adiosToreador [AT] began trolling arsenicCatnip [AC] AC: :33 < *ac pretends to be napping and not notice tavros walk in the room* AT: oH, uH, oKAY, AT: sORRY, AT: *fOR THE SAKE OF THE ROLEPLAY, AT: i WILL PRETEND, AT: tHAT MY PRECONCEPTION, AT: aBOUT THE CURRENT SITUATION, AT: iS THAT YOU ARE ACTUALLY SLEEPING, AT: aND, uH, nOT JUST PRETENDING,* AT: oKAY, sO, i GUESS I’LL JUST LEAVE IF YOU’RE NAPPING THEN, AT: sORRY TO BOTHER YOU, AC: :33 < wait! AC: :33 < I mean AC: :33 < *ac stops pretending to be taking a cat-nap, pawses, and turns around and purrs softly and trots over to you and rubs against your leg in a friendly gesture* AT: oKAY, uM AT: *aT REACHES DOWN TO PET AC BUT REACHES SLOWLY BECAUSE HE HAS HAD TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCES IN THE PAST WITH CERTAIN ANIMALS, AT: *aND, uM, sCRATCHES BEHIND HER EAR,* AC: :33 < *ac crawls up tavros’ chest and bites him softly on the neck* AC: :33 < *ac laps up the blood off tavros' neck and purrs softly, excited by the taste of blood* AT: uM, oW, AT: uH, i MEAN, AT: *aT SAYS OW,* AT: i THINK, AC: :33 < wait, tavros! what about your allergies :((? AT: oH, uH, iT’S OKAY, AT: i’M TAKING MEDICATION FOR THEM, AC: :33 < purrfect :33 AT: i’M GLAD YOU, uH, AC: :33 < tavros? AT: uH, yEAH, nEPETA, AC: :33 < *ac leans forward and kisses tavros softly on the lips, and gently tugs on his lower lip with her t33th as she pulls away, smiling and purring softly* AT: eRR, wOAH, nEPETA, AT: tHIS IS MAKING ME A LITTLE NERVOUS, AC: :33 < sorry :(( AT: nO, uH, i MEAN, AT: iT’S OKAY, i ENJOYED IT, AT: yOU CAN, uH, dO THAT AGAIN, AT: iF YOU WANT TO, AT: i MEAN, AT: nOT THAT I UH, AT: sORRY, iT’S JUST THAT, AT: aNYTHING VAGUELY SEXUAL, AT: uM, wELL, AT: wHEN I WAS YOUNGER, AT: uM, mY HORNS, AT: wHEN EVER I WOULD GET EMBARRASSED, AT: tHEY WOULD FEEL LIKE THEY WERE REALLY HOT, AT: aND, uM, AC: :33 < *ac puts a paw over tavros’ mouth and says shut up and kiss me you silly bull* AT: uH, i DO, AT: tHAT THING, AT: tHAT YOU JUST TOLD ME TO DO, AC: :33 < *ac purrs delightedly at the touch of tavros’ lips against hers* AC: :33 < *ac pulls back slightly and looks like she has a question on her mind* AT: uH, sHOOT, i GUESS, AC: :33 < tavros? AC: :33 < do you AC: :33 < um AC: :33 < ragh this is kind of hard to ask >:(( AC: :33 < do you AC: :33 < like me AC: :33 < in any way more than a friend? AT: oF COURSE I DO, AT: iT’S JUST, AT: uH, AT: tHIS KIND OF MAKES ME UNCOMFORTABLE, AT: yOU KNOW, AT: gIRLS, AT: aND, AT: tHESE FEELINGS, iT’S AWKWARD TO SAY THE LEAST, AC: :33 < oh :(( AT: nO, wAIT, AT: iM SORRY, AT: uH, AT: cAN I KISS YOU AGAIN, AT: uM, nEPETA, AC: :33 < *ac pounces with delight on tavros and they both fall to the floor* AC: :33 < *ac starts to nibble on tavros’ ear* AT: eRR, wOAH, AC: :33 < *ac takes off tavros’ shirt with her t33th* AT: uH, tHAT’S OKAY I GUESS, AT: sINCE I’M WEARING TWO SHIRTS, AC: :33 < *ac starts licking tavros’ tummy and purrs louder* AT: eRR, uM, AT: wOULD IT, uM, bE OUT OF LINE, AT: tO SUGGEST, tHAT YOU, AT: mIGHT BE IN HEAT, AT: iF THAT’S EVEN APPLICABLE, AT: fOR TROLLS AND NOT JUST CATS, AC: :33 < *ac purrs suggesting that tavros might want to maybe, put his hands on her* AT: rIGHT, lIKE PETTING, AT: rIGHT, AT: uM, AT: sO, i, uH, gUESS I’LL JUST, AT: pET YOU, AT: hERE, oN YOUR SHIRT AT: oN THE FRONT, AT: oF YOUR SHIRT, AT: nEPETA, tHIS FEELS GOOD, AC: :33 < tavros AC: :33 < it f33ls good for me too AC: :33 < … AC: :33 < i’ve never done this before AT: uH, nEITHER CAN I, AT: aLTHOUGH YOU CAN PROBABLY TELL, AC: :33 < do you maybe want to roleplay a little differently? AT: uM, hOW, AT: bECAUSE, yEAH, i THINK I WOULD LIKE TO ROLEPLAY, AT: wITH YOU, AC: :33 < *ac slowly moves her hand across tavros’ chest* AT: nEPETA, AT: i, uH, AT: i THINK CT MADE SOME SORT OF, AT: sENSORY CONNECTION, AT: wITH THE ROBOT LEGS, AT: bECAUSE, AT: i FEEL, kINDA, AT: eRR, AC: :33 < *ac moves her hand further down tavros’ body* AC: :33 < *ac f33ls hard metal underneath her paws* AC: :33 < tavros? AC: :33 < i like this :33 AC: :33 < and, i think i want you AC: :33 < it all f33ls so purrfect AT: uHH, AT: sO, iM GRABBING YOU BY YOUR HIPS, AT: bUT, gENTLY, rIGHT, AT: aND, yOU’RE RUBBING AGAINST ME, AT: aND THEN, uH, AT: wOAH, AT: i THINK YOU ACCIDENTALLY ACTIVATED THE VIBRATING MODE OF MY, AT: uM, lEGS, AT: aND, tHE OTHER, bITS, tHAT ARE UM, eXTENDABLE PARTS OF THE LEGS, AC: :33 < i think it will fit AC: :33 < purrfectly AC: :33 < it f33ls so weird AC: :33 < like it’s d33p but i’m squ33zing you really hard AC: :33 < harder than i’ve ever hugged you AT: iT FEELS INCREDIBLE, AT: iTS LIKE, iF, AT: mY LEGS WEREN’T MADE OF METAL, AT: tHEN, wE WOULD BE COMPLETELY, uH, cONNECTED, AT: aND, AT: iM MOVING UP AND DOWN, AT: aND, yOURE MOVING WITH ME, AT: aND IT’S PULLING ON ME, AC: :33 < i f33l it AC: :33 < *ac purrs loudly, and begins to meow* AT: nEPETA AT: tHIS IS INCREDIBLE, AT: i THINK, AT: uH, wE SHOULD, kEEP, AT: dOING THIS, fOR A WHILE, AC: :33 < tavros, can you, um, snuggle on top of me? AC: :33 < i mean AC: :33 < *ac crawls underneath tavros, and she wraps her arms around his neck and he k33ps pushing on her* AT: uM, i DON’T KNOW, AT: wHAT WILL HAPPEN IF I KEEP DOING THIS, AT: bUT I FEEL LIKE, AT: sOMETHING’S GOING TO HAPPEN, AT: bUT IT DOESN’T SEEM PLAUSIBLE, AT: fOR ANY FORM, oF EXPULSION, AT: fROM, tHE LEGS, AT: sO, AT: uH, AT: eRR, AT: nEPETA, AC: :33 < tavros i… AC: :33 < i f33l a pressure in me AC: :33 < and it f33ls good AT: uHH, i FEEL, AT: i FEEL LIKE, AC: :33 < *ac bites down on tavros’ neck in pleasure* AT: iT FEELS LIKE, AT: tHERE’S FIREWORKS, AT: iN MY BRAIN, AT: aND, AT: mY HORNS, AT: aRE BURNING, AC: :33 < tavros AT: nEPETA, AC: :33 < *ac wriggles around like a kitty underneath tavros* AT: i’M GOING TO, uH, AT: dO, sOMETHING, AT: aND, AT: uH, AT: nEPETA, AT: nEPETA, i, AT: eRR, wOAH, AC: :33 < tavros! AC: :33 < i f33l like AC: :33 < *ac looks in to tavros’ eyes and meows as loud as she can* AT: nEPETA, AT: aAH, AT: nNN, AT: i, AC: :33 < …. AC: :33 < AC: :33 < AC: :33 < AC: :33 < rawr. AC: :33 < that was fun tavros :33 AT: yEAH, iT WAS, AT: }:) AT: aNd, AT: uH, nEPETA, AT: cAN WE STAY ONLINE, fOR A LITTLE BIT, AT: tOGETHER, AC: :33 < *ac curls up on tavros’ warm body* AC: :33 < i’m not going anywhere :33 adiosToreador [AT] is currently trolling arsenicCatnip [AC]