------------------------ FieldofView Bind: Navigate to "TERA\Client\S1Game\Config" open up the file "S1Input.ini" underneath the line "bEnableMouseSmoothing=true" Bindings=(Name="x",Command="fov 90") (make sure there is no ; at the start of the line like there are with the lines underneath it) ------------------------ Disable Mouse Smoothing: Navigate to "TERA\Client\S1Game\Config" open up the file "S1Input.ini" Change "bEnableMouseSmoothing=true" to false ------------------------ Disable In-Game Fake AA/Blur (FXAA): Launch Tera. Go to Settings: Video: "Lighting Enhancement" Change 2 to 1 ------------------------ Add Antialiasing with SMAA Injector: Do above FXAA fix! DISABLE NVIDIA/ATI AA! (it doesn't work anyways) Download: https://sites.google.com/site/mrhaandi/injectSMAA_by_mrhaandi_1.2.7z Extract dx9 folder into: \TERA\Client\Binaries\ Toggle with Pause/Break to see Jaggies Appear/Vanish like Magic! (default is ON) ------------------------ S1Engine.ini Tweaks: Change DepthOfField=True to False (Less Blur in distance and on trees) Change bSmoothFrameRate=True to False (Disables stupid FPS cap) Change MaxAnisotropy=X to 16 (Better texture filtering) Under [SystemSettings] add bAllowLightShafts=True GAME OVERWRITES S1Engine.ini each patch so CHECK THESE ------------------------ Nvidia Character Texture Tweak: Download/Open Nvidia Inspector Open Tera Profile Scroll down to Dynamic Tiling Set Flag to: PS_DYNAMIC_TILING_ON Save Profile ------------------------