function BagBuddy_OnLoad(self) UIPanelWindows["BagBuddy"] = { area = "left", pushable = 1, whileDead = 1, } -- Add engines icon SetPortraitToTexture(self.portrait, "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_EngGizmos_30") -- Create the item slots self.items = { } for idx = 1, 24 do local item = CreateFrame("Button", "BagBuddy_Item" .. idx, self, "BagBuddyItemTemplate") self.items[idx] = item -- Only the position of the first slot has to be calculated. The rest can just be anchored to the preceding s -- Except when the row is finished if idx == 1 then item:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 40, -73) elseif idx == 7 or idx == 13 or idx == 19 then item:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.items[idx-6], "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -7) else item:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.items[idx-1], "TOPRIGHT", 12, 0) end end -- Create the filter buttons. Use Gem Pearls, as they are easy to be colored (in this case, with the different qu self.filters = {} for idx=0,5 do local button = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "BagBuddy_Filter" .. idx, self, "BagBuddyFilterTemplate") SetItemButtonTexture(button, "Interface\\ICONS\\INV_Misc_Gem_Pearl_03") self.filters[idx] = button if idx == 0 then button:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", 40, 200) else button:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.filters[idx-1], "TOPRIGHT", 12, 0) end button.icon:SetVertexColor(GetItemQualityColor(idx)) button:SetChecked(false) button.quality = idx button.glow:Hide() end -- The API that occasionally returns -1 rarity for some items self.filters[-1] = self.filters[0] -- Initialize to show the first page = 1 self:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") end -- Sorting function to sort items according to their name local function itemNameSort(a, b) return < end local function itemTimeNameSort(a, b) -- If the two items were looted at the same time local aTime = BagBuddy.itemTimes[a.num] local bTime = BagBuddy.itemTimes[b.num] if aTime == bTime then return < else return aTime >= bTime end end -- Scans the different bags of the players to show the items, sorts them alfabetically -- Adds color depending on the quality of the filter TODO description -- Updates paging function BagBuddy_Update() local items = {} local nameFilter = BagBuddy.input:GetText():lower() -- Scan through the bag slots, looking for items for bag = 0, NUM_BAG_SLOTS do for slot = 0, GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do local texture, count, locked, quality, readable, lootable, link = GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot) if texture then local shown = true if BagBuddy.qualityFilter then shown = shown and BagBuddy.filters[quality]:GetChecked() end -- Important: if no filter is selected, all the items will be shown -- Also, filters are additive if #nameFilter > 0 then local lowerName = GetItemInfo(link):lower() shown = shown and string.find(lowerName, nameFilter, 1, true) end if shown then -- If an item is found, grab the item number and store data local itemNum = tonumber(link:match("|Hitem:(%d+):")) if not items[itemNum] then items[itemNum] = { texture = texture, count = count, quality = quality, name = GetItemInfo(link), link = link, num = itemNum, } else -- The item already exists in our table, just update the count items[itemNum].count = items[itemNum].count + count end end end end end local sortTbl = {} for link, entry in pairs(items) do table.insert(sortTbl, entry) end table.sort(sortTbl, itemTimeNameSort) -- Now update the BagBuddyFrame with the listed items (in order) local max = * 24 local min = max - 23 for idx = min, max do local button = BagBuddy.items[idx - min + 1] local entry = sortTbl[idx] if entry then -- There is an item in this slot = button.icon:SetTexture(entry.texture) if entry.count > 1 then button.count:SetText(entry.count) button.count:Show() else button.count:Hide() end if entry.quality > 1 then button.glow:SetVertexColor(GetItemQualityColor(entry.quality)) button.glow:Show() else button.glow:Hide() end button:Show() else = nil button:Hide() end end -- Update page buttons if min > 1 then BagBuddy.prev:Enable() else BagBuddy.prev:Disable() end if max < #sortTbl then else end -- Update the status text if #sortTbl > 24 then local max = math.min(max, #sortTbl) local msg = string.format("Showing items %d - %d of %d", min, max, #sortTbl) --TODO internationalization BagBuddy.status:SetText(msg) else BagBuddy.status:SetText("Found " .. #sortTbl .. " items") end end function BagBuddy_Button_OnEnter(self, motion) if then GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT") GameTooltip:SetHyperlink( GameTooltip:Show() end end function BagBuddy_Button_OnLeave(self, motion) GameToolTip:Hide() end function BagBuddy_Filter_OnEnter(self, motion) GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT") GameTooltip:SetText(_G["ITEM_QUALITY" .. self.quality .. "_DESC"]) GameTooltip:Show() end function BagBuddy_Filter_OnLeave(self, motion) GameTooltip:Hide() end function BagBuddy_Filter_OnClick(self, button) BagBuddy.qualityFilter = false for idx = 0, 5 do local button = BagBuddy.filters[idx] if button:GetChecked() then BagBuddy.qualityFilter = true end end = 1 BagBuddy_Update() end function BagBuddy_NextPage(self) = + 1 BagBuddy_Update(BagBuddy) end function BagBuddy_PrevPage(self) = - 1 BagBuddy_Update(BagBuddy) end function BagBuddy_ScanBag(bag, initial) if not BagBuddy.bagCounts[bag] then BagBuddy.bagCounts[bag] = {} end local itemCounts = {} for slot = 0, GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do local texture, count, locked, quality, readable, lootable, link = GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot) if texture then local itemId = tonumber(link:match("|Hitem:(%d+):")) if not itemCounts[itemId] then itemCounts[itemId] = count else itemCounts[itemId] = itemCounts[itemId] + count end end end if initial then for itemId, count in pairs(itemCounts) do BagBuddy_ItemTimes[itemId] = BagBuddy_ItemTimes[itemId] or time() end else for itemId, count in pairs(itemCounts) do local oldCount = BagBuddy.bagCounts[bag][itemId] or 0 if count > oldCount then BagBuddy_ItemTimes[itemId] = time() end end end BagBuddy.bagCounts[bag] = itemCounts end function BagBuddy_OnEvent(self, event, ...) if event == "ADDON_LOADED" and ... == "BagBuddy" then if not BagBuddy_ItemTimes then BagBuddy_ItemTimes = {} end for bag = 0, NUM_BAG_SLOTS do -- Use the optional flag to skip updating times BagBuddy_ScanBag(bag, true) end self:UnregisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") self:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE") elseif event == "BAG_UPDATE" then local bag = ... if bag >= 0 then BagBuddy_ScanBag(bag) if BagBuddy:IsVisible() then BagBuddy_Update() end end end table.sort(sortTbl, itemTimeNameSort) end SLASH_BAGBUDDY1 = "/cyw" SLASH_BAGBUDDY2 = "/castyourwote" SlashCmdList["CASTYOURWOTE"] = function(msg, editbox) BagBuddy.input:SetText(msg) ShowUIPanel(BagBuddy) end