#!/usr/bin/env python """ This program decodes the Motorola SmartNet II trunking protocol from the control channel Tune it to the control channel center freq, and it'll spit out the decoded packets. In what format? Who knows. This program does not include audio output support. It logs channels to disk by talkgroup name. If you don't specify what talkgroups to log, it logs EVERYTHING. """ from gnuradio import gr, gru, blks2, optfir, digital from grc_gnuradio import blks2 as grc_blks2 from gnuradio import audio from gnuradio import eng_notation from gnuradio import uhd from fsk_demod import fsk_demod from logging_receiver import logging_receiver from optparse import OptionParser from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option from gnuradio import smartnet #from gnuradio.wxgui import slider #from gnuradio.wxgui import stdgui2, fftsink2, form #from pkt import * import time import gnuradio.gr.gr_threading as _threading import csv import os class top_block_runner(_threading.Thread): def __init__(self, tb): _threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(1) self.tb = tb self.done = False self.start() def run(self): self.tb.run() self.done = True class my_top_block(gr.top_block): def __init__(self, options, queue): gr.top_block.__init__(self) self.u = uhd.usrp_source(options.addr, io_type=uhd.io_type.COMPLEX_FLOAT32, num_channels=1) if options.subdev is not None: self.u.set_subdev_spec(options.subdev, 0) self.u.set_samp_rate(options.rate) self.rate = self.u.get_samp_rate() # Set the antenna if(options.antenna): self.u.set_antenna(options.antenna, 0) self.centerfreq = options.centerfreq print "Tuning to: %fMHz" % (self.centerfreq - options.error) if not(self.tune(options.centerfreq - options.error)): print "Failed to set initial frequency" if options.gain is None: #set to halfway g = self.u.get_gain_range() options.gain = (g.start()+g.stop()) / 2.0 print "Setting gain to %i" % options.gain self.u.set_gain(options.gain) self.u.set_bandwidth(options.bandwidth) print "Samples per second is %i" % self.rate self._syms_per_sec = 3600; options.audiorate = 11025 options.rate = self.rate options.samples_per_second = self.rate #yeah i know it's on the list options.syms_per_sec = self._syms_per_sec options.gain_mu = 0.01 options.mu=0.5 options.omega_relative_limit = 0.3 options.syms_per_sec = self._syms_per_sec options.offset = options.centerfreq - options.freq print "Control channel offset: %f" % options.offset self.demod = fsk_demod(options) self.start_correlator = digital.correlate_access_code_bb("10101100",0) #should mark start of packet self.smartnet_sync = smartnet.sync() self.smartnet_deinterleave = smartnet.deinterleave() self.smartnet_parity = smartnet.parity() self.smartnet_crc = smartnet.crc() self.smartnet_packetize = smartnet.packetize() self.parse = smartnet.parse(queue) #packet-based. this simply posts lightly-formatted messages to the queue. self.connect(self.u, self.demod) self.connect(self.demod, self.start_correlator, self.smartnet_sync, self.smartnet_deinterleave, self.smartnet_parity, self.smartnet_crc, self.smartnet_packetize, self.parse) def tune(self, freq): result = self.u.set_center_freq(freq) return True def getfreq(chanlist, cmd): if chanlist is None: #if no chanlist file, make a guess. there are four extant bandplan schemes, and i believe this one is the most common. if cmd < 0x2d0: freq = float(cmd * 0.025 + 851.0125) else: freq = None else: #program your channel listings, get the right freqs. if chanlist.get(str(cmd), None) is not None: freq = float(chanlist[str(cmd)]) else: freq = None return freq def parsefreq(s, chanlist): retfreq = None [address, groupflag, command] = s.split(",") command = int(command) address = int(address) & 0xFFF0 groupflag = bool(groupflag) if chanlist is None: if command < 0x2d0: retfreq = getfreq(chanlist, command) else: if chanlist.get(str(command), None) is not None: #if it falls into the channel somewhere retfreq = getfreq(chanlist, command) return [retfreq, address] # mask so the squelch opens up on the entire group def main(): # Create Options Parser: parser = OptionParser (option_class=eng_option, conflict_handler="resolve") expert_grp = parser.add_option_group("Expert") parser.add_option("-f", "--freq", type="eng_float", default=866.9625e6, help="set control channel frequency to MHz [default=%default]", metavar="FREQ") parser.add_option("-c", "--centerfreq", type="eng_float", default=867.5e6, help="set center receive frequency to MHz [default=%default]. Set to center of 800MHz band for best results") parser.add_option("-g", "--gain", type="int", default=None, help="set RF gain", metavar="dB") parser.add_option("-r", "--rate", type="eng_float", default=64e6/18, help="set sample rate [default=%default]") parser.add_option("-b", "--bandwidth", type="eng_float", default=3e6, help="set bandwidth of DBS RX frond end [default=%default]") parser.add_option("-C", "--chanlistfile", type="string", default="motochan14.csv", help="read in list of Motorola channel frequencies (improves accuracy of frequency decoding) [default=%default]") parser.add_option("-E", "--error", type="eng_float", default=0, help="enter an offset error to compensate for USRP clock inaccuracy") parser.add_option("-m", "--monitor", type="int", default=None, help="monitor a specific talkgroup") parser.add_option("-v", "--volume", type="eng_float", default=3.0, help="set volume gain for audio output [default=%default]") parser.add_option("-s", "--squelch", type="eng_float", default=28, help="set audio squelch level (default=%default, play with it)") parser.add_option("-D", "--directory", type="string", default="./log", help="choose a directory in which to save log data [default=%default]") parser.add_option("-a", "--addr", type="string", default="", help="address options to pass to UHD") parser.add_option("-s", "--subdev", type="string", help="UHD subdev spec", default=None) parser.add_option("-A", "--antenna", type="string", default=None, help="select Rx Antenna where appropriate") #receive_path.add_options(parser, expert_grp) (options, args) = parser.parse_args () if len(args) != 0: parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if options.chanlistfile is not None: clreader=csv.DictReader(open(options.chanlistfile), quotechar='"') chanlist={"0": 0} for record in clreader: chanlist[record['channel']] = record['frequency'] else: chanlist = None # build the graph queue = gr.msg_queue() tb = my_top_block(options, queue) runner = top_block_runner(tb) updaterate = 10 #main loop rate in Hz audiologgers = [] #this is the list of active audio sinks. rxfound = False #a flag to indicate whether or not an audio sink was found with the correct talkgroup ID; see below try: while 1: if not queue.empty_p(): msg = queue.delete_head() # Blocking read sentence = msg.to_string() [newfreq, newaddr] = parsefreq(sentence, chanlist) monaddr = newaddr & 0xFFF0 #last 8 bits are status flags for a given talkgroup if newfreq == options.freq/1e6: newfreq = None #don't log the audio from the trunk itself #we have a new frequency assignment. look through the list of audio logger objects and find if any of them have been allocated to it rxfound = False for rx in audiologgers: #print "Logger info: %i @ %f idle for %fs" % (rx.talkgroup, rx.getfreq(options.centerfreq), rx.timeout()) #TODO: debug #first look through the list to find out if there is a receiver assigned to this talkgroup if rx.talkgroup == monaddr: #here we've got one if newfreq != rx.getfreq(options.centerfreq) and newfreq is not None: #we're on a new channel, though rx.tuneoffset(newfreq, options.centerfreq) rx.unmute() #this should be unnecessary but it does update the timestamp rxfound = True #print "New transmission on TG %i, updating timestamp" % rx.talkgroup else: if rx.getfreq(options.centerfreq) == newfreq: #a different talkgroup, but a new assignment on that freq! time to mute. rx.mute() if rxfound is False and newfreq is not None: #no existing receiver for this talkgroup. time to create one. #lock the flowgraph tb.lock() audiologgers.append( logging_receiver(newaddr, options) ) #create it audiologgers[-1].tuneoffset(newfreq, options.centerfreq) #tune it tb.connect(tb.u, audiologgers[-1]) #connect to the flowgraph tb.unlock() audiologgers[-1].unmute() #unmute it if newfreq is not None: print "TG %i @ %f, %i active loggers" % (newaddr, newfreq, len(audiologgers)) else: time.sleep(1.0/updaterate) for rx in audiologgers: if rx.timeout() >= 5.0: #if this receiver has been muted more than 3 seconds rx.close() #close the .wav file that the logger has been writing to tb.lock() tb.disconnect(rx) tb.unlock() audiologgers.remove(rx) #delete the audio logger object from the list except KeyboardInterrupt: #perform cleanup: time to get out of Dodge for rx in audiologgers: #you probably don't need to lock, disconnect, unlock, remove. but you might as well. rx.close() #tb.lock() #tb.disconnect(rx) #tb.unlock() audiologgers.remove(rx) tb.stop() runner = None if __name__ == '__main__': main()