# lines starting with # are considered comments (they are simply ignored by the clicker) # DEFINE A PATTERN TO MATCH ########################### # Multiple 'match' lines require each individual one to match (logic AND). # Multiple patterns defined on a single 'match:' line requires at least one of them to match (logic OR) # the following definition corresponds to a weapon with either greater or equal to +375 to mini/maxi-mumdamage or at least adds 10-100 damage: #match:-fire -cold -lightning -poison 375mumdamage 10000damage # AND some on-kill proc #match:whenyoukill # AND at least 250% enhanced damage #match:250enhanced #3 all skills amulet with nightmare proc and lightning arena match:3toallskills match:nightmare match:lightningarena #match:enemylightningresistance #match:life # a '-something' in a 'match:' or 'notify:' means the pattern must NOT include that 'something', use it at the beginning of the pattern # 10000 damage will match an adds mm-MMM damage pattern(mm=min MMM=max), the '-' is not seen when reading the text so mm-MMM is seen as mmMMM by the clicker :( # DEFINE FOR WHAT ITEMS TO BE NOTIFIED WHEN DROPPED ################################################### # Multiple 'notify:' lines simply add new patterns (logic OR). Same for multiple patterns defined on a single 'notify:' line. # get notifications for SU, SET, ELEMENTAL RUNES/STONES, UNK SKULLS, KAB STONE, TROPHY, ENCHANTING CRYSTAL and more: notify:sacred(GOLD) amulet(GOLD) ring(GOLD) jewel(GOLD) quiver(GOLD) # SU/SSU/SSSU + jewelry notify:sacred(GREEN) word(GREEN) ring(GREEN) amulet(GREEN) # SETS + yshari set weapon/rings/amulet notify:secretrune(WHITE) stone(RED) unknownskull(RED) natasha # Elemental/kab stones/runes & unkown skull 1/2 #GRs and UMOs always notify notify:trophy(ORANGE) deity cursedcrystal(ORANGE) enchantingcrystal cycle # special drops notify:giftbox(ORANGE) specialbox(ORANGE) characterorb(GOLD) # minor misc drops #signetof brain evileyeofthe dogmaof - don't work bcoz no color #more examples: #notify:-v113 -v112 -v111 -v110 -level -ultimative #ignore map info stuff (you don't want notifications for map version string...) #notify:(GOLD) -gold(GOLD) # for all uniques (quest,charms,jewelry,su,tu...) will notify when minimap is on because of gold map/area names, or when unique monster #notify:1(GOLD) amulet(GOLD) ring(GOLD) jewel(GOLD) quiver(GOLD) #TU, it detects numbers #notify:ring(YELLOW) amulet(YELLOW) jewel(YELLOW) #rare jewelry #notify:greataxe6 greataxesacred #looks for any color great axe that is T6 or Sacred; removing the tier number/sacred from the end will make it look for any great axe #notify:hiddenshrine abandonedshrine shrine sacred(ORANGE) #specific shrine(s) or any shrine, crafted sacred item #notify:rune(MAGENTA) thairune(MAGENTA) firestone(RED) #any rune or specific rune(s)/stone(s) (GRs always notify) #notify:perfect(MAGENTA) diamond(MAGENTA) perfectrainbowstone(MAGENTA) #specific gem kind and/or specific gem quality #notify:arcanecrystal(ORANGE) arcaneshard(ORANGE) #normal misc #notify:prime(RED) blessedcrystal(ORANGE) bookofthewise(ORANGE) bookofultimative(GOLD) mysticshard(GOLD) tokenof(RED) #major misc # you can use GOLD, GREEN, RED, WHITE, YELLOW, BLUE, GREY, ORANGE and MAGENTA to add a unique, set, magic, rare etc condition # example - notification on unique naginatas and unique amulets: 'notify:naginata(GOLD) amulet(GOLD)' # example - notification on any uniques: 'notify:(GOLD)' or simply 'notify:GOLD' # NOTE: you always get notifications (no matter what pattern you define) for: #GRS and UMOS greatrune trinket onsterba eartoffros relicof endlessli marksman soulorb ostmarb eofmal ofdisco olofstar gapea emooncry auriel olitude oundsho allbeari amingspher emoncor ldyssian ofannihil arbring pinstrik rathspir rystalofte therael eriapt odeston explorer rfectsphe # DEFINE WHAT ITEMS ARE DISCARDABLE / GOOD TO DESTROY ##################################################### # Multiple 'discardable:' lines simply add new patterns (logic OR). Same for multiple patterns defined on a single 'discardable:' line. # discard everything white, blue, grey, yellow or rune/gem which isn't a trophy, great rune, elemental/kabraxis stone, elemental rune, unknown skull 1/2: discardable:-trophy -greatrune -stone -secretrune -unknownskull # skip these items -perfect discardable:WHITE BLUE GREY YELLOW MAGENTA # NOTE: the clicker will refuse to destroy (no matter what pattern you define) the following items: #GRS and UMOS greatrune trinket onsterba eartoffros relicof endlessli marksman soulorb ostmarb eofmal ofdisco olofstar gapea emooncry auriel olitude oundsho allbeari amingspher emoncor ldyssian ofannihil arbring pinstrik rathspir rystalofte therael eriapt odeston explorer rfectsphe # GENERAL SETTINGS ################## autocolor:0 # autocolor only tries to detect the normal (blue) text color components autocraft:1 # set to 1 for auto-feeding shrines (levea the right page opened when you craft) autoclick:1 # CTRL + left or right click will start clicking 5 times per second until you press that left/right click again but without CTRL beeps:4 # set 0 to disable beeps, 1 for speaker beeps, 2 for speaker beeps and window title bar flashing, 3 for default windows sounds or 4 for windows sounds and title bar flashing delays:120 # number of milliseconds between clicks, for a high-end computer it can down to about 120; for a slow one it can be up to around 350 notify_delay:250 # number of milliseconds between re-reading the texts on screen (while ALT is pressed) for item notifications # 500 is twice each second, 250 is 4 times each second etc.. # use 'notify_delay:0' to make it only notify you only once, right when you press ALT (it will check¬ify once, every time you press alt) # number of seconds before junk disappears from the ground. disappear_misc:0 # set a non-zero value to tell how many seconds before misc items dissapear from the ground (patch 1.13c required). Use 0 for the default duration or for different d2 patch. disappear_fillers:0 # same for magic (blue) items and socket fillers. # COLOR DEFINITIONS ################### blue_text_RGB: 80, 80, 172 yellow_text_RGB: 216,184,100 shrine_RGB: 244,244,244 occupied_inventory_RGB: 12, 12, 40 # ADITIONAL COLORS FOR NOTIFICATIONS grey_text_RGB: 80, 80, 80 gold_text_RGB: 148, 128, 100 green_text_RGB: 24, 252, 0 #darkgreen_text_RGB: 24, 100, 8 #dogma,eye,signet,brain,honorific; doesn't work correctly, if it's on, it detects darkgreen text, but not green white_text_RGB: 196, 196, 196 red_text_RGB: 176, 68, 52 orange_text_RGB: 208, 132, 32 #crafted item names use this color magenta_text_RGB: 164, 32, 252 #gem names & runes # HOTKEYS CONFIGURATION ####################### addClickHotkey: 187 addShiftClickHotkey: 189 # remember a shift click for attacking while keeping same position deleteClickTargetsHotkey: 8 executeClicksHotkey: 89 testTextRecognitionHotkey: 220 toggleRecordingHotkey: 120 #start/stop recording grabItemHotkey: 86 # 86 = V, press this hotkey while ALT is down and the clicker will grab an item you want from the ground discardGarbageHotKey: 46 # the 'delete' key - will try to grab and transmute every item matched by the 'discardable:' (the catalyst of destruction must already be in your cube) # RECORDER SETTINGS ################### recorderFPS: 25 # how many times/second should a new frame be captured, 25 is optimal but requires good hardware recorderSpeedPercent: 100 # how fast should the recording be, 100 = real time, 200 = double speed, 50 = half speed etc..