Private cleanupshsh As String Function IsNumber(ByVal KeyAscii As Integer) As Integer If InStr(1, "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", Chr$(KeyAscii), 0) > 0 Or KeyAscii = 8 Then IsNumber = True Else IsNumber = False End If End Function Sub Pause(interval As String) Dim X X = Timer Do While Timer - X < Val(interval) DoEvents Loop End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() Dim AppToRun As String Dim ParamForApp As String Dim cmdline As String Dim sPath As String Dim obj As Object Dim oFS As Object If Len(txtStr.Text) <> 16 Then 'validation MsgBox "A ECID is 16 Digits Long!", vbExclamation txtStr.SetFocus Exit Sub Else MousePointer = vbHourglass 'disable Ok button cmdOK.Enabled = False 'Pause Pause (4) 'get windows folder sPath = Environ("windir") 'set Application to Run - this will stay the same AppToRun = sPath & "\System32\CMD.exe" 'set Command Line Parameters 'The "/C" Tells Windows to Run The Command then Terminate 'this is your command - keep /C at the begining ParamForApp = " /C " & """" & App.Path & "\ecid.exe""" & " -v 3.1 -e " & txtStr.Text 'Build Command string cmdline = AppToRun & ParamForApp 'hide window 'ExecCmd cmdline, True MousePointer = vbDefault 'enable Ok button cmdOK.Enabled = True 'get desktop folder Set obj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") sPath = obj.SpecialFolders("desktop") Set obj = Nothing 'desktop path & file name sPath = sPath & "\" & txtStr.Text & ".shsh" 'MsgBox Trim(sPath) 'move & rename Name App.Path & "\00.shsh" As sPath 'delete old shsh file Shell cleanupshsh, vbHide 'load success message Unload Me Load shshsuccess shshsuccess.Show vbModal End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() cleanupshsh = "cleanupshsh.bat" End Sub Private Sub txtStr_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If Not IsNumber(KeyAscii) Then KeyAscii = 0 End Sub