package; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.util.Mth; import; import; import; import; public class BasicTree extends AbstractTreeFeature { // The axisConversionArray, when given a primary index, allows easy // access to the indices of the other two axies. Access the data at the // primary index location to get the horizontal secondary axis. // Access the data at the primary location plus three to get the // remaining, tertiary, axis. // All directions are specified by an index, 0, 1, or 2 which // correspond to x, y, and z. // The axisConversionArray is used in several places // notably the crossection and taperedLimb methods. // Example: // If the primary axis is z, then the primary index is 2. // The secondary index is axisConversionArray[2] which is 0, // the index for the x axis. // The remaining axis is axisConversionArray[2 + 3] which is 1, // the index for the y axis. // Using this method, the secondary axis will always be horizontal (x or z), // and the tertiary always vertical (y), if possible. static final byte[] axisConversionArray = { 2, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1 }; // Set up the pseudorandom number generator Random rnd = new Random(); // Make fields to hold the level data and the random seed Level thisLevel; // Field to hold the tree origin, x y and z. int[] origin = { 0, 0, 0 }; // Field to hold the tree height. int height; // Other important tree information. int trunkHeight; double trunkHeightScale = 0.618; double branchDensity = 1.0; double branchSlope = 0.381; double widthScale = 1.0; double foliageDensity = 1.0; int trunkWidth = 1; int heightVariance = 12; int foliageHeight = 4; // The foliage coordinates are a list of [x,y,z,y of branch base] values for each cluster int[][] foliageCoords; public BasicTree(boolean doUpdate) { super(doUpdate); } void prepare() { // Initialize the instance variables. // Populate the list of foliage cluster locations. // Designed to be overridden in child classes to change basic // tree properties (trunk width, branch angle, foliage density, etc..). trunkHeight = (int) (height * trunkHeightScale); if (trunkHeight >= height) trunkHeight = height - 1; int clustersPerY = (int) (1.382 + Math.pow(foliageDensity * height / 13.0, 2)); if (clustersPerY < 1) clustersPerY = 1; // The foliage coordinates are a list of [x,y,z,y of branch base] // values for each cluster int[][] tempFoliageCoords = new int[clustersPerY * height][4]; int y = origin[1] + height - foliageHeight; int clusterCount = 1; int trunkTop = origin[1] + trunkHeight; int relativeY = y - origin[1]; tempFoliageCoords[0][0] = origin[0]; tempFoliageCoords[0][1] = y; tempFoliageCoords[0][2] = origin[2]; tempFoliageCoords[0][3] = trunkTop; y--; while (relativeY >= 0) { int num = 0; float shapefac = treeShape(relativeY); if (shapefac < 0) { y--; relativeY--; continue; } // The originOffset is to put the value in the middle of the block. double originOffset = 0.5; while (num < clustersPerY) { double radius = widthScale * (shapefac * (rnd.nextFloat() + 0.328)); double angle = rnd.nextFloat() * 2.0 * 3.14159; int x = Mth.floor(radius * Math.sin(angle) + origin[0] + originOffset); int z = Mth.floor(radius * Math.cos(angle) + origin[2] + originOffset); int[] checkStart = { x, y, z }; int[] checkEnd = { x, y + foliageHeight, z }; // check the center column of the cluster for obstructions. if (checkLine(checkStart, checkEnd) == -1) { // If the cluster can be created, check the branch path // for obstructions. int[] checkBranchBase = { origin[0], origin[1], origin[2] }; double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(origin[0] - checkStart[0]), 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs(origin[2] - checkStart[2]), 2)); double branchHeight = distance * branchSlope; if ((checkStart[1] - branchHeight) > trunkTop) { checkBranchBase[1] = trunkTop; } else { checkBranchBase[1] = (int) (checkStart[1] - branchHeight); } // Now check the branch path if (checkLine(checkBranchBase, checkStart) == -1) { // If the branch path is clear, add the position to the // list of foliage positions tempFoliageCoords[clusterCount][0] = x; tempFoliageCoords[clusterCount][1] = y; tempFoliageCoords[clusterCount][2] = z; tempFoliageCoords[clusterCount][3] = checkBranchBase[1]; clusterCount++; } } num++; } y--; relativeY--; } foliageCoords = new int[clusterCount][4]; System.arraycopy(tempFoliageCoords, 0, foliageCoords, 0, clusterCount); } void crossection(int x, int y, int z, float radius, byte direction, Tile material) { // Create a circular cross section. // // Used to nearly everything in the foliage, branches, and trunk. // This is a good target for performance optimization. // Passed values: // x,y,z is the center location of the cross section // radius is the radius of the section from the center // direction is the direction the cross section is pointed, 0 for x, 1 // for y, 2 for z material is the index number for the material to use int rad = (int) (radius + 0.618); byte secidx1 = axisConversionArray[direction]; byte secidx2 = axisConversionArray[direction + 3]; int[] center = { x, y, z }; int[] position = { 0, 0, 0 }; int offset1 = -rad; int offset2 = -rad; Tile thisMat; position[direction] = center[direction]; while (offset1 <= rad) { position[secidx1] = center[secidx1] + offset1; offset2 = -rad; while (offset2 <= rad) { double thisdistance = Math.pow(Math.abs(offset1) + 0.5, 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs(offset2) + 0.5, 2); if (thisdistance > radius * radius) { offset2++; continue; } position[secidx2] = center[secidx2] + offset2; thisMat = thisLevel.getTile(position[0], position[1], position[2]); if (!(thisMat == null || thisMat == Tiles.LEAVES)) { // If the material of the checked block is anything other // than air or foliage, skip this tile. offset2++; continue; } placeBlock(thisLevel, position[0], position[1], position[2], material, 0); offset2++; } offset1++; } } float treeShape(int y) { // Take the y position relative to the base of the tree. // Return the distance the foliage should be from the trunk axis. // Return a negative number if foliage should not be created at this // height. This method is intended for overriding in child classes, // allowing different shaped trees. This method should return a // consistent value for each y (don't randomize). if (y < (((float) height) * 0.3)) return (float) -1.618; float radius = ((float) height) / ((float) 2.0); float adjacent = (((float) height) / ((float) 2.0)) - y; float distance; if (adjacent == 0) distance = radius; else if (Math.abs(adjacent) >= radius) distance = (float) 0.0; else distance = (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(radius), 2) - Math.pow(Math.abs(adjacent), 2)); // Alter this factor to change the overall width of the tree. distance *= (float) 0.5; return distance; } float foliageShape(int y) { // Take the y position relative to the base of the foliage cluster. // Return the radius of the cluster at this y // Return a negative number if no foliage should be created at this // level this method is intended for overriding in child classes, // allowing foliage of different sizes and shapes. if ((y < 0) || (y >= foliageHeight)) return (float) -1; else if ((y == 0) || (y == (foliageHeight - 1))) return (float) 2; else return (float) 3; } void foliageCluster(int x, int y, int z) { // Generate a cluster of foliage, with the base at x, y, z. // The shape of the cluster is derived from foliageShape // crossection is called to make each level. int cury = y; int topy = y + foliageHeight; float radius; while (cury < topy) { radius = foliageShape(cury - y); crossection(x, cury, z, radius, (byte) 1, Tiles.LEAVES); cury++; } } void limb(int[] start, int[] end, Tile material) { // Create a limb from the start position to the end position. // Used for creating the branches and trunk. // Populate delta, the difference between start and end for all three // axies. Set primidx to the index with the largest overall distance // traveled. int[] delta = { 0, 0, 0 }; byte idx = 0; byte primidx = 0; while (idx < 3) { delta[idx] = end[idx] - start[idx]; if (Math.abs(delta[idx]) > Math.abs(delta[primidx])) { primidx = idx; } idx++; } // If the largest distance is zero, don't bother to do anything else. if (delta[primidx] == 0) return; // set up the other two axis indices. byte secidx1 = axisConversionArray[primidx]; byte secidx2 = axisConversionArray[primidx + 3]; // primsign is digit 1 or -1 depending on whether the limb is headed // along the positive or negative primidx axis. byte primsign; if (delta[primidx] > 0) primsign = 1; else primsign = -1; // Initilize the per-step movement for the non-primary axies. double secfac1 = ((double) delta[secidx1]) / ((double) delta[primidx]); double secfac2 = ((double) delta[secidx2]) / ((double) delta[primidx]); // Initialize the coordinates. int[] coordinate = { 0, 0, 0 }; // Loop through each crossection along the primary axis, from start to end int primoffset = 0; int endoffset = delta[primidx] + primsign; while (primoffset != endoffset) { coordinate[primidx] = Mth.floor(start[primidx] + primoffset + 0.5); coordinate[secidx1] = Mth.floor(start[secidx1] + (primoffset * secfac1) + 0.5); coordinate[secidx2] = Mth.floor(start[secidx2] + (primoffset * secfac2) + 0.5); int dir = LogTile.FACING_Y; int xdiff = Math.abs(coordinate[0] - start[0]); int zdiff = Math.abs(coordinate[2] - start[2]); int maxdiff = Math.max(xdiff, zdiff); if (maxdiff > 0) { if (xdiff == maxdiff) { dir = LogTile.FACING_X; } else if (zdiff == maxdiff) { dir = LogTile.FACING_Z; } } placeBlock(thisLevel, coordinate[0], coordinate[1], coordinate[2], material, dir); primoffset += primsign; } } void makeFoliage() { // Create the tree foliage. // Call foliageCluster at the correct locations int idx = 0; int finish = foliageCoords.length; while (idx < finish) { int x = foliageCoords[idx][0]; int y = foliageCoords[idx][1]; int z = foliageCoords[idx][2]; foliageCluster(x, y, z); idx++; } } boolean trimBranches(int localY) { // For larger trees, randomly "prune" the branches so there // aren't too many. // Return true if the branch should be created. // This method is intended for overriding in child classes, allowing // decent amounts of branches on very large trees. // Can also be used to disable branches on some tree types, or // make branches more sparse. if (localY < (height * 0.2)) return false; else return true; } void makeTrunk() { // Create the trunk of the tree. int x = origin[0]; int startY = origin[1]; int topY = origin[1] + trunkHeight; int z = origin[2]; int[] startCoord = { x, startY, z }; int[] endCoord = { x, topY, z }; limb(startCoord, endCoord, Tiles.LOG); if (trunkWidth == 2) { startCoord[0] += 1; endCoord[0] += 1; limb(startCoord, endCoord, Tiles.LOG); startCoord[2] += 1; endCoord[2] += 1; limb(startCoord, endCoord, Tiles.LOG); startCoord[0] += -1; endCoord[0] += -1; limb(startCoord, endCoord, Tiles.LOG); } } void makeBranches() { // Create the tree branches. // Call trimBranches for each branch to see if you should create it. // Call taperedLimb to the correct locations int idx = 0; int finish = foliageCoords.length; int[] baseCoord = { origin[0], origin[1], origin[2] }; while (idx < finish) { int[] coordValues = foliageCoords[idx]; int[] endCoord = { coordValues[0], coordValues[1], coordValues[2] }; baseCoord[1] = coordValues[3]; int localY = baseCoord[1] - origin[1]; if (trimBranches(localY)) { limb(baseCoord, endCoord, Tiles.LOG); } idx++; } } int checkLine(int[] start, int[] end) { // Check from coordinates start to end (both inclusive) for blocks // other than air and foliage If a block other than air and foliage is // found, return the number of steps taken. // If no block other than air and foliage is found, return -1. // Examples: // If the third block searched is stone, return 2 // If the first block searched is lava, return 0 int[] delta = { 0, 0, 0 }; byte idx = 0; byte primidx = 0; while (idx < 3) { delta[idx] = end[idx] - start[idx]; if (Math.abs(delta[idx]) > Math.abs(delta[primidx])) { primidx = idx; } idx++; } // If the largest distance is zero, don't bother to do anything else. if (delta[primidx] == 0) return -1; // set up the other two axis indices. byte secidx1 = axisConversionArray[primidx]; byte secidx2 = axisConversionArray[primidx + 3]; // primsign is digit 1 or -1 depending on whether the limb is headed // along the positive or negative primidx axis. byte primsign; if (delta[primidx] > 0) primsign = 1; else primsign = -1; // Initilize the per-step movement for the non-primary axies. double secfac1 = ((double) delta[secidx1]) / ((double) delta[primidx]); double secfac2 = ((double) delta[secidx2]) / ((double) delta[primidx]); // Initialize the coordinates. int[] coordinate = { 0, 0, 0 }; // Loop through each crossection along the primary axis, from start to end int primoffset = 0; int endoffset = delta[primidx] + primsign; Tile thisMat; while (primoffset != endoffset) { coordinate[primidx] = start[primidx] + primoffset; coordinate[secidx1] = Mth.floor(start[secidx1] + (primoffset * secfac1)); coordinate[secidx2] = Mth.floor(start[secidx2] + (primoffset * secfac2)); thisMat = thisLevel.getTile(coordinate[0], coordinate[1], coordinate[2]); if (!isFree(thisMat)) { // If the material of the checked block is anything other than // air or foliage, stop looking. break; } primoffset += primsign; } // If you reached the end without finding anything, return -1. if (primoffset == endoffset) { return -1; } // Otherwise, return the number of steps you took. else { return Math.abs(primoffset); } } boolean checkLocation() { // Return true if the tree can be placed here. // Return false if the tree can not be placed here. // Examine the square under the trunk. Is it grass or dirt? // If not, return false // Examine center column for how tall the tree can be. // If the checked height is shorter than height, but taller // than 4, set the tree to the maximum height allowed. // If the space is too short, return false. int[] startPosition = { origin[0], origin[1], origin[2] }; int[] endPosition = { origin[0], origin[1] + height - 1, origin[2] }; // Check the location it is resting on final Tile tile = thisLevel.getTile(origin[0], origin[1] - 1, origin[2]); if (!(tile == Tiles.DIRT || tile == Tiles.GRASS || tile == Tiles.FARMLAND)) { return false; } int allowedHeight = checkLine(startPosition, endPosition); // If the set height is good, go with that if (allowedHeight == -1) { return true; } // If the space is too short, tell the build to abort else if (allowedHeight < 6) { return false; } // If the space is shorter than the set height, but not too short // shorten the height, and tell the build to continue else { height = allowedHeight; return true; } } @Override public void init(double heightInit, double widthInit, double foliageDensityInit) { // all of the parameters should be from 0.0 to 1.0 // heightInit scales the maximum overall height of the tree (still // randomizes height within the possible range) widthInit scales the // maximum overall width of the tree (keep this above 0.3 or so) // foliageDensityInit scales how many foliage clusters are created. // // Note, you can call "place" without calling "init". // This is the same as calling init(1.0,1.0,1.0) and then calling place. heightVariance = (int) (heightInit * 12); if (heightInit > 0.5) foliageHeight = 5; widthScale = widthInit; foliageDensity = foliageDensityInit; } @Override public boolean place(Level level, Random random, int x, int y, int z) { // Note to Markus. // currently the following fields are set randomly. If you like, make // them parameters passed into "place". // // height: so the map generator can intelligently set the height of the // tree, and make forests with large trees in the middle and smaller // ones on the edges. // Initialize the instance fields for the level and the seed. thisLevel = level; long seed = random.nextLong(); rnd.setSeed(seed); // Initialize the origin of the tree trunk origin[0] = x; origin[1] = y; origin[2] = z; // Sets the height. Take out this line if height is passed as a parameter if (height == 0) { height = 5 + rnd.nextInt(heightVariance); } if (!(checkLocation())) { return false; } prepare(); makeFoliage(); makeTrunk(); makeBranches(); return true; } }