--Change calculator function getChange( money ) --Convert from dollars and cents to just cents money = math.floor( ( money * 100 ) ) --Process print( "Your change - " ) quarters = math.floor( ( money / 25 ) ) if( quarters > 0 ) then money = money - ( quarters * 25 ) print( "Quarters: " .. tostring( quarters ) ) end dimes = math.floor( ( money / 10 ) ) if( dimes > 0 ) then money = money - ( dimes * 10 ) print( "Dimes: " .. tostring( dimes ) ) end nickels = math.floor( ( money / 5 ) ) if( nickels > 0 ) then money = money - ( nickels * 5 ) print( "Nickels: " .. tostring( nickels ) ) end pennies = ( money / 1 ) if( pennies > 0 ) then money = money - pennies print( "Pennies: " .. tostring( pennies ) ) end end print( "How much money do you have?" ) userInput = io.read() getChange( userInput )