01[23:07] <@EighthSin> valerauko what is this http://notredreviews.wordpress.com/2012/04/08/re-bias-in-sankarea-review/ [23:07] <@valerauko> a response? 01[23:08] <@EighthSin> =_=; [23:08] <@valerauko> ? 01[23:08] <@EighthSin> how can you still insist those reviews werent biased [23:08] <@valerauko> have you even read what i wrote? 01[23:09] <@EighthSin> you even wrote Commie's release had "hardly any mistakes" 01[23:09] <@EighthSin> i dont believe for a second you didn't actually notice those [23:10] <@valerauko> hmm [23:11] <@valerauko> you're right 01[23:11] <@EighthSin> and i didn't say this in the post 01[23:11] <@EighthSin> but "I can't help it" 01[23:11] <@EighthSin> commie release had the same line 01[23:11] <@EighthSin> but you didn't mention it 01[23:11] <@EighthSin> i shook my head right there 01[23:12] <@EighthSin> like, i dont think you're favoring commie 01[23:13] <@EighthSin> but since fnord edits you a lot, it seems you didn't want to stir shit up when you reviewed that 01[23:13] <@EighthSin> from my perspective when i saw those two posts [23:14] <@valerauko> no 01[23:14] <@EighthSin> i dont know if you did it on purpose or not, but i just felt it was wrong to recommend that commie release. it desperately needed TLC 01[23:14] <@EighthSin> even though a lot of lines were amazingly phrased [23:14] <@valerauko> i actually enjoyed it enough to say that the style outweighs those mistakes [23:15] <@valerauko> i know i haven't pointed out mistakes in releases [23:15] <@valerauko> and yes maybe i have failed to point out some in one release that i pointed out in the other [23:15] <@valerauko> but in commie's case that's really because the script flows so well [23:16] <@valerauko> by the way i edited the commie review post's conclusion [23:17] <@valerauko> that was really a bit off to say and i should'v epaid more attention 01[23:19] <@EighthSin> well, i didnt mean to stir shit up when i responded to that random guy's post [23:19] <@valerauko> i didn't mean to be biased 01[23:19] <@EighthSin> and i didn't expect a provocation post in response =_=; [23:20] <@valerauko> provocation? i intended it as clarification 01[23:22] <@EighthSin> ... 01[23:22] <@EighthSin> That is my opinion, and I’ll keep writing my opinion down – that’s the point of this blog. You don’t like it? (Refer to the picture below.) [23:23] <@valerauko> haha 01[23:23] <@EighthSin> you're not an anon when you post on your own blog vale [23:23] <@valerauko> that's more targeted at ret/a/rds coming to complain [23:24] <@valerauko> but yeah [23:24] <@valerauko> i'm writing my reviews my way [23:24] <@valerauko> which isn't your way 01[23:24] <@EighthSin> you were talking about mistakes though [23:24] <@valerauko> yeah 01[23:24] <@EighthSin> and sfw actually got セレブ right 01[23:24] <@EighthSin> and commie didn't 01[23:25] <@EighthSin> and you made it look like they were the ones who made a mistake [23:25] <@valerauko> hmm [23:25] <@valerauko> why do you think that celeb means "crazy rich" 01[23:25] <@EighthSin> that's how the japanese misuse english words... [23:25] <@valerauko> according to koujien celeb means the same thing in japanese as in english 01[23:26] <@EighthSin> you need to watch more japanese tv 01[23:26] <@EighthSin> http://gogen-allguide.com/se/celeb.html [23:26] <@valerauko> (celebrity の略)芸能界・社交界での著名人。名士。 01[23:26] <@EighthSin> http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%BB%E3%83%AC%E3%83%96%E3%83%AA%E3%83%86%E3%82%A3#.E6.97.A5.E6.9C.AC.E3.81.AE.E3.82.BB.E3.83.AC.E3.83.96 03[23:26] * Retrieving #pretentious modes... [23:28] <@valerauko> >セレブは誤用であり、成金ときちんと言うべきである [23:28] <@valerauko> i still think my point is valid 01[23:28] <@EighthSin> trust me when i say that guy used wrong 01[23:29] <@EighthSin> and 90% of japanese ppl don't know what "celebrity" really means 01[23:29] <@EighthSin> 「有名」かどうかが関係ないのが日本の用法である。 01[23:30] <@EighthSin> http://d.hatena.ne.jp/keyword/%A5%BB%A5%EC%A5%D6 [23:30] <@valerauko> i think in an academy for rich girls fame is more worthy of mention than being rich 01[23:30] <@EighthSin> 「セレブリティー」の略語のようでいて、ニュアンスは異なる。一種の和製英語。 01[23:30] <@EighthSin> 超セレブ 01[23:30] <@EighthSin> was the line 01[23:31] <@EighthSin> she's even richer than those around her 01[23:31] <@EighthSin> celebrity in japanese is 芸能人 [23:32] <@valerauko> ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ [23:32] <@valerauko> i did point out it works Session Time: Sun Apr 08 00:00:00 2012 [00:10] <@valerauko> by the way 12[00:10] <@valerauko> (12.23.36) EighthSin: you're not an anon when you post on your own blog vale [00:10] <@valerauko> i still can't figure out what you mean 01[00:12] <@EighthSin> people will take what you write seriously [00:12] <@valerauko> so? 01[00:12] <@EighthSin> so this is like a challenge? [00:13] <@valerauko> who would i be challenging to what? 01[00:14] <@EighthSin> it's like begging me to respond to it when i already said it's biased 01[00:15] <@EighthSin> i wouldve stirred up so much drama and completely discredited your review if we weren't in the same group