[14:48:42] <@fluffypony> scheme breaks my brain [14:48:49] <@fluffypony> lisp in general breaks my brain [14:48:50] <@Stalker> lisp isnt so bad [14:49:00] <@Stalker> there is some fucking fancy shit you cand o with it [14:49:06] <@fluffypony> you'll LOVE talking to this one guy on Freenode [14:49:12] <@Stalker> and for business rules, its fucking brilliant [14:49:19] <@fluffypony> http://www.loper-os.org [14:49:20] <+mileybot> Title: Loper OS (at www.loper-os.org) [14:49:36] <@fluffypony> he loves Lisp, the only true language etc. [14:49:57] <@Stalker> Dude, it really is. It has a bad rep for being slow, but again, thats mostly from the 1960's