Distcc cross compiling for Raspbian If you plan on compiling a lot of software for Raspbian and want to speed up the process, the following guide will turn an x86 Linux computer into an ARM cross compiler. It's also much easier than most cross compile setups. 1. Configure slaves 1.1 Acquiring cross toolchain You could probably use any working prebuilt cross toolchain for distcc compiling, but I built my own toolchain with crosstool-ng. Arch Linux: On Arch, crosstool-ng is in AUR (http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=23246) so just use your favourite AUR manager to get it: yaourt -S crosstool-ng Debian based: crosstool-ng is not available from repositories so you'll have to build it manually. Refer to manuals like http://biffengineering.com/wiki/index.php?title=HowToSetupCrossCompileEnvironment Sections "1.2 Download" and "1.3 Setup/install crostool-ng" Now we'll build the cross toolchain. You can use the .config I put on pastebin, or just make your own config with 'ct-ng menuconfig'. Getting my .config from http://pastebin.com/Rh6tvh32 and building the toolchain: mkdir ~/cross-rasp cd ~/cross-rasp wget http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Rh6tvh32 -O .config ct-ng build After ct-ng is finished, you should have the directory ~/x-tools/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi. The built toolchain is lacking tuple-less variants (cc, gcc, ..). I put up a script on pastebin to fix that problem, http://pastebin.com/NR7qiJA4 . cd ~/x-tools/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/bin wget http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=NR7qiJA4 -O link chmod +x link ./link 1.2 Configure distcc We'll need to install distcc and configure it on all slaves doing the compilation. Arch Linux: Install distcc: Pacman -S distcc In "/etc/conf.d/distccd", you need to change DISTCC_ARGS to allow the network or invidual hosts to connect, for example allowing my whole LAN: DISTCC_ARGS="--user nobody --allow" Edit "/etc/rc.d/distccd", Add this line after sourcing of the functions file. Remember to change your_user accordingly. PATH=/home/your_user/x-tools/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/bin:$PATH Start the daemon: /etc/init.d/distccd start You probably want to autostart this in your rc.conf Debian Based: Install distcc: apt-get install distcc In /etc/default/distcc, you need to change ALLOWED_NETS to allow the network or invidual hosts to connect. You also need to change STARTDISTCC to actually start it. Edit "/etc/init.d/distcc", change the PATH variable to include the cross toolchain path first, for example on my debian machine it becomes (rembember to change "your_user"): PATH=/home/your_user/x-tools/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin Start the daemon: /etc/init.d/distcc start All: Check how many processing units you have available with the 'nproc' command. Add the values from all the slaves together. This is going to be used later with 'make' 2. Configure Raspbian master: Install distcc: apt-get install distcc Edit "/etc/distcc/hosts" Comment out the line with +zeroconf. Add space-delimited list of slaves on your network. I only have one PC doing the compiling so I have a line with: Which is the local IP-address for the Arch slave I have. 4. Compile When compiling we need to edit PATH so it uses distcc instead of the local compiler. export PATH="/usr/lib/distcc/:${PATH}" I put up a small "Hello World"-program on pastebin, http://pastebin.com/cMVyx3AR We can use this for testing: wget http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=cMVyx3AR -O hello.c Now we'll compile it with a lot of verbosity so we'll see if it's working: DISTCC_VERBOSE=1 gcc -c hello.c -o hello.o Look for lines like "compile hello.c on completed ok" That's it! You just need to export that path everytime you're compiling. When using make, use the total number of processing units available for the -j paramater. This is the number you got with 'nproc' and added together earlier. Example for my one slave: make -j4 Notes There's also distcc-pump, which also distributes preprocessing. I haven't had any luck getting this to work on raspbian, so I'll leave this for those who want look into it further. Process should be something like this: Edit "/etc/distcc/hosts". Add ",cpp,lzo" after the hosts you want to do preprocessing, eg.:,cpp,lzo Start distcc-pump: eval `distcc-pump --startup` Export the path: export PATH="/usr/lib/distcc/:${PATH}" Now you should do the compilation you want. After it is finished run: distcc-pump --shutdown References http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/distcc.xml http://archlinuxarm.org/developers/distcc-cross-compiling http://inkhornnet.wordpress.com/2011/06/18/debian-squeeze-distcc-pump-and-kernel-builds/ Contact Bane^ @ freenode