Nov 11, 2056 0. Shortly and quickly after the digital revolution came the age of automation. A third world war broke out involving the US and most of Europe waring with Russia, China and various other countries throughout the middle East, South and South East Asia. While for the most part it was an east vs west "cold" war which didn't involve as much combat as it did positioning troops and shooting down drones, it drained every entity involved. The war was not supported by even a small amount of the citizenry of the conflicting countries however, which led to mass revolts. During this time many Americans fled to the western area of Canada, which for the most part was staying out of the war. People came together here, and on "the web" to form a new document similar to that of the US constitution and bill of rights which declared independence of the current regime and ushered in an era of "techno-intellectual" enlightenment. This document held ideas of a new society based around automation, digitalization, freedom, rights to anonymity, and included ideas on how to provide for the masses in a centralized environment where 90% of goods and services could be digitized and freely available. The idea was to have massive cities, (no city less than 1000km or more than 1500km from another city) throughout the world in choice areas. Each one starting off with a draft of the current federal declaration of laws, and adapting based on their needs and current cultural evolution. Each of these countries are to be connected with some sort of high-speed transportation system. As everyone would be provided for once they got there many people made the trek. The government is to provide and manufacture personal communications devices which are worn over the senses to augment reality. It's very important that the source on these be open and available to scrutiny. What the founders had realized was that the only way to prevent a long period of strife which had the potential to decimate mankind as we know it was to provide a basic income, top of the line digitals, renewable and clean resources, open and free software and hardware, and the guaranteed "freedom" outside the walls of our tech-metro. With massive unemployment because of automation and intense struggle between dying super powers there was a power grab in which the techno-intellectual revolution came out on top of, but for years had to fight to retain control. 1. The little work that can't be automated is done by 3 organizations: a) One volunteer based organization, accounts for ~60% of human work. Most of the Workateers work 2-3 hours a day doing something we haven't figured out how to automate yet. b) One organization that all able bodied people must enroll in shortly after schooling. They work for 4 years and then "retire". This makes up ~40% of the work force. c) One organization based on volunteers who wish to further their education to take on rolls that require human expertise. These people also must enroll in a teaching program and work as teachers for at least 5 years before moving on to a role in their field. 2. As ubiquitous as closed source code is in your time, it has long since become completely outlawed. We made this decision because we realized how much of the economy could be digitized and how vulnerable we all were to government, corporations, and individuals when there was no way to view the source code of even things like our food (it was demonstrated that using a modern food printer one could actually code a substance like anthrax into an unsuspecting users food). 3. Coding is taught to children along side math and culinary arts from the age of 7 as it's necessary to be able to code your own food files and work with the global repo database to assure everything you're consuming is stable, You also run the very unlikely risk that the public database has been cracked and the files possibly tainted. This is why most people keep copies of stable food file data. There are some "chefs" (people who love food) who dedicate their lives to coding the best food files. 4. All able bodied persons over the age of 18 must know how to use a fire arm. Not everyone in the world agrees with our life style, and our founders chose to educate the public about firearms rather than have a standing army, which was necessary when the west coast of North America was threatened by almost every other waring nation. There are still nations that exist which are not part of the techno-intellectual movement, mostly throughout the middle east, parts of africa, and South Asia. The nation formerly known as "brasil" holds the only tech-city in South America (called brasil), in this area, things are relatively safe, but most of the continent is now waring. The northern hemisphere, for the most part, is safe and we are focusing our efforts on advancing society. 5. We print all of our food, clothes, furniture, and other essentials that can't be augmented. Many people fashion their own things by coding it them selves, whether it be augmented or physical, as we're taught in school the dangers of executing code that is untrusted. We all wear devices (called a Personal Communications Device or PCD) that allow us to experience an augmented reality on top of our own. Our transportation system is rarely used as 90% of goods can be transferred digitally and social interaction can be had through augmented reality (Augmented Virtual Space or AVS). We are active though as physical education and being physically fit and healthy is highly encouraged in our society. 6. No longer does art take on the same primitive forms. Audio, visual, touch, taste, smell, are all combined into one form of art similar to what you now know as "movies" and "theme parks". We use certain software tools and raw programming to augment entire realities which the individual "becomes a part of". This is the most popular form of entertainment. 7. Searching AVS, social networking, and anonymity were found to be necessary for the good, betterment, and advancement of man kind and we have put in place an API type system for communicating on a network and searching the AVS that can be extended by users. This allows keeping track of your friends and family and anyone that you come into contact with, however, we also include a completely anonymous subsystem for the AVS for safe communications. We have very strict laws involving encryption, security, and bug reporting. 8. It is not uncommon in my time for someone to have a prosthesis interacting with their neural pathways. What we are developing right now is a way to prolong life indefinitely. We can already partially upload our consciousness to a special type of computational device. Many people choose to have their birth senses replaced with a PCD environmental interaction prosthesis. It consists of having your body coated in a special material with special properties. It protects you from injuries and sends touch input to your brain and to and from your PCD, it also replaces all the other senses (vision, hearing, taste, smell) and improves upon them. Within the federal papers we have stated that improvements to life such as this must be pursued by the open government and must be provided to the people freely. 9. Our large cities, or what we usually call "tech-metros", consists of large fortified buildings, each one the same as the last. It's not as dull as it sounds though as once you log on to AVS, you see the unique society that people have coded them selves, and you can always go on a walk in the country side, whether it be augmented or reality. All of our accommodations that exist out side of AVS (like the food printer) are constantly updated with the latest, best, versions. It's all automated and costs nothing. We have an over abundance of energy as it is. 10. Out side of our massive tech-metros are smaller cities that are libertarian in nature. People who are still choosing to live the old-fashioned way, because our founders realized that a completely automated, centralized society was not something everyone agreed with, have the ability to do so for the most part. While these people are still paying for goods and services, they use "micro currencies" for transactions and there are many zones that "siphon" from a nearby tech-metro, which is completely legal. Putting your self outside the city creates the potential for surveillance as the new laws require the government to take responsibility (and do so openly) for the mapping of the globe, geological surveys, exploration, etc. (much mapping is done with small bird-like drones, but there are areas guaranteed to be free from surveillance, as it's in the federal papers that such an area must exist). 11. Within our federal papers is the admission that they them selves may be flawed and may need to be changed at some point in the past, present, or future. 12. The main goal of society now is to achieve higher intelligence, prolong life, and leave earth almost completely. There is talk of massive space ships and "star farming", but it is unknown how all of this will play out. We want to give everyone in the world a chance to ascend to a higher intelligence, but we want to do it safely. We could never do anything like this in the closed source society of your day. There are many philosophical questions which may soon be answered, and we are now on the cusp of something greater than we ever fathomed.