Connect to Snoonet: For users using their browser: For users using a client: Host: Port: 6660-6669 (6667 being the standard one, 9999 for SSL). Description: Syntax: Example: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to join a channel: /join #channel /join #ESO How to change nick: /nick nickname /nick Reddituser85 How to registrate your nick: /ns register password email /ns register DizIZmyPassword How to login/auth/identify: /ns identify password /ns identify DizIZmyPassword FAQ: Q) My nick is changed to Guest675689, why is that? A) The nick you are using is already registrated and you havn't login/auth/identify to it. If you are the owner of the nick you have 1 min(iirc) to auth to it before it changes your nick to a guest nick. Q) What does the symbols before people nicks mean(!@%+)? A) ! = Admin/super operator. @ = Op (short for operator). % = Half op, mostly used for bots but it is up to the people in charge of the channel.. + = Voice. If the channel is in moderated or muted mode, you need voice or higher to be able to talk in the channel. Mostly used for regular users. Q) I have already registrated my nick before, but now it is gone, why? A) You need to login/auth/identify to your nick atleast once every 45 days before it gets unregistrated. Q) I disconnected and my nick is still there when I reconnect, whattodo!?!?! A) If the nick is registrated use the command /ns ghost nick password – Ex: /ns ghost Reddituser85 DizIZmyPassword Else wait 360 seconds for the ghost-connection to time out. Q) I wanna have more than one nick, do I have to register it to a new email? A) You can registrate it to the previous email and use the same password. – Change your nick to whatever you wanna use. – Use the command /ns group originalnick password • Ex: /ns group RedditUser85 DizIZmyPassword Q) What is the best way to ensure that my message is read by a person? A) Write their name in chat along with your message. Most likely, they will have a client that will notify them when someone writes their name in chat. • Ex: Is NeonFun here? Q) How do I spoiler-mark text? A) Read: - You can use ctrl+o to stop the formatting. This works in most clients (such as mIRC and hexchat), but not the webchat.