local autosub_workshop_prompt = CreateClientConVar( "autosub_workshop_prompt", "1", true, false ) /*local function sub(id) --unfortunately not working at the moment steamworks.Vote( id, true ) steamworks.Subscribe( id ) steamworks.ApplyAddons() end*/ local addons = {} net.Receive( "autosub", function( len, pl ) addons = net.ReadTable() local container = addons.container or {} local ch = 0 local ac = 0 local an = #container local openworkshop = (addons.workshop ~= nil) if openworkshop then chat.AddText("The servers collection is located here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id="..addons.workshop) end for k,v in pairs(container) do local result = steamworks.FileInfo( tonumber(v), function( result ) ac = ac + 1 if result then if not result.installed then print(result.title.." (ID: "..v..") by "..result.ownername.." is not installed.") ch = ch + 1 --sub(tonumber(v)) end if ch > 0 and ac == an then chat.AddText(ch.." addons are missing. Type \"autosub_list\" in the console to get more information.") if autosub_workshop_prompt:GetInt() >= 1 then steamworks.ViewFile( addons.workshop ) chat.AddText("You can turn the workshop prompt off by typing \"autosub_workshop_prompt 0\" in console") else chat.AddText("prompt off") end --steamworks.ApplyAddons() elseif ch == 0 and ac == an then chat.AddText("You got all addons required for this server.") end end end ) end end ) concommand.Add( "autosub_list", function() if addons ~= nil and addons ~= {} then local container = addons.container or {} local ch = 0 local ac = 0 local an = #container or 0 local openworkshop = (addons.workshop ~= nil) local txt = "" local txt1 = "" if an > 0 then for k,v in pairs(container) do local result = steamworks.FileInfo( tonumber(v), function( result ) ac = ac + 1 if result then if not result.installed then txt1 = txt1.."\n"..result.title.." by "..result.ownername.."-> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id="..v else txt = txt.."\n"..result.title.." by "..result.ownername.."-> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id="..v end end if not openworkshop and ac == an then print("##########ADDON-LIST##########") print(txt.."\n\nMISSING:\n"..txt1.."\n") print("##############################") end end ) end if openworkshop then local result = steamworks.FileInfo( tonumber(addons.workshop), function( result ) print("##########ADDON-LIST##########") print("Collection: "..result.title.." by "..result.ownername.."-> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id="..addons.workshop) print("") print(txt.."\n\nMISSING:\n"..txt1.."\n") print("##############################") end ) end else print("No addons required.") end else print("No addons found.") end end)