import android BT_DEVICE_ID = '00:11:11:18:62:60' droid = android.Android() """The first parameter is the service UUID for SerialPortServiceClass. The second one is the address of your bluetooth module. If the second one is ommited, Android shows you a selection at program start. When this function succeeds the little led on the bluetooth module should stop blinking. """ droid.bluetoothConnect('00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB', BT_DEVICE_ID) droid.webViewShow('file:///sdcard/sl4a/scripts/androino.html') while True: result = droid.eventWaitFor('fetch_data').result droid.bluetoothWrite(' ') # send a space to your arduino to signal it to read a value from the sensor. sensor_data = droid.bluetoothReadLine().result # read the line with the sensor value from arduino. droid.eventClearBuffer() # workaround for a bug in SL4A r4. droid.eventPost('display_data', sensor_data) # send an event with the sensor data back to the html page.