prontera,150,150,0 script Sample 100,{ if (gettimetick(2) < #timer) { mes .NPC$; mes "Dear " +strcharinfo(0)+ ", you are still a vip. You cannot talk to me until you are a vip"; close; } mes .NPC$; mes "Hello " +strcharinfo(0)+ ", What can i do for you?"; next; if (select("- I want to be a vip:- Nothing") - 1) close; mes .NPC$; mes "Okay then, before you become a vip you need the following : "; mes "- " +.Amount+ "x " +getitemname(.ID); next; mes .NPC$; mes "So what do you want now?"; next; if (select("Yes, i have those requirements:I'll think over it again") - 1) close; mes .NPC$; mes "Let me check your items to ensure that you have my requirements"; next; if (countitem(.ID) < .Amount) { mes .NPC$; mes "Sorry " +strcharinfo(0)+ " seems like you doesn't meet my requirements."; close; } mes .NPC$; mes "Alright then, i will register your account as a vip, You will be kicked afterwards"; set .@timeConverter, .Days * 24 * 60 * 60; query_sql "INSERT INTO `vip` (`account_id`, `time`) VALUES ('"+getcharid(3)+"', '"+.@timeConverter+"')"; delitem .ID, .Amount; set #timer,gettimetick(2) + .@timeConverter; close2; atcommand "@kick " +strcharinfo(0); OnPCLoginEvent: if (gettimetick(2) > #timer) { dispbottom "Your vip account is already expired"; query_sql "DELETE FROM `vip` WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'"; end; } set .@timeInSeconds, #timer - gettimetick(2); set .@daysLeft, .@timeInSeconds/60/60/24; dispbottom "Hello " +strcharinfo(0)+ " your vip account still have " +.@daysLeft+ " days"; end; OnInit: .NPC$ = "[ " +strnpcinfo(1)+ " ]"; .Amount = 5; .ID = 7179; .Days = 30; query_sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vip` (`account_id` INT NOT NULL, `time` INT NOT NULL) ENGINE=MyISAM"; end; }