Sequences["Monk.WWST2"] = { PreMacro = [[ /targetenemy [noharm][dead] /startattack ]], PostMacro = [[ /cast [combat,nochanneling] Serenity /cast [combat,nochanneling] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger /cast [combat,nochanneling] Touch of Death /use [combat,nochanneling] 13 /use [combat,nochanneling] 14 ]], StepFunction = [[ stepa = "1234356789492491356" limit = string.len(stepa) or 1 if stepc == nil then stepc = 1 end if stepc >= limit then stepc = 1 else stepc = stepc + 1 end step = tonumber(strsub (stepa, stepc, stepc)) ]], -- Step 1 - Energy and Bad Touches... What more could you need? [[ /cast [nochanneling] Chi Brew /cast [combat,nochanneling] Energizing Brew /cast [combat,nochanneling] Touch of Karma /cast [nochanneling] Touch of Death ]], -- Step 2 - Furious Fists [[ /cast [combat,nochanneling] Fists of Fury ]], -- Step 3 - Cast Sequence YAY [[ /cast [combat,nochanneling] Chi Wave ]], -- Step 4 - Poke it with a stick! [[ /cast [nochanneling] Jab ]], -- Step 5 - Mmm Energy [[ /cast [combat,nochanneling] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger ]], -- Step 6 - Just in Case I'm Hurt [[ /cast [combat,nochanneling] Expel Harm ]], -- Step 7 - Tiger Palm [[ /cast [combat,nochanneling] Tiger Palm ]], -- Step 8 - Rising Sun Kick [[ /cast [combat,nochanneling] Rising Sun Kick ]], -- Step 9 - Blackout Kick [[ /cast [combat,nochanneling] Blackout Kick ]], }