:main32 ECHO Livestreamer Batch script ECHO Input the url of the streamer. ECHO Example:own3d.tv/SaintVicious or twitch.tv/wingsofdeath Set /p Input=Go: ECHO It will show the quality possibilities of streaming. timeout /T 2 > NUL "%PROGRAMFILES%\Livestreamer\livestreamer.exe" %Input% 2> tmp.txt find /c /i "error" tmp.txt > NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 ( goto main322 ) ELSE ( goto start32 ) :main322 del tmp.txt ECHO _______________________________ ECHO Wrong input or streamer is offline ECHO _______________________________ ECHO Input the url of the streamer. ECHO Example:own3d.tv/SaintVicious or twitch.tv/wingsofdeath Set /p Input=Go: ECHO It will show the quality possibilities of streaming. timeout /T 2 > NUL "%PROGRAMFILES%\Livestreamer\livestreamer.exe" %Input% 2> tmp.txt find /c /i "error" tmp.txt > NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 ( goto main322 ) ELSE ( goto start32 ) :start32 del tmp.txt set /p quality=Now write the quality you want to watch in: "C:\Program Files\Livestreamer\livestreamer.exe" %Input% %quality% > nul :main ECHO Livestreamer Batch script ECHO Input the url of the streamer. ECHO Example:own3d.tv/SaintVicious or twitch.tv/wingsofdeath Set /p Input=Go: ECHO It will show the quality possibilities of streaming. timeout /T 2 > NUL "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Livestreamer\livestreamer.exe" %Input% 2> tmp.txt find /c /i "error" tmp.txt > NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 ( goto main2 ) ELSE ( goto start ) :main2 del tmp.txt ECHO _______________________________ ECHO Wrong input or streamer is offline ECHO _______________________________ ECHO Input the url of the streamer. ECHO Example:own3d.tv/SaintVicious or twitch.tv/wingsofdeath Set /p Input=Go: ECHO It will show the quality possibilities of streaming. timeout /T 2 > NUL "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Livestreamer\livestreamer.exe" %Input% 2> tmp.txt find /c /i "error" tmp.txt > NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 ( goto main2 ) ELSE ( goto start ) :start del tmp.txt set /p quality=Now write the quality you want to watch in: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Livestreamer\livestreamer.exe" %Input% %quality% > nul