has joined #otheros * greatdayne (greatdayne@gitbrew.org) has joined #otheros * alias has quit (BRBFBI: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) * greatdayne has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) * BobbyBlunt has quit (BRBFBI: Leaving) i guess i really know how to kill a room huh * bgKa (bbouclet@gitbrew.org) has joined #otheros Just talk about real development, and the ps3scene mob goes away :P 1 ^ 1 haha the ps3scene mafia? yeah it appears i have displeased the don :D or several of them * Pockets69 has quit (BRBFBI: Quit) * You are now known as the_ps3_don my son durandal i am not displeased :D * You are now known as kamel don corleone, thank you for your endorsement of gitbrew :D that was fun oh and giancana's still a psychopath :D durandal, how do you sign a debug pkg? sign it as a fself or a debug self what tools are you using? err, how is it related to an fself? debugs don't run normal selfs sure they do yeah they can if you set the shit to release shouldn't have to I mean, how do you physically sign the pkg not the fself C:\Users\durandal>make_package_npdrm --help usage: [revision 1754] make_package_npdrm [options] config-file target-directory -v | --verbose increases verbose messages. -f | --nofindlimit no limitation to file find. -o | --output DIR output package to DIR. -C | --directory DIR change to DIR before doing anything. --find-path PATH set find command path to file find. --content-id STRING set ContentID. --k-licensee HEX set KLicensee. --drm-type STRING set DRMType. --content-type STRING set ContentType. --package-version NUM set PackageVersion. --print-time list modified time by W3C date & time format. --print-universal-time list modified time in UTC by W3C-DTF. --print-locale-time list modified time by locale format. make_package_npdrm [options] target-directory generate package with 'target-directory/package.conf'. [options] same as the above. make_package_npdrm [options] npdrm-package [target] [default] print package informations. -c | --check check package format. -l | --list print [target] files/dirs information. -x | --extract extract [target] files/dirs. --extract-tropdir extract trophy files. --no-entitlement generate debuging package. make_package_npdrm [options] --version print revision. --help print help message. C:\Users\durandal> that's not signing though :| it signs as part of it you have to sign the files in it nope runs on mine after i do that yes, but it's not a signature yeah you don't need to do real sigs on dex shit they run fake signed shit no no, I mean debug pkgs aren't signed at all there's a hash at the end that you are free to modify and they won't run on your shit? I've known the pkg format for years, just wondering why you mean by signing what you mean* huh? because the scene will interpret it very differently i'm sorry maybe i don't understand what you're asking through all the pain please rephrase the whole thing What does a signature mean to you? signed for cex sure, retail pkgs are signed * drdanger2222 (danger@gitbrew.org) has joined #otheros But what does it mean? it means the packages is authenticated to run on a given version of sony fw like ms authenticode on a domain-controlled windows network i think i need thinner wire http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/193/beefygauge.jpg/ * RDX (RDX@gitbrew.org) has joined #otheros DirtyJerz: wire should not be mentioned in my presence damn DirtyJerz http://www.urostonecenter.com/management.asp currently i have option number 5 in my dick i, too, wish for a thinner gauge of wire * RichDevX has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) fuckin A * RDX is now known as RichDevX RichDevX: love the rdx reference we should have a PETN in here too it warps the efi shield a lil bit so i think imma have to redo it... w/ a lighter gauge what do u think Snowy tell my urologist to do likewise durandal: you have RF shielding on your meat peg? * jordosaxman (jordosaxma@gitbrew.org) has joined #otheros DirtyJerz: yeah the government got tired of reading my thoughts so they gave me that and a tinfoil showercap said if i ever took them off they'd just arrest me word * drdanger2222 has quit (BRBFBI: Leaving) radioshack dosent close for hurricanes rite? ill stop by tomorrow, p/u some lighter non stranded this time. If i can find a boat. step1: entered recovery > system update > installed gitbrew's 1/8'th HDD size otheros++ MFW going to update as i do this this time, and if it fails, just give up probably after installing the cfw, my free space under xmb is 16 GB / 149 GB i haven't entered recovery and run restore ps3 system yet though, doing that now * npt (npt@gitbrew.org) has joined #otheros hey npt :D still reads 16 GB / 149 GB hey RichDevX :D how's hc? Does anyone know why it's only reading as though I have 16 GB of free space on a fresh install? and you xD RichDevX: Hellcat is great, just spend a good chunk of time with him over in cologne xD : ) catching up on my jetlag atm still? heh nvm. i see now * spidermon (spidermon@gitbrew.org) has joined #otheros * alonehacker has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) jordosaxman, it will btw error in making the storage region if you have less free space than needed for the resize. RichDevX: only got home late wednesday then worked thurs, fri stayed out too late last night just woke up at 1am after having laid down @ 7, there's a story behind it but if you wanna hear, I won't pollute the chan : ) I'm downloading the firmware which allocates 22GB for otheros, and installing it I'm still unclear why i'm getting access denied errors on some busybox commands is that normal? I shouldn't have less space than needed for the resize, since the drive has nothing on it damn work, why can't we be given money for free xD agreed - if only that could happen, I could actually have time to FINISH my dang game RichDevX: talk to the VA they give free monies if they don't fuck up your pension :D if you are using an empty drive and the 22GB pup the mention of 16GB free doesnt make sence, unless the drive is failing jordosaxman perhaps a reformat in PC, then reinstall the firmware from scratch? then look at values in XMB, BEFORE doing the Recovery resizer then do recovery resizer and note the values again let me know how it works out :) k, solution is ready. goodbye everyone :) * RichDevX has quit (BRBFBI: Leaving) no, the 16gb refers to the 1/8 HDD size CFW is he killing himself? that would be a good solution i'm in petitboot on it, and running the create_hdd_region.sh script is the problem if I run it ./create_hdd_region.sh auto i get a line 44 error on ps3hvc_hvcall and a number of storage devices: - 0 and sh: invalid number (i'm assuming this refers to my use of auto instead of an integer if i use the script with a chmod prefix i get chmod: read only file system what if you use ´list´ under what directory? list is not found, but ls works the working directory is root@ps3-linux:/# ls wrong keyboard ls under my root directory gives me bin etc lib overlay proc root sys usr www dev mnt rom sbin tmp is there any more complete way to start over than installing the 22GB firmware and running restore ps3 system under recovery? ./create_hdd_region.sh list i get the same thing eussnl line 44 error sh: invalid number number of storage devices: 0 dist storage deivce was not found going to install the 22 GB pup now * BobbyBlunt (BobbyBlunt@gitbrew.org) has joined #otheros hey bobby * spidermon has quit (BRBFBI: Leaving) hi still working on my otheros woes into petitboot now at least and learning to use linux, having issues with the scripts finding my drive ohai BobbyBlunt :) question: would the decr syscon be able to give what is wanted if it was REMOVED from a broken decr-1k? even after installing the 22GB otheros pup, my xmb still reads 16 GB /149 GB can I correct this issue using parted from the shell? or is there a way to force the ps3 to reformat the entire drive? npt not sure anyone knows that gotcha nikitis, thanks for the answer jordon, boot into recovery mode and use option 5 to clean drive then reinstall petitboot and run create hdd script if it fails, you may not be doing something right and if you are, then you're drive is failing when I run create hdd script, what do i put after it? any numbers? nothing just ./createhddscript.sh or whatever it's called k 111 GB / 149 GB now, which is correct, that's about 22 GB set aside after the amount used by gameos yes setup flash for otheros beeps 3 times, turning off and turning back on ps3 now go through steps to get petitboot same errors as before ps3hvc_hvcall: not found where are you pulling the script from? a usb drive located at /tmp/petitboot/mnt/sda1 put that crap on the local drive and try or better yet, get the url and do a wget from petitboot k and just run it from the root dir that petitboot starts you in permission denied when trying to run it from the directory i start in you are root correct? "/bin/ash: ./create_hdd_region.sh: permission denied" yeah root@ps3-linux since su and sudo don't work here sometimes prefixing it with busybox will give it to me sh create.sh? jor try chmod +x create_hdd_script.sh then ./create_hdd_script.sh same error sh create_hdd_script.sh ? even if i prefix it with sh, same error