====== API ActiveModel::Serializer each_serializer: MeetupSerializer WebMock VCR ======= DSL instance_eval(&block) https://github.com/byplayer/meetup_config https://github.com/byplayer/meetup_config_ex ======= Tips Timecop - controlling time in rspec binding.pry- stop execution at given point wtf? - most recent exception whereami - which line/file cd variable_name - enter variable (can ls afterwards) params[:type].classify.constantize brakeman - security evaluation semaphoreapp.com - continuous integration cane - code complexity and style evaluation .cane --color --abc-max 41 --abc-glob {app,lib,config/initializers}/**/*.rb --style-measure 120 --no-doc ======== Random http://rubyrogues.com/131-rr-how-to-learn/ - How To Learn http://hbs1963.com/ - If I Knew Then ======== Winston Asakusa.rb Check out Aaron Patterson + Ebi, Koichi Sasada + Yuki