On Error Resume Next dim fso, write, start, writeTo ' Where to read from, where to write to start = "assets" writeTo = "src/Assets.as" Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set write = fso.CreateTextFile(writeTo, True) ' Begin file write.WriteLine("package") write.WriteLine("{") write.WriteLine(" public class Assets") write.WriteLine(" {") ' Read files readFolder("") ' Close write.WriteLine(" }") write.WriteLine("}") write.Close Function readFolder(name) Dim folder, files, folders, list, count, listName, className, extension Set folder = fso.GetFolder(start & "/" & name) ' Clean the list name listName = UCase(name) listName = Replace(listName, "/", "_") listName = Replace(listName, "-", "_") listName = Replace(listName, " ", "") list = " public static const " & listName & ":Array = [" count = 0 ' For every file ... For each file In folder.Files ' Clean the file name className = Left(file.Name, Len(file.Name) - 4) className = name & "_" & className className = Replace(className, "/", "_") className = Replace(className, " ", "") className = Replace(className, "-", "_") className = UCase(className) ' get the extension extension = Right(file.Name, 3) ' Add it to the list (array of files from this folder) If count = 0 Then list = list & className Else list = list & ", " & className End If ' Write this to the file If extension = "oel" Or extension = "xml" Then write.WriteLine(" [Embed(source='../" & start & "/" & name & "/" & file.Name&"', mimeType='application/octet-stream')] public static const " & className & ":Class;") Else write.WriteLine(" [Embed(source='../" & start & "/" & name & "/" & file.Name&"')] public static const " & className & ":Class;") End If count = count + 1 Next ' Write the list of files from the folder, if any files exist If count > 1 Then list = list & "];" write.WriteLine(list) End If ' Find all the subfolders, and read them For each subfolder in folder.SubFolders write.WriteLine("") write.WriteLine(" /* --- " & subfolder.Name & " --- */") ' only add a / if the previous folder exists (not the root folder) If name = "" Then readFolder(subfolder.Name) Else readFolder(name&"/"&subfolder.Name) End If Next End Function