module Main where import System.Random.Mersenne as M import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as U import Control.Monad.State as S import Control.Monad.Primitive import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL newtype Grid = Grid { unG :: (Int, MVector (PrimState IO) Int) } newtype Ising = Ising { unI :: (M.MTGen, Grid) } type Pos = (Int, Int) (|>) :: Grid -> Pos -> IO Int (Grid (n,g)) |> (x,y) | x == n = U.unsafeRead g (y*n) | x == -1 = U.unsafeRead g (y*n + n - 1) | y == n = U.unsafeRead g x | y == -1 = U.unsafeRead g ((n - 1)*n + x) | otherwise = U.unsafeRead g (y*n + x) (<==) :: Pos -> Int -> (Pos, Int) pos <== val = (pos,val) (<|) :: Grid -> (Pos, Int) -> IO () Grid (n,g) <| ((x,y), val) = U.unsafeWrite g (y*n + x) val infixr 1 <== infixr 0 <| -- Just a shortcut l = lift -- Initialize a ising system initIsing :: M.MTGen -> Int -> IO Ising initIsing rg n = do g <- $ n*n grid <- return $ Grid (n, g) let spin x = x + (x - 1) sequence_ [ do rnumber <- random rg grid <| (i,j) <== spin (rnumber `mod` 2) | i <- [0..n - 1], j <- [0..n - 1] ] return $ Ising (rg, grid) -- Update the grid of Ising Model 'ns' steps in temperatur 't' updateIsing :: Int -> Double -> StateT Ising IO () updateIsing ns t = up 0 ns where up i ns | i == ns = return () | otherwise = do Ising (rg, grid@(Grid (n,_))) <- S.get x <- l $ (`mod` n) <$> random rg y <- l $ (`mod` n) <$> random rg (e,s) <- l $ calc_energy grid (x,y) if e < 0 then do l $ grid <| (x,y) <== negate s else do p <- l $ (random rg :: IO Double) when (p < exp (-2*(fromIntegral e)/t)) $ do l $ grid <| (x,y) <== negate s up (i + 1) ns calc_energy g (x,y) = do s <- g |> (x,y) e <- (s*).(sum) <$> (mapM (g |>) [(x, y - 1), (x, y + 1), (x - 1, y), (x + 1, y)]) return (e, s) -- Draw ising drawIsing screen (Ising (_, grid@(Grid (n,_)))) = do sequence [ drawSquare screen i j | i <- [0..n - 1], j <- [0..n - 1] ] SDL.flip screen where drawSquare s i j = do s <- grid |> (i,j) let color 1 = 0xFF0000 color _ = 0x00FF00 spSize = screen_size `div` n rect i j = Just $ Rect (i*spSize) (j*spSize) spSize spSize SDL.fillRect screen (rect i j) (SDL.Pixel $ color s) return () -- Update ising and draw sdlUpIsing s i t c = do evalStateT (updateIsing 1000 t) i drawIsing s i threadDelay 1 sdlUpIsing s i (t - 0.001) (c + 1) screen_size = 400 main = do SDL.init [InitEverything] setVideoMode screen_size screen_size 32 [] screen <- SDL.getVideoSurface rg <- M.newMTGen Nothing i <- initIsing rg 200 forkIO . forever $ waitEvent >>= \e -> when (e == Quit) quit sdlUpIsing screen i 3 0