#!/usr/bin/python3.3 ''' Author: Jupiterlyght Syntax: Python 3.3 Original Filename: cointoss.py Summary: A text-based cointoss program for making decisions and whatnot. Run this in Terminal for now. Might have a better version later. Feel free to report bugs or suggestions at jbr0131@outlook.com ''' import random class cointoss: def __init__(self): options = ["heads", "tails"] bools = [True, False] snarkiness = ["I don't give a fock Mode", "Don't have time for this Mode", "Meh Mode","The idiot who programmed this didn't specifically list my kind of Cointoss Mode Mode"] rSnarky = (random.choice(snarkiness)) result = (random.choice(bools)) print("Precise Cointoss (v 1.0)\n") typeQuery = input("Set Type:\n\nObject Specific = A\nTrue or False = B\nIt Doesn't Matter = C\n\n") if typeQuery == "a": # Object Specific - A or B rootQuery = input("Using Object Specific Mode\nHeads or Tails ") if rootQuery == options[0]: print("You rooted ", options[0]) print("The Result:\n") if result: print("Object X (first object in consideration) is the Victor") else: print("Object Y (second object in consideration) is the Victor") if rootQuery == options[1]: print("You rooted ", options[1]) print("The Result:\n") if not result: print("Object Y (second object in consideration) is the Victor") else: print("Object X (second object in consideration) is the Victor") if typeQuery == "b": # True or False rootQuery = input("Using True or False Mode\nHeads or Tails? ") if rootQuery == options[0]: print("You rooted ", options[0]) print("The Result:\n") if result: print("Heads - True!") else: print("Tails - False!") if rootQuery == options[1]: print("You rooted ", options[1]) print("The Result:\n") if not result: print("Tails - False!") else: print("Heads - True!") if typeQuery == "c": # Doesn't Matter print("Using", rSnarky) rootQuery = input("\nHeads or Tails? ") if rootQuery == options[0]: print("You rooted ", options[0]) print("The Result:\n") if result: print("Heads") else: print("Tails") if rootQuery == options[1]: print("You rooted ", options[1]) print("The Result:\n") if not result: print("Tails") else: print("Heads") cointoss()