Zanzetkuken The Great The Ancoran Tribe RangerCado Orangeworld Rolepgeek Istania Jboy2000000 Boydinia notquitethere Greenland Kashyyk Na Draoithe Ancora The Ancoran Tribe army 44 Magicians (41) The Ancoran Tribe army 51 Magicians (48) Reservists Axemen (11) Axemen (17) Grunwald Those Swift Elms Lancers (34) Outpost of the Flames The Ancoran Tribe army 40 Magicians (37) The Ancoran Tribe army 48 Magicians (45) Verdantia Valcoran Sylvania Dad's Army Pikemen (46) Rag Tag Cavalry Horse Archers (10) Horse Archers (20) New Marston You Didn't See This Coming Lancers (42) Na Draoithe First Guard 1st Archers 2nd Archers 3rd Archers 6th Archers 2nd Swiss Forstis Forstis Garrison 3rd Swiss Na Draoithe army 58 Pikemen (55) Boyd City Greenland army 55 Spearmen (52) Southern Pacification Force The Pikers Na Draoithe Defence League 1st Swiss 5th Archers 4th Archers 1st Axes Riverton Na Draoithe army 57 Bowmen (54) The Inverted Axes Pincushion The Beast of Valcoran Strongarms Utyug Ferma The Wild Rovers Bleeder Spearkbreaker Utyug's Mercy Greenland army 56 Pikemen (53) Istanian National Guard Spearmen (15) Spearmen (27) Spearmen (32) Pikemen (21) Spearmen (33) Orangeworld army 41 Horsemen (38) Istania army 42 Pikemen (39) Bordertown Istania army 54 Battering Ram (51) Rag Tag A Spearmen (6) Bowmen (5) Othertown Destro Telorin Innertown Capitalopolis Istania army 53 Axemen (50) Expansion! Orangeworld army 52 Horsemen (49)