#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>># # # # V's Best Class Stats # # Version 1.0 # # # #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# # Written By: V # # Last Edited: December 9, 2013 # #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# # # #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>># #==============================================================================# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # ** Disclaimer # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # # This script was intended for Non-commercial use only, if you wish to use # # this script in a commercial game please PM me at which ever site you found # # this script. Either way please give me credit in your game script as the # # writer of this script, and send me a PM abuot the release of the game/demo. # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # ** How To Use # #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# # # # * This script is Plug & Play. # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # ** Description # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # # v0.1 # # ~=~=~=~ # # * This script automatically finds the highest stat for each of the actors # # classes. This includes params, xparams, sparams, atk speed, atk times, # # action times, equip weapon types and equip armor types. # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #==============================================================================# #============================================================================== # ** V's Best Class Stats #============================================================================== #============================================================================== # ** Game_Actor #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This class handles actors. It is used within the Game_Actors class # ($game_actors) and is also referenced from the Game_Party class ($game_party). #============================================================================== class Game_Actor < Game_Battler #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :i473453380004404400 :initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(actor_id) i473453380004404400(actor_id) @atks = 0.0 @atkt = 0.0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Returns All Of The Actor Classes #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def classes classes = [] @exp.each { |i, v| classes.push i} return classes end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Get Parameter #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def param(param_id) param = 0 classes.each { |i| param = $data_classes[i].params[param_id, @level] if $data_classes[i].params[param_id, @level] > param } value = param + param_plus(param_id) value *= param_rate(param_id) * param_buff_rate(param_id) [[value, param_max(param_id)].min, param_min(param_id)].max.to_i end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Get Ex-Parameter #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def xparam(xparam_id) xparam = 0.0 classes.each { |i| $data_classes[i].features.each { |f| if f.code == 22 && f.data_id == xparam_id xparam = f.value if f.value > xparam_id end } } return xparam end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Get Sp-Parameter #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def sparam(sparam_id) sparam = 0.0 classes.each { |i| $data_classes[i].features.each { |f| if f.code == 23 && f.data_id == sparam_id sparam = f.value if f.value > sparam_id end } } return sparam end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Determine Action Times #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_action_times actp = 1.0 classes.each { |i| $data_classes[i].features.each { |f| if f.code == 61 actp = f.value if f.value > actp end } } return actp end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Attack Speed #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def atk_speed atkt = 0.0 classes.each { |i| $data_classes[i].features.each { |f| if f.code == 34 atkt = f.value if f.value > atkt end } } return atkt end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Change Additional Attack Times #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def atk_times_add atks = 0.0 classes.each { |i| $data_classes[i].features.each { |f| if f.code == 33 atks = f.value if f.value > atks end } } return atks end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Determine if Weapon Can Be Equipped #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def equip_wtype_ok?(wtype_id) enabled = false classes.each { |i| $data_classes[i].features.each { |f| if f.code == 51 && f.data_id == wtype_id enabled = true return enabled end } } return enabled end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Determine if Armor Can Be Equipped #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def equip_atype_ok?(atype_id) enabled = false classes.each { |i| $data_classes[i].features.each { |f| if f.code == 52 && f.data_id == atype_id enabled = true return enabled end } } return enabled end end#<-- End Class===============================================================