if TEAM_CHIEF and LocalPlayer():Team() == TEAM_CHIEF and GAMEMODE.Config and GAMEMODE.Config.chiefjailpos or LocalPlayer():Isowner() then CommandButton( s, 'Set Jail Pos', MakeFunction( BuildCommand, 'darkrp jailpos' ) ):Dock( TOP ); CommandButton( s, 'Add Jail Pos', MakeFunction( BuildCommand, 'darkrp addjailpos' ) ):Dock( TOP ); CommandButton( s, 'Give Gun Liscence', MakeFunction( BuildCommand, 'darkrp givelicense' ) ):Dock( TOP ); end end if( TEAM_MAYOR and LocalPlayer():Team() == TEAM_MAYOR )then HeaderLine( s, 'MAYOR', Color( 200, 5, 0 ) ):Dock( TOP ); CommandButton( s, 'Start Lockdown', MakeFunction( BuildCommand, 'darkrp lockdown' ) ):Dock( TOP ); CommandButton( s, 'Stop Lockdown', MakeFunction( BuildCommand, 'darkrp unlockdown' ) ):Dock( TOP ); CommandButton( s, 'Start Lottery', MakeFunction( BuildCommand, 'darkrp lottery' ) ):Dock( TOP ); CommandButton( s, 'Give Gun Liscence', MakeFunction( BuildCommand, 'darkrp givelicense' ) ):Dock( TOP ); CommandButton( s, 'Place Laws', MakeFunction( BuildCommand, 'darkrp placelaws' ) ):Dock( TOP ); CommandButton( s, 'Add a law.', MakeFunction( BuildCommand, 'darkrp addlaw', NewStringQuery( 'Add a law.', 'Enter the law you would like to add.') ) ):Dock( TOP ); CommandButton( s, 'Remove a law.', MakeFunction( BuildCommand, 'darkrp removelaw', NewStringQuery( 'Remove a law.', 'Enter the number of the law to remove.') ) ):Dock( TOP ); end if( LocalPlayer():IsAdmin( ) )then HeaderLine( s, 'ADMIN', Color( 200, 200, 9 ) ):Dock( TOP ); CommandButton( s, 'Set Jail Pos', MakeFunction( BuildCommand, 'darkrp jailpos' ) ):Dock( TOP ); CommandButton( s, 'Add Jail Pos', MakeFunction( BuildCommand, 'darkrp addjailpos' ) ):Dock( TOP );