%entities; ]> &fontset-settings; &layer-shapefiles; &layer-landcover; &layer-water; &layer-water_features; tunnels-casing tunnels-fill (select way,highway from &prefix;_line where highway in ('motorway','motorway_link','trunk','trunk_link','primary','primary_link','secondary','secondary_link','tertiary','tertiary_link','residential','unclassified') and tunnel in ('yes','true','1') order by z_order) as roads &datasource-settings; &layer-citywall; landuse_overlay (select way,landuse,leisure from &prefix;_polygon where (landuse = 'military' or leisure='nature_reserve') and building is null ) as landuse_overlay &datasource-settings; turning_circle-casing (select distinct on (p.way) p.way as way,l.highway as int_tc_type from &prefix;_point p join &prefix;_line l on ST_DWithin(p.way,l.way,&dwithin_node_way;) join (values ('tertiary',1), ('unclassified',2), ('residential',3), ('living_street',4), ('service',5) ) as v (highway,prio) on v.highway=l.highway where p.highway='turning_circle' order by p.way,v.prio ) as turning_circle &datasource-settings; footbikecycle-tunnels (select way,highway,horse,foot,bicycle from &prefix;_line where highway in ('bridleway','footway','cycleway','path') and tunnel in ('yes','true','1') order by z_order) as roads &datasource-settings; tracks-tunnels (select way,tracktype from &prefix;_line where highway='track' and tunnel in ('yes','true','1')) as tracks &datasource-settings; cliffs barriers (select way,barrier,"natural",man_made from &prefix;_line where barrier is not null or "natural" in ('hedge','cliff') or man_made='embankment') as roads &datasource-settings; barriers_area (select way,barrier,"natural" from &prefix;_polygon where barrier is not null or "natural"='hedge') as barriers &datasource-settings; highway-area-casing (select way,highway,railway from &prefix;_polygon where highway in ('residential','unclassified','pedestrian','service','footway','track','path','platform') or railway='platform' order by z_order,way_area desc) as roads &datasource-settings; minor-roads-casing-links minor-roads-casing (select way,highway, case when tunnel in ('yes','true','1') then 'yes'::text else tunnel end as tunnel, case when service in ('parking_aisle','drive-through','driveway') then 'INT-minor'::text else service end as service from &prefix;_line where highway in ('motorway','motorway_link','trunk','trunk_link','primary','primary_link','secondary','secondary_link','tertiary','tertiary_link','residential','unclassified','road','service','pedestrian','raceway','living_street') order by z_order) as roads &datasource-settings; highway-area-fill (select way,highway,railway,aeroway from &prefix;_polygon where highway in ('residential','unclassified','pedestrian','service','footway','living_street','track','path','platform','services') or railway='platform' or aeroway in ('runway','taxiway','helipad') order by z_order,way_area desc) as roads &datasource-settings; &layer-buildings; tracks-notunnel-nobridge (select way,tracktype from &prefix;_line where highway='track' and (bridge is null or bridge in ('no','false','0')) and (tunnel is null or tunnel in ('no','false','0'))) as tracks &datasource-settings; minor-roads-fill-links minor-roads-fill (select way,highway,horse,bicycle,foot,construction,aeroway, case when tunnel in ('yes','true','1') then 'yes'::text else tunnel end as tunnel, case when bridge in ('yes','true','1','viaduct') then 'yes'::text else bridge end as bridge, case when railway in ('spur','siding') or (railway='rail' and service in ('spur','siding','yard')) then 'spur-siding-yard'::text else railway end as railway, case when service in ('parking_aisle','drive-through','driveway') then 'INT-minor'::text else service end as service from &prefix;_line where highway is not null or aeroway in ('runway','taxiway') or railway in ('light_rail','narrow_gauge','funicular','rail','subway','tram','spur','siding','platform','disused','abandoned','construction','miniature','turntable') order by z_order) as roads &datasource-settings; turning_circle-fill (select distinct on (p.way) p.way as way,l.highway as int_tc_type from &prefix;_point p join &prefix;_line l on ST_DWithin(p.way,l.way,&dwithin_node_way;) join (values ('tertiary',1), ('unclassified',2), ('residential',3), ('living_street',4), ('service',5) ) as v (highway,prio) on v.highway=l.highway where p.highway='turning_circle' order by p.way,v.prio ) as turning_circle &datasource-settings; &layer-ferry-routes; &layer-aerialways; roads (select way,highway, case when tunnel in ('yes','true','1') then 'yes'::text else tunnel end as tunnel, case when railway='preserved' and service in ('spur','siding','yard') then 'INT-preserved-ssy'::text else railway end as railway from &prefix;_roads where highway is not null or (railway is not null and railway!='preserved' and (service is null or service not in ('spur','siding','yard'))) or railway='preserved' order by z_order ) as roads &datasource-settings; waterway-bridges (select way,name from &prefix;_line where waterway='canal' and bridge in ('yes','true','1','aqueduct') order by z_order) as water &datasource-settings; access (select way,access,highway, case when service in ('parking_aisle','drive-through','driveway') then 'INT-minor'::text end as service from &prefix;_line where access is not null and highway is not null and (bridge is null or bridge not in ('yes','true','1','viaduct')) ) as access &datasource-settings; directions (select way, case when oneway in ('yes','true','1') then 'yes'::text else oneway end as oneway from &prefix;_line where oneway is not null and (highway is not null or railway is not null or waterway is not null) and (bridge is null or bridge not in ('yes','true','1','viaduct')) ) as directions &datasource-settings; bridges_casing bridges_casing2 bridges_fill (select way,highway,aeroway,horse,bicycle,foot,tracktype, case when railway in ('spur','siding') or (railway='rail' and service in ('spur','siding','yard')) then 'INT-spur-siding-yard'::text else railway end as railway from &prefix;_line where (highway is not null or aeroway in ('runway','taxiway') or railway in ('light_rail','subway','narrow_gauge','rail','spur','siding','disused','abandoned','construction')) and bridge in ('yes','true','1','viaduct') and (layer is null or layer = '0') order by z_order ) as roads &datasource-settings; access (select way,access,highway, case when service in ('parking_aisle','drive-through','driveway') then 'INT-minor'::text end as service from &prefix;_line where access is not null and highway is not null and bridge in ('yes','true','1','viaduct') and (layer is null or layer in ('-5','-4','-3','-2','-1','0')) ) as access &datasource-settings; directions (select way, case when oneway in ('yes','true','1') then 'yes'::text else oneway end as oneway from &prefix;_line where oneway is not null and (highway is not null or railway is not null or waterway is not null) and bridge in ('yes','true','1','viaduct') and (layer is null or layer in ('-5','-4','-3','-2','-1','0')) ) as directions &datasource-settings; bridges_casing bridges_casing2 bridges_fill (select way,highway,aeroway,horse,bicycle,foot,tracktype, case when railway in ('spur','siding') or (railway='rail' and service in ('spur','siding','yard')) then 'INT-spur-siding-yard'::text else railway end as railway from &prefix;_line where (highway is not null or aeroway in ('runway','taxiway') or railway in ('light_rail','subway','narrow_gauge','rail','spur','siding','disused','abandoned','construction')) and bridge in ('yes','true','1','viaduct') and layer = '1' order by z_order ) as roads &datasource-settings; access (select way,access,highway, case when service in ('parking_aisle','drive-through','driveway') then 'INT-minor'::text end as service from &prefix;_line where access is not null and highway is not null and bridge in ('yes','true','1','viaduct') and layer = '1' ) as access &datasource-settings; directions (select way, case when oneway in ('yes','true','1') then 'yes'::text else oneway end as oneway from &prefix;_line where oneway is not null and (highway is not null or railway is not null or waterway is not null) and bridge in ('yes','true','1','viaduct') and layer = '1' ) as directions &datasource-settings; bridges_casing bridges_casing2 bridges_fill (select way,highway,aeroway,horse,bicycle,foot,tracktype, case when railway in ('spur','siding') or (railway='rail' and service in ('spur','siding','yard')) then 'INT-spur-siding-yard'::text else railway end as railway from &prefix;_line where (highway is not null or aeroway in ('runway','taxiway') or railway in ('light_rail','subway','narrow_gauge','rail','spur','siding','disused','abandoned','construction')) and bridge in ('yes','true','1','viaduct') and layer = '2' order by z_order ) as roads &datasource-settings; access (select way,access,highway, case when service in ('parking_aisle','drive-through','driveway') then 'INT-minor'::text end as service from &prefix;_line where access is not null and highway is not null and bridge in ('yes','true','1','viaduct') and layer = '2' ) as access &datasource-settings; directions (select way, case when oneway in ('yes','true','1') then 'yes'::text else oneway end as oneway from &prefix;_line where oneway is not null and (highway is not null or railway is not null or waterway is not null) and bridge in ('yes','true','1','viaduct') and layer = '2' ) as directions &datasource-settings; bridges_casing bridges_casing2 bridges_fill (select way,highway,aeroway,horse,bicycle,foot,tracktype, case when railway in ('spur','siding') or (railway='rail' and service in ('spur','siding','yard')) then 'INT-spur-siding-yard'::text else railway end as railway from &prefix;_line where (highway is not null or aeroway in ('runway','taxiway') or railway in ('light_rail','subway','narrow_gauge','rail','spur','siding','disused','abandoned','construction')) and bridge in ('yes','true','1','viaduct') and layer = '3' order by z_order ) as roads &datasource-settings; access (select way,access,highway, case when service in ('parking_aisle','drive-through','driveway') then 'INT-minor'::text end as service from &prefix;_line where access is not null and highway is not null and bridge in ('yes','true','1','viaduct') and layer = '3' ) as access &datasource-settings; directions (select way, case when oneway in ('yes','true','1') then 'yes'::text else oneway end as oneway from &prefix;_line where oneway is not null and (highway is not null or railway is not null or waterway is not null) and bridge in ('yes','true','1','viaduct') and layer = '3' ) as directions &datasource-settings; bridges_casing bridges_casing2 bridges_fill (select way,highway,aeroway,horse,bicycle,foot,tracktype, case when railway in ('spur','siding') or (railway='rail' and service in ('spur','siding','yard')) then 'INT-spur-siding-yard'::text else railway end as railway from &prefix;_line where (highway is not null or aeroway in ('runway','taxiway') or railway in ('light_rail','subway','narrow_gauge','rail','spur','siding','disused','abandoned','construction')) and bridge in ('yes','true','1','viaduct') and layer = '4' order by z_order ) as roads &datasource-settings; access (select way,access,highway, case when service in ('parking_aisle','drive-through','driveway') then 'INT-minor'::text end as service from &prefix;_line where access is not null and highway is not null and bridge in ('yes','true','1','viaduct') and layer = '4' ) as access &datasource-settings; directions (select way, case when oneway in ('yes','true','1') then 'yes'::text else oneway end as oneway from &prefix;_line where oneway is not null and (highway is not null or railway is not null or waterway is not null) and bridge in ('yes','true','1','viaduct') and layer = '4' ) as directions &datasource-settings; bridges_casing bridges_casing2 bridges_fill (select way,highway,aeroway,horse,bicycle,foot,tracktype, case when railway in ('spur','siding') or (railway='rail' and service in ('spur','siding','yard')) then 'INT-spur-siding-yard'::text else railway end as railway from &prefix;_line where (highway is not null or aeroway in ('runway','taxiway') or railway in ('light_rail','subway','narrow_gauge','rail','spur','siding','disused','abandoned','construction')) and bridge in ('yes','true','1','viaduct') and layer = '5' order by z_order ) as roads &datasource-settings; access (select way,access,highway, case when service in ('parking_aisle','drive-through','driveway') then 'INT-minor'::text end as service from &prefix;_line where access is not null and highway is not null and bridge in ('yes','true','1','viaduct') and layer = '5' ) as access &datasource-settings; directions (select way, case when oneway in ('yes','true','1') then 'yes'::text else oneway end as oneway from &prefix;_line where oneway is not null and (highway is not null or railway is not null or waterway is not null) and bridge in ('yes','true','1','viaduct') and layer = '5' ) as directions &datasource-settings; trams (select way,railway,bridge from &prefix;_line where railway='tram' and (tunnel is null or tunnel not in ('yes','true','1'))) as trams &datasource-settings; guideways (select way from &prefix;_line where highway='bus_guideway' and (tunnel is null or tunnel not in ('yes','true','1'))) as guideways &datasource-settings; &layer-admin; &layer-placenames; &layer-amenity-stations; &layer-amenity-symbols; &layer-amenity-points; &layer-power; roads-text-ref-low-zoom (select way,highway,ref,char_length(ref) as length from &prefix;_roads where highway in ('motorway','trunk','primary','secondary') and ref is not null and char_length(ref) between 1 and 8 ) as roads &datasource-settings; highway-junctions (select way,ref,name from &prefix;_point where highway='motorway_junction' ) as junctions &datasource-settings; roads-text-ref (select way,highway,aeroway,ref,char_length(ref) as length, case when bridge in ('yes','true','1') then 'yes'::text else bridge end as bridge from &prefix;_line where (highway is not null or aeroway is not null) and ref is not null and char_length(ref) between 1 and 8 ) as roads &datasource-settings; roads-text-name (select way,highway,name from &prefix;_line where waterway IS NULL and leisure IS NULL and landuse IS NULL and name is not null ) as roads &datasource-settings; text (select way,amenity,shop,access,leisure,landuse,man_made,"natural",place,tourism,ele,name,ref,military,aeroway,waterway,historic,'yes'::text as point from &prefix;_point where amenity is not null or shop in ('supermarket','bakery','clothes','fashion','convenience','doityourself','hairdresser','department_store','butcher','car','car_repair','bicycle','florist') or leisure is not null or landuse is not null or tourism is not null or "natural" is not null or man_made in ('lighthouse','windmill') or place='island' or military='danger_area' or aeroway='gate' or waterway='lock' or historic in ('memorial','archaeological_site') ) as text &datasource-settings; text (select way,aeroway,shop,access,amenity,leisure,landuse,man_made,"natural",place,tourism,NULL as ele,name,ref,military,waterway,historic,'no'::text as point from &prefix;_polygon where amenity is not null or shop in ('supermarket','bakery','clothes','fashion','convenience','doityourself','hairdresser','department_store', 'butcher','car','car_repair','bicycle') or leisure is not null or landuse is not null or tourism is not null or "natural" is not null or man_made in ('lighthouse','windmill') or place='island' or military='danger_area' or historic in ('memorial','archaeological_site') ) as text &datasource-settings; area-text (select way,way_area,name from &prefix;_polygon where name is not null and (waterway is null or waterway != 'riverbank') and place is null order by way_area desc ) as text &datasource-settings; &layer-addressing; boundary (select way,way_area,name,boundary from &prefix;_polygon where boundary='national_park' and building is null) as boundary &datasource-settings; theme_park (select way,name,tourism from &prefix;_polygon where tourism='theme_park') as theme_park &datasource-settings;