=begin Extra Traits/Features on Level Up by Fomar0153 Version 1.0 ---------------------- Notes ---------------------- This script allows you to gain traits/features when you level up. ---------------------- Instructions ---------------------- To add a trait when you level you need to set it up so that you learn a skill at that level, I reccomend making a new catagory called passive and having them be part of that. Give it an appropriate name e.g. "Half MP Cost" etc, in messages it will be followed by " was learned." Then in the note box for the learning use the following notetag: Then all the traits from the source data with that id will be added to the character. Source data can refer to weapons, armours or states. Set EXTRA_FEATURES_SOURCE to: 0 -> Weapons 1 -> Armours 2 -> States By default it is set to states ---------------------- Known bugs ---------------------- None =end class Game_Actor < Game_Battler # Set this constant to determine the source of the extra features. EXTRA_FEATURES_SOURCE = 2 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● セットアップ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias ef_setup setup def setup(actor_id) @extra_features = Extra_Features.new @extra_features.features = [] ef_setup(actor_id) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● 特徴を保持する全オブジェクトの配列取得 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias ef_feature_objects feature_objects def feature_objects ef_feature_objects + [@extra_features] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● レベルアップ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias ef_level_up level_up def level_up level = @level + 1 self.class.learnings.each do |learning| if learning.level == level if learning.note =~ //i @extra_features.features += $data_weapons[$1.to_i].features if EXTRA_FEATURES_SOURCE == 0 @extra_features.features += $data_armors[$1.to_i].features if EXTRA_FEATURES_SOURCE == 1 @extra_features.features += $data_states[$1.to_i].features if EXTRA_FEATURES_SOURCE == 2 end end end ef_level_up end end class Extra_Features attr_accessor :features end