#include #include #include #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n #include "KDMemory.au3" #include #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= $Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 427, 199, 570, 291) $status = GUICtrlCreateLabel("----", 8, 155, 143, 17) $onoff = GUICtrlCreateLabel("----", 288, 152, 132, 17) $oldcoordsx = GUICtrlCreateLabel("----", 8, 91, 128, 17) $oldcoordsy = GUICtrlCreateLabel("----", 272, 91, 135, 17) $xgui = GUICtrlCreateLabel("----", 8, 64, 129, 17) $ygui = GUICtrlCreateLabel("----", 272, 64, 129, 17) $attenemy = GUICtrlCreateLabel("----", 142, 16, 143, 17) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### HotKeySet("{F10}","_Start") HotKeySet("{F11}","_Stop") Global Const $processName = "game.bin",$moduleName = "game.bin" Global $processId = ProcessExists($processName) $statusa = 0 While $processId = False Global $processId = ProcessExists($processName) If $statusa = 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($status,"Waiting for AK") $statusa = 1 EndIf ;ToolTip($processId) WEnd Global $handles = _KDMemory_OpenProcess($processId) $statusb = 0 While $handles = False Global $handles = _KDMemory_OpenProcess($processId) If $statusb = 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($status,"Attaching...") $statusb = 1 EndIf WEnd Global $baseOffset = 0x00B44158 Global $base = _KDMemory_GetModuleBaseAddress($handles, $moduleName) + $baseOffset GUICtrlSetData($status,"Attached") $1 = _KDMemory_ReadProcessMemory($handles, 0x00F441B0, "DWORD") if not IsArray($1) Then MsgBox(64,":(" ,"seems outdated or you started ak first") EndIf $bot = 0 $vadress = 0x00F441B0 $kill = 0 While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch While $bot = 1 If WinActive("Aura Kingdom Online") Then $visier = _KDMemory_ReadProcessMemory($handles, $vadress, "DWORD") If GUICtrlRead($attenemy) <> $visier[1] Then GUICtrlSetData($attenemy,$visier[1]) EndIf If $visier[1] = 0 Then Do If WinActive("Aura Kingdom Online") Then Send("{TAB}") Send("{e down}") $visier = _KDMemory_ReadProcessMemory($handles, $vadress, "DWORD") ; ToolTip($visier[1]) EndIf Sleep(100) Until $visier[1] > 1 Send("{e up}") EndIf Send("1") Sleep(100) Send("2") Sleep(100) Send("3") Sleep(100) Send("4") Sleep(100) Send("5") EndIf WEnd WEnd Func _Start() Global $bot = 1 Global $offsets[5] = [0xfc,0x204,0x450,0xc,0x154] ;Global $baseOffset = 0x00B44158; - 0C1AEAD4 $readwtwy = _KDMemory_ReadProcessMemory($handles, $base, "Float",$offsets) Global $xadress = $readwtwy[0];0x0B65C650;$readwtwy[0] ;ToolTip("Warped") Global $yadress = $xadress + 0x4;0x0BB6F9D8 Global $zadress = $yadress + 0x4 Global $bx = _KDMemory_ReadProcessMemory($handles, $xadress, "Float") Global $by = _KDMemory_ReadProcessMemory($handles, $yadress, "Float") Global $oldx = _KDMemory_ReadProcessMemory($handles, $xadress, "Float") Global $oldy = _KDMemory_ReadProcessMemory($handles, $yadress, "Float") Global $oldz = _KDMemory_ReadProcessMemory($handles, $zadress, "Float") AdlibRegister("_PoS") ;AdlibRegister("Stuck") GUICtrlSetData($onoff,"Running") EndFunc Func _Stop() Global $bot = 0 AdlibunRegister("_PoS") ;AdlibunRegister("Stuck") GUICtrlSetData($onoff,"Paused") EndFunc Func _PoS() $x =_KDMemory_ReadProcessMemory($handles, $xadress, "Float") $y = _KDMemory_ReadProcessMemory($handles, $yadress, "Float") $a = $oldx[1] $b = $oldx[1] $c = $oldy[1] $d = $oldy[1] ;ToolTip($x[1] & " " & $oldx[1] & " " & $y[1] & " " & $oldy[1]) If GUICtrlRead($xgui) <> $oldx[1] Then GUICtrlSetData($xgui,$x[1]) EndIf If GUICtrlRead($ygui) <> $y[1] Then GUICtrlSetData($ygui,$y[1]) EndIf If GUICtrlRead($oldcoordsx) <> $oldx[1] Then GUICtrlSetData($oldcoordsx,$oldx[1]) EndIf If GUICtrlRead($oldcoordsy) <> $oldy[1] Then GUICtrlSetData($oldcoordsy,$oldy[1]) EndIf $xvald = $a - 100 $xvalp = $b + 100 $yvald = $c - 100 $yvalp = $d + 100 If $x[1] > $xvalp Then ;ToolTip("Warped") _KDMemory_WriteProcessMemory($handles, $xadress, "Float", $oldx[1]) _KDMemory_WriteProcessMemory($handles, $yadress, "Float", $oldy[1]) _KDMemory_WriteProcessMemory($handles, $zadress, "Float", $oldz[1]) ElseIf $x[1] < $xvald Then ;ToolTip("Warped") _KDMemory_WriteProcessMemory($handles, $xadress, "Float", $oldx[1]) _KDMemory_WriteProcessMemory($handles, $yadress, "Float", $oldy[1]) _KDMemory_WriteProcessMemory($handles, $zadress, "Float", $oldz[1]) ElseIf $y[1] > $yvalp Then ;ToolTip("Warped") _KDMemory_WriteProcessMemory($handles, $xadress, "Float", $oldx[1]) _KDMemory_WriteProcessMemory($handles, $yadress, "Float", $oldy[1]) _KDMemory_WriteProcessMemory($handles, $zadress, "Float", $oldz[1]) ElseIf $y[1] < $yvald Then ;ToolTip("Warped") _KDMemory_WriteProcessMemory($handles, $xadress, "Float", $oldx[1]) _KDMemory_WriteProcessMemory($handles, $yadress, "Float", $oldy[1]) _KDMemory_WriteProcessMemory($handles, $zadress, "Float", $oldz[1]) EndIf EndFunc Func Stuck() $ax = _KDMemory_ReadProcessMemory($handles, $xadress, "Float") $ay = _KDMemory_ReadProcessMemory($handles, $yadress, "Float") If $ax[1] = $bx[1] And $ay[1] = $by[1] Then Global $timerini = TimerInit() If TimerDiff($timerini) > 30000 Then If $ax[1] = $bx[1] And $ay[1] = $by[1] Then _KDMemory_WriteProcessMemory($handles, $xadress, "Float", $oldx[1]) _KDMemory_WriteProcessMemory($handles, $yadress, "Float", $oldy[1]) $bx = _KDMemory_ReadProcessMemory($handles, $xadress, "Float") $by = _KDMemory_ReadProcessMemory($handles, $yadress, "Float") Global $timerini = TimerInit() MsgBox(0,"","Reset()") EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc