import munistops # collect all routes to each stop stopsToRoutes = {} stopsFoundSoFar = [] for route in munistops.munistops: if route in ['1AX', '1BX', '5L', '8AX', '8BX', '9L', '14L', '14X', '28L', '31AX', '31BX', '38L', '38AX', '38BX', '71L', 'K OWL', 'L OWL', 'M OWL', 'N OWL', 'T OWL' '59', '60', '61', '30X', 'NX']: continue # skip redundant routes for stop in munistops.munistops[route]: if stop['title'] in stopsFoundSoFar: continue # don't have stops listed more than once (happens when, for example, inbound and outbound stops are at the same intersection) stopsFoundSoFar.append(stop['title']) stopsToRoutes.setdefault(stop['stopId'], {'lat':None, 'lon':None, 'title':None, 'routes':[]}) stopsToRoutes[stop['stopId']]['lat'] = stop['lat'] stopsToRoutes[stop['stopId']]['lon'] = stop['lon'] stopsToRoutes[stop['stopId']]['title'] = stop['title'] if route not in stopsToRoutes[stop['stopId']]['routes']: stopsToRoutes[stop['stopId']]['routes'].append(route) # compile the javascript code stopToRoutesJS = [] for stopId in stopsToRoutes.keys(): stopInfo = stopsToRoutes[stopId] stopToRoutesJS.append('"%s": {"lat": %s, "lon": %s, "title": "%s", "routes": %s}' % (stopId, stopInfo['lat'], stopInfo['lon'], stopInfo['title'], stopInfo['routes'])) # output javascript fo = open('stops_cleanedup.js', 'w') fo.write(""" // Actually, you can just hover over the markers and a tool tip shows up, so I don't need the stopInfoWindow /*var stopInfoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ disableAutoPan: true });*/ var stopsList = ["%s"]; var stopsToRoutes = {%s}; for (var i = 0; i < stopsList.length; i++) { currentStopId = stopsList[i]; var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: new google.maps.LatLng(stopsToRoutes[currentStopId]['lat'], stopsToRoutes[currentStopId]['lon']), map: map, title: stopsToRoutes[currentStopId]['title'] }); /*(function(thisContent, thisMarker) { // making this into a closure so that "thisContent" keeps its value google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { stopInfoWindow.close(); stopInfoWindow.setContent(thisContent);, thisMarker); }); })(stopsToRoutes[currentStopId]['title'] + '
' + stopsToRoutes[currentStopId]['routes'].join(), marker);*/ } """ % ('","'.join(stopsToRoutes.keys()), ','.join(stopToRoutesJS))) fo.close()