• " method="post">
  • $("form.readJsonForm").submit(function() { var form = $(this); // Variabile che si riferisce all'elemento nel DOM che ha scatenato l'evento click (il form) var button = form.children(":first"); // Seleziona il bottone submit var data = form.hasClass("invalid") ? // OPERATORE CONDIZIONALE: il form ha classe "invalid" ? "{ "foo": "bar" }" : // SI: foo = bar "{ "foo": "bar", "fruit": "apple" }"; // NO: foo= bar ; fruit = apple /* AJAX CALL PARAMETER: type: Say to the servet tath the request is a POST HTTP Request url: The address to which to send the call data: the content of my data variable contentType: an object having JSON format dataType: the type of content returned by the server */ $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: form.attr("action"), data: data, contentType: "application/json", dataType: "text", success: function(text) { MvcUtil.showSuccessResponse(text, button); }, error: function(xhr) { MvcUtil.showErrorResponse(xhr.responseText, button); }}); return false; }); @RequestMapping(value="/mapping/consumes", method=RequestMethod.POST, consumes=MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public @ResponseBody String byConsumes(@RequestBody JavaBean javaBean) { return "Mapped by path + method + consumable media type (javaBean '" + javaBean + "')"; } JavaBean parameter = new JavaBean(); parameter.setFoo("bar"); parameter.setFruit("apple");