prontera,111,181,5 script Roulette 757,{ mes "You want to play ^FF0000Rock,Paper,Scissor^000000 Game with me ?"; mes "You can gain some surprising Reward if you beat me ^FF0000"+.Win+" out of "+.Round+"^000000 game"; if( select("YES:NO") == 1 ){ for( set .@r,0; .@r < .Round; set .@r,.@r + 1 ){ next; mes "Round : ^FF0000"+( .@r + 1 )+" / "+.Round+"^000000"; set .@Choice,select(" ~ ROCK: ~ PAPER: ~ SCISSOR"); if( .@Choice == rand(1,3) ){ mes "You WIN !!"; set .@Win,.@Win + 1; }else{ mes "You LOSE !!"; } } mes "Your Total Win : ^FF0000"+.@Win+" out of "+.Round+"^000000 game"; if( .@Win >= .Win ){ set .@RPS,rand( .item_size ); getitem .Item[.@RPS],.Count[.@RPS]; } } close; OnInit: // Required Winning Rounds set .Win,8; // Maximum Game Round set .Round,10; // Rewards + Amounts setarray .Item,501,502,503,504,505,506,507; setarray .Count,1,2,3,4,5,6,7; set .item_size,getarraysize(.Item); end; }