**HOW TO USE THIS PAGE** //From the line break below indicates the suggested format for build suggestion posts. //The basic format is as follows: //1. Introduction and things to note //2. PCPartPicker build markup //3. Part-by-part breakdown //You may copy and paste the pre-formatted breakdown section to make it easier to fill out. Copy start point will be marked out. **SUGGESTED FORMAT BEGINS HERE** ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction and things to note. An introduction to the build you're posting. Add some thoughts on the build, where it excels, where it might fall short, etc. If you've gone over budget before mail in rebates, be sure to mention that fact, by how much, and offer some justification for it. Feel free to mention some features, or places you might have gone above and beyond. ----- 2. PCPartPicker build markup. Insert your PCPartPicker markup list here ----- 3. Part-by-part breakdown. (Now we breakdown the part selections piece by piece. A short blurb explaining why you picked a certain part over other options, specific features of note, potential upgrades or alternatives that could be swapped in, etc.) **BEGIN COPY AFTER THE LINE BELOW** --------------------------------- ##CPU ##CPU Cooler ##Motherboard ##RAM ##Storage ##GPU ##Case ##Power Supply ##Optical Drive ##OS ##Monitor ##Sound Card ##Wireless Adapter ##Keyboard ##Mouse ##Headphones ##Speakers ###Let me know if you have any questions.