//Made by Karul prontera,155,190,3 script Events 793,{ if(getgmlevel() < 1 ) end; mes "Hello there GM " + strcharinfo(0) + " !"; next; set .menu$, select(.gm_menu$); switch(.menu$) { case 1: // Question & Answer next; mes "I will now create warps, announce, & warp you."; close2; warp "quiz_02",45,366; Announce "There will be a 'Question & Answer' Event Held!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 5000; Announce "If you want to join, the warp will be open in Prontera. It will be open for 1 minute!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 1000; enablenpc "quizevent"; initnpctimer; goto L_Timer; end; case 2: // Death by Dice next; mes "I will now create warps, announce, & warp you."; close2; warp "g_room1-1",55,91; Announce "There will be a 'Death by Dice' Event Held!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 5000; Announce "If you want to join, the warp will be open in Prontera. It will be open for 1 minute!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 1000; enablenpc "diceevent"; initnpctimer; goto L_Timer; end; case 3: // Bomb Porings?! next; mes "I will not create warps, announce, & warp you."; close2; warp "g_room1-1",237,270; Announce "There will be a 'Bomb Porings?!' Event Held!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 5000; Announce "If you want to join, the warp will be open in Prontera. It will be open for 1 minute!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 1000; enablenpc "bombevent"; initnpctimer; goto L_Timer; end; case 4: // Last Man Standing next; mes "I will now create warps, announce, & warp you."; close2; warp "g_room1-1",237,270; Announce "There will be a 'Last Man Standing' Event Held!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 5000; Announce "If you want to join, the warp will be open in Prontera. It will be open for 1 minute!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 1000; enablenpc "lmsevent"; initnpctimer; goto L_Timer; end; case 5: // Party vs Party next; mes "I will now create warps, announce, & warp you."; close2; warp "06guild_08",50,50; Announce "There will be a 'Party vs Party' Event Held!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 5000; Announce "If you want to join, the warp will be open in Prontera. It will be open for 1 minute!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 1000; enablenpc "pvpevent"; initnpctimer; goto L_Timer; end; case 6: // Go Pikachu! next; mes "I will now create warps, announce, & warp you."; close2; warp "quiz_02",249,365; Announce "There will be a 'Go Pikachu!' Event Held!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 5000; Announce "If you want to join, the warp will be open in Prontera. It will be open for 1 minute!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 1000; enablenpc "pikachuevent"; initnpctimer; goto L_Timer; end; case 7: // Tarot? next; mes "I will now create warps, announce, & warp you."; close2; warp "g_room1-1",230,368; Announce "There will be a 'Tarot?' Event Held!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 5000; Announce "If you want to join, the warp will be open in Prontera. It will be open for 1 minute!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 1000; enablenpc "tarotevent"; initnpctimer; goto L_Timer; end; } L_Timer: OnTimer00000: Announce "Timer has started!",bc_all; end; OnTimer30000: Announce "Thirty Seconds Have Passed By!",bc_all; sleep2 5000; Announce "Hurry to Prontera if you want to join!",bc_all; end; OnTimer40000: Announce "Twenty seconds left!",bc_all; end; OnTimer50000: Announce "Ten seconds left!",bc_all; end; OnTimer55000: Announce "5!",bc_all; sleep2 1000; Announce "4!",bc_all; sleep2 1000; Announce "3!",bc_all; sleep2 1000; Announce "2!",bc_all; sleep2 1000; Announce "1!",bc_all; sleep2 1000; Announce "0!",bc_all; sleep2 1000; disablenpc "quizevent"; disablenpc "diceevent"; disablenpc "bombevent"; disablenpc "lmsevent"; disablenpc "pvpevent"; disablenpc "pikachuevent"; disablenpc "tarotevent"; stopnpctimer; end; OnInit: setarray .gmevents$,"Question & Answer","Death by Dice","Bomb Porings?!","Last Man Standing","Party vs Party!","Go Pikachu!","Tarot?"; for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.gmevents$); set .@i, .@i +1 ) set .gm_menu$, .gm_menu$ + (.gmevents$[.@i]) +":"; disablenpc "quizevent"; disablenpc "diceevent"; disablenpc "bombevent"; disablenpc "lmsevent"; disablenpc "pvpevent"; disablenpc "pikachuevent"; disablenpc "tarotevent"; end; } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // To -> Event Warps //== Question & Answer prontera,155,180,0 warp quizevent 2,2,quiz_02,45,366 //== Death by Dice prontera,155,180,0 warp diceevent 2,2,g_room1-1,55,91 //== Bomb Porings?! prontera,155,180,0 warp bombevent 2,2,g_room1-1,237,270 //== Player vs Player prontera,155,180,0 warp lmsevent 2,2,g_room1-1,237,270 //== Party vs Party prontera,155,180,0 warp pvpevent 2,2,06guild_08,50,50; //== Go Pikachu! prontera,155,180,0 warp pikachuevent 2,2,quiz_02,249,371 //== Tarot? prontera,155,180,0 warp tarotevent 2,2,g_room1-1,230,368 // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // In-Event //== Question & Answer // "True" quiz_02,32,362,0 warp quizeventroom1 2,2,quiz_02,32,357 // "False" quiz_02,59,362,0 warp quizeventroom2 2,2,quiz_02,59,357 //== Death by Dice // Number 1~ g_room1-1,37,84,0 warp diceeventroom1 2,2,g_room1-1,38,73 // Number 2~ g_room1-1,49,84,0 warp diceeventroom2 2,2,g_room1-1,49,73 // Number 3~ g_room1-1,61,84,0 warp diceeventroom3 2,2,g_room1-1,61,73 // Number 4~ g_room1-1,73,84,0 warp diceeventroom4 2,2,g_room1-1,73,73 //== Bomb Poring // Bomb Spammer g_room1-1,236,276,4 script Spammer 793,{ if(getgmlevel() < 1) end; switch(select("Bomb Porings:Guardians:None")) { case 1: areamonster "g_room1-1",221,292,233,280,"Bomb Poring",1904,10,"Spammer::OnEvent"; areamonster "g_room1-1",221,261,233,273,"Bomb Poring",1904,10,"Spammer::OnEvent"; areamonster "g_room1-1",252,292,240,280,"Bomb Poring",1904,10,"Spammer::OnEvent"; areamonster "g_room1-1",252,261,240,273,"Bomb Poring",1904,10,"Spammer::OnEvent"; close; case 2: set .@randvar, rand(1,4); if(.@randvar == 1) { areamonster "g_room1-1",221,292,233,280,"Sword Guardian",1829,1,"Spammer::OnEvent"; } else if(.@randvar == 2) { areamonster "g_room1-1",221,261,233,273,"Sword Guardian",1829,1,"Spammer::OnEvent"; } else if(.@randvar == 3) { areamonster "g_room1-1",252,292,240,280,"Sword Guardian",1829,1,"Spammer::OnEvent"; } else if(.@randvar == 4) { areamonster "g_room1-1",252,261,240,273,"Sword Guardian",1829,1,"Spammer::OnEvent"; } close; case 3: close; } OnEvent: end; } //== Go Pikachu! - script Pokemon Field 793,{ OnInit: setcell "quiz_02",240,367,259,367,cell_walkable,0; setcell "quiz_02",240,367,240,364,cell_walkable,0; setcell "quiz_02",259,364,259,367,cell_walkable,0; end; } // "Win" quiz_02,236,364,0 warp pikachueventroom1 2,2,quiz_02,236,346 // "Lose" quiz_02,263,364,0 warp pikachueventroom2 2,2,quiz_02,263,346 // == Mapflags //