Rules “Rules? What rules?” As the title “freedom” implies, there are very few rules imposed in this community. In fact, there are really only 5 rules: 1) No spamming or flooding. This should go without saying. No one likes spamming or flooding, so just don’t do it. Flooding is quickly sending messages (manually or automatically) and spamming is sending meaningless messages to the channel, especially those advertising other channels or websites. 2) No causing drama. This one is a bit more difficult to explain. Basically, do not simply join to talk about things that no one wants to hear about, such as harassment towards a single user in the channel or just being mean to everyone for no reason. It is only considered drama if it upsets the majority of active users. If you are experiencing problems in the channel but no one else is, you are free to either /ignore the users causing problems or leave the channel. 3) Keep it legal. This should go without saying, but please be sure to follow the laws of your country as well as the laws of the United States and the United Kingdom when talking in the channel. Breaking this rule can lead to a permanent ban as well as possible reporting to the authorities, depending on the severity of the offense. 4) Bans and kicks will take place. People must obey the OPs at all times, this avoids confrontation and allows for OPs to make the right decision. There will be a 3 strike ban system, whereby 3 kick-worthy offences shall constitute a ban. This will then be deliberated by the OPs, and a final decision will be made. OPs WILL now enforce these rules. 5) OPs may decide to make an action based on an event. However an op does not need any particular reason to ban or kick. OPs decisions MUST be respected. What things ARE allowed/welcome? Now that you have learned the things that are not welcome, you’re probably wondering what things are allowed and welcome! Roleplays of any type are allowed unless they break any of the rules. Basically, any kind of roleplay is allowed and welcome, but if they cause drama (i.e. if the majority of active users object to the content), you may be asked to take your RP somewhere else. No discrimination will be made based on gender, sex, sexual orientation, race, location, age, or any other characteristic that is beyond one’s control (unless there is a case in which the ops of the channel are obligated to for one reason or another). Administrators will never kick or ban a user based on anything he or she cannot change. This obviously does not cover causing drama or spamming as these are things that are voluntary. General discussion is fine, too. This is not an RP-only channel, so feel free to talk about almost anything, so long as it does not cause issues. IRC Bots are also fine with us. If you want to join your bot, then go ahead! As long as it behaves, no one will complain. OPs reserve the right to remove a bot if it is causing an issue or disrupting the channel. Sharing NSFW content is fine as well. You may share NSFW content in the form of URLs, but PLEASE mark them as NSFW. You should also mention if NSFW content is questionable. Just to be safe, since this is an unmoderated channel, please assume any link to be NSFW. This means do not click or open the link in any place of work, educational facility, or as a general rule: in any public place. What should I expect to see? Now all unmoderated channels do have their risks and may not always be the nicest places in the world. Below is a list of things you might see at #freedom: Controversial topics. Because #freedom accepts the idea of freedom of speech, some unpopular topics might be mentioned or chatted about extensively in the channel. Disturbing/NSFW links may be posted. This goes with the above line. Basically, anything goes as far as a lot of things go. Please be wary of what links you click on so you don’t end up with viruses or mental/emotional scars.