var Q = require('q'), os = require('os'), path = require('path'), _ = require('underscore'), data_path = require('nw.gui').App.dataPath; /** Default settings **/ var Settings = {}; // User interface Settings.language = ''; Settings.translateSynopsis = true; Settings.coversShowRating = true; Settings.watchedCovers = 'fade'; Settings.showAdvancedSettings = false; Settings.postersMinWidth = 134; Settings.postersMaxWidth = 294; Settings.postersMinFontSize = 0.8; Settings.postersMaxFontSize = 1.3; Settings.postersSizeRatio = (196 / 134); Settings.postersWidth = Settings.postersMinWidth; Settings.postersJump = [134, 154, 174, 194, 214, 234, 254, 274, 294]; //Playback Settings.alwaysFullscreen = false; Settings.playNextEpisodeAuto = true; Settings.chosenPlayer = 'local'; // Advanced UI Settings.alwaysOnTop = false; Settings.theme = 'Official_-_Dark_theme'; Settings.ratingStars = true; //trigger on click in details Settings.startScreen = 'Movies'; Settings.lastTab = ''; // Quality Settings.shows_default_quality = '720p'; Settings.movies_default_quality = '1080p'; Settings.moviesShowQuality = false; Settings.movies_quality = 'all'; // Subtitles Settings.subtitle_language = 'none'; Settings.subtitle_size = '28px'; Settings.subtitle_color = '#ffffff'; Settings.subtitle_decoration = 'Outline'; Settings.subtitle_font = 'Arial'; // More options Settings.httpApiPort = 8008; Settings.httpApiUsername = 'popcorn'; Settings.httpApiPassword = 'popcorn'; // Settings.traktToken = ''; Settings.traktTokenRefresh = ''; Settings.traktTokenTTL = ''; Settings.traktTvVersion = '0.0.2'; Settings.traktLastSync = ''; Settings.traktLastActivities = ''; Settings.traktSyncOnStart = true; Settings.traktPlayback = true; // TVShow Time Settings.tvstAccessToken = ''; // Advanced options Settings.connectionLimit = 100; Settings.dhtLimit = 500; Settings.streamPort = 0; // 0 = Random Settings.tmpLocation = path.join(os.tmpDir(), 'Popcorn-Time'); Settings.databaseLocation = path.join(data_path, 'data'); Settings.deleteTmpOnClose = true; Settings.automaticUpdating = true; = true; Settings.minimizeToTray = false; Settings.bigPicture = false; // Features Settings.activateTorrentCollection = true; Settings.activateWatchlist = true; Settings.activateVpn = true; Settings.activateRandomize = true; Settings.onlineSearchEngine = 'KAT'; // Ratio Settings.totalDownloaded = 0; Settings.totalUploaded = 0; // VPN Settings.vpn = false; Settings.vpnUsername = ''; Settings.vpnPassword = ''; Settings.tvAPI = [{ url: '', strictSSL: true }/*, { url: '', strictSSL: true }, { url: '', strictSSL: false }*/]; Settings.ytsAPI = [{ uri: '', strictSSL: false }/*, { uri: '', headers: { 'Host': '', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux) AppleWebkit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) PT/3.8.0' }, strictSSL: true }, { uri: '', headers: { 'Host': '', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux) AppleWebkit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) PT/3.8.0' }, strictSSL: false }*/]; Settings.updateEndpoint = { url: '', index: 0, proxies: [{ url: '', fingerprint: '30:A6:BA:6C:19:A4:D5:C3:5A:E8:F1:56:C6:B4:E1:DC:EF:DD:EC:8C', }, { url: '', fingerprint: '30:A6:BA:6C:19:A4:D5:C3:5A:E8:F1:56:C6:B4:E1:DC:EF:DD:EC:8C' }, { url: '', fingerprint: '30:A6:BA:6C:19:A4:D5:C3:5A:E8:F1:56:C6:B4:E1:DC:EF:DD:EC:8C' }, { url: '', ssl: false, fingerprint: /301/ }] }; // App Settings Settings.version = false; Settings.dbversion = '0.1.0'; Settings.font = 'tahoma'; Settings.defaultWidth = Math.round(window.screen.availWidth * 0.8); Settings.defaultHeight = Math.round(window.screen.availHeight * 0.8); // Miscellaneous Settings.playerSubPosition = '0px'; Settings.playerVolume = '1'; Settings.tv_detail_jump_to = 'next'; var ScreenResolution = { get SD() { return window.screen.width < 1280 || window.screen.height < 720; }, get HD() { return window.screen.width >= 1280 && window.screen.width < 1920 || window.screen.height >= 720 && window.screen.height < 1080; }, get FullHD() { return window.screen.width >= 1920 && window.screen.width < 2000 || window.screen.height >= 1080 && window.screen.height < 1600; }, get UltraHD() { return window.screen.width >= 2000 || window.screen.height >= 1600; }, get QuadHD() { return window.screen.width >= 3000 || window.screen.height >= 1800; }, get Standard() { return window.devicePixelRatio <= 1; }, get Retina() { return window.devicePixelRatio > 1; } }; var AdvSettings = { get: function (variable) { if (typeof Settings[variable] !== 'undefined') { return Settings[variable]; } return false; }, set: function (variable, newValue) { Database.writeSetting({ key: variable, value: newValue }) .then(function () { Settings[variable] = newValue; }); }, setup: function () { AdvSettings.performUpgrade(); return AdvSettings.getHardwareInfo(); }, getHardwareInfo: function () { if (/64/.test(process.arch)) { AdvSettings.set('arch', 'x64'); } else { AdvSettings.set('arch', 'x86'); } switch (process.platform) { case 'darwin': AdvSettings.set('os', 'mac'); break; case 'win32': AdvSettings.set('os', 'windows'); break; case 'linux': AdvSettings.set('os', 'linux'); break; default: AdvSettings.set('os', 'unknown'); break; } return Q(); }, getNextApiEndpoint: function (endpoint) { if (endpoint.index < endpoint.proxies.length - 1) { endpoint.index++; } else { endpoint.index = 0; } endpoint.ssl = undefined; _.extend(endpoint, endpoint.proxies[endpoint.index]); return endpoint; }, checkApiEndpoints: function (endpoints) { return Q.all(, function (endpoint) { return AdvSettings.checkApiEndpoint(endpoint); })); }, checkApiEndpoint: function (endpoint, defer) { if (Settings.automaticUpdating === false) { return; } var tls = require('tls'), http = require('http'), uri = require('url'); defer = defer || Q.defer(); endpoint.ssl = undefined; _.extend(endpoint, endpoint.proxies[endpoint.index]); var url = uri.parse(endpoint.url); win.debug('Checking %s endpoint', url.hostname); if (endpoint.ssl === false) { var timeoutWrapper = function (req) { return function () { win.warn('[%s] Endpoint timed out', url.hostname); req.abort(); tryNextEndpoint(); }; }; var request = http.get({ hostname: url.hostname }, function (res) { res.once('data', function (body) { clearTimeout(timeout); res.removeAllListeners('error'); // Doesn't match the expected response if (!_.isRegExp(endpoint.fingerprint) || !endpoint.fingerprint.test(body.toString('utf8'))) { win.warn('[%s] Endpoint fingerprint %s does not match %s', url.hostname, endpoint.fingerprint, body.toString('utf8')); tryNextEndpoint(); } else { defer.resolve(); } }).once('error', function (e) { win.warn('[%s] Endpoint failed [%s]', url.hostname, e.message); clearTimeout(timeout); tryNextEndpoint(); }); }); var fn = timeoutWrapper(request); var timeout = setTimeout(fn, 5000); } else { tls.connect(443, url.hostname, { servername: url.hostname, rejectUnauthorized: false }, function () { this.setTimeout(0); this.removeAllListeners('error'); if (!this.authorized || this.authorizationError || this.getPeerCertificate().fingerprint !== endpoint.fingerprint) { // "These are not the certificates you're looking for..." // Seems like they even got a certificate signed for us :O win.warn('[%s] Endpoint fingerprint %s does not match %s', url.hostname, endpoint.fingerprint, this.getPeerCertificate().fingerprint); tryNextEndpoint(); } else { defer.resolve(); } this.end(); }).once('error', function (e) { win.warn('[%s] Endpoint failed [%s]', url.hostname, e.message); this.setTimeout(0); tryNextEndpoint(); }).once('timeout', function () { win.warn('[%s] Endpoint timed out', url.hostname); this.removeAllListeners('error'); this.end(); tryNextEndpoint(); }).setTimeout(5000); } function tryNextEndpoint() { if (endpoint.index < endpoint.proxies.length - 1) { endpoint.index++; AdvSettings.checkApiEndpoint(endpoint, defer); } else { endpoint.index = 0; endpoint.ssl = undefined; _.extend(endpoint, endpoint.proxies[endpoint.index]); defer.resolve(); } } return defer.promise; }, performUpgrade: function () { // This gives the official version (the package.json one) gui = require('nw.gui'); var currentVersion = gui.App.manifest.version; if (currentVersion !== AdvSettings.get('version')) { // Nuke the DB if there's a newer version // Todo: Make this nicer so we don't lose all the cached data var cacheDb = openDatabase('cachedb', '', 'Cache database', 50 * 1024 * 1024); cacheDb.transaction(function (tx) { tx.executeSql('DELETE FROM subtitle'); tx.executeSql('DELETE FROM metadata'); }); // Add an upgrade flag window.__isUpgradeInstall = true; } AdvSettings.set('version', currentVersion); AdvSettings.set('releaseName', gui.App.manifest.releaseName); }, };