# # Web server configuration for LXR server # # $Id: apache-lxrserver.conf,v 1.1 2012/01/29 07:36:40 ajlittoz Exp $ # # Some lines need to be modified to reflect the location of # the LXR root directory. They are marked as follows for manual # change: # ----------------> ** Explanatory text ** # # ================================================= # # ------- URL black magic for multiple trees ------ # # Uncomment for multiple trees operation # ----------------> absolute path to the LXR root directory #=m= AliasMatch ^/lxr/[^/]+/(.*) "/usr/suse/lxr/lxr/$1" # ================================================= # # ------- Simple URL for a single tree ------ # # Uncomment for single tree operation # ----------------> absolute path to the LXR root directory Alias ^/lxr "/usr/suse/lxr/lxr" PerlRequire /usr/suse/lxr/lxr/lxrconf.d/apache2-require.pl # ================================================= # # ----------- Perl security checks ----------- # # If these checks cause trouble (i.e. too many # error or warning messages in Apache's error log), # comment out the lines. PerlSwitches -T PerlTaintCheck On # ================================================= # # ----------- LXR startup configuration ----------- # # This is valid only for Apache 2.x # Apache 1.x requires manual modification of Perl library. # See LXR installation manual # Assume Apache 2.x and above since mod_version appeared in 2.0 # This is safer than using since this tag # causes an error with 1.x # However, when this configuration file is parsed, # mod_perl may not yet be loaded; consequently, the older # directive is used. Happily, it is still recognised by newer # versions of mod_perl. # ----------------> absolute path to the LXR root directory PerlPostConfigRequire /usr/suse/lxr/lxr/lxrconf.d/apache2-require.pl # ----------------> absolute path to the LXR root directory PerlRequire /usr/suse/lxr/lxr/lxrconf.d/apache2-require.pl # ================================================= # # ----------- LXR directory access ----------- # # ----------------> absolute path to the LXR root directory #RR Alias /lxr /usr/suse/lxr/lxr Options FollowSymLinks Options +Indexes #AllowOverride FileInfo Limit Options AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo Limit Options Order allow,deny Allow from all