You may hear alot of shit about me. Where its true or not shouldn't be on your mind. If you didn't know, i'm not very fond of fuckers who like to talk shit, so I'd like to set the record straight. Yes, I do like to starve myself into the hospital at times, because it makes me feel alive. I Like to scar my skin because im a fucking psycho who has SPD (Sadistic Personality Disorder) who loves blood and pain. The Lucifer himself cured me with the ability to nit get drunk [Which I find really fucking stupid.] Yes, I used to be a drug dealer and full time dominant at those swanky BDSM clubs in Mokpo. I've killed plenty of people, I've raped plentyof people, and I've done so many crimes, you mind as well think of me as Charels Manson or even Jim Moriarty. I'm a demon, what do you expect? I hope you don't think I do all of this shit because I want to and because its fun.. [even though it truly is.] I do it because I've had the worst life you can't even possibly imagine. I'll just give you a sneak peek. Let's just say that my mother used to adopt children to kill them after a week of making them fat with candy and other shitty foods, which in her words, "Was for the sake of the Almighty Satan' And that my father would sexually harrass me while the public did nothing to stop it. Or how about I would used to get my clothes flushed down the toilet at school because I used to read all the time. [honestly, that makes no fucking sense] How about being beaten sensless by gang bangers who wanted to because they were 'fucking bored Maybe the fact that after you Graduate High School and plan on doing better things with your life, your 11 best friends fucking ditch you and decide to become fucking Demons and Angels. And you say your life is fucked up... ---------------------------------------------